Breivik Trial Begins

"We're talking about psychosis, and we have found no evidence of it," psychiatrist Asgar Aspaas told reporters after submitting the 310-page report based on weeks of round-the-clock observation.
Aspaas was one of two experts appointed to provide a second opinion after a previous team using different methods found Breivik to be a psychotic who also suffered from paranoid schizophrenia. The initial finding caused a public uproar.
"It's a completely open question now," said Jo Martin Stigen, a University of Oslo law professor. "I don't think we can rule out that he will be considered legally sane in the end."
The dueling psychiatric teams are expected to defend their diagnoses in court, which is unusual in Norway. The final ruling will be made by a five-judge panel as part of its verdict at the end of the trial.
Defense attorney Geir Lippestad told reporters Breivik was satisfied by the new report and that Norwegians should brace themselves for "tough and demanding" testimony by the killer who espouses far-right ideology.
"Not only will he explain (his actions), but he will also say he regrets that he didn't go further," Lippestad said.
"The background for the killings are his paranoid psychotic delusions that he is a participant in a civil war where he is responsible for deciding who lives and dies," the first report said. "His mission is to save the entire western world's culture and genes."Norway killer admits massacre, claims self-defense:
In a letter last week to news media, Breivik called the initial finding of psychosis a "humiliation" and said the experts seemed too traumatized by the killings to be objective.
"I don't recognize Norwegian courts because you get your mandate from the Norwegian political parties who support multiculturalism," Breivik said in his first comments to the court.
"I admit to the acts, but not criminal guilt," he told the court, insisting he had acted in self-defense.
The key issue to be resolved during the 10-week trial is the state of Breivik's mental health, which will decide whether he is sent to prison or into psychiatric care. Anxious to prove he is not insane, Breivik will call right-wing extremists and radical Islamists to testify during the trial, to show that others also share his view of clashing civilizations.
Breivik also announced he doesn't recognize the authority of Judge Wenche Elisabeth Arntzen, because he said she is friends with the sister of former Norwegian Prime Minister and Labor Party leader Gro Harlem Brundtland.
The anti-Muslim militant described himself as a writer, currently working from prison, when asked by the judge for his employment status.
He claims he targeted the government headquarters in Oslo and the youth camp to strike against the left-leaning political forces he blames for allowing immigration in Norway.
Breivik wants to be judged as a sane person and will call radical Islamists, and extremists on the right and left to testify to support "his perception that there is a war going on in Europe," his defense lawyer, Geir Lippestad, told the court. Lippestad said Breivik wants to read a new document he's written at the start of his testimony on Tuesday.Norway killer admits massacre | Photo Gallery - Yahoo! News
While Norway has a legal principle of preventive self-defense, that doesn't apply to Breivik's case, said Jarl Borgvin Doerre, a legal expert who has written a book on the concept. "It is obvious that it has nothing to do with preventive self-defense," Doerre told The Associated Press.
Police sealed off the streets around the Oslo court building, where journalists, survivors and relatives of victims watched the proceedings Monday in a 200-seat courtroom built specifically for this trial.
Thick glass partitions were put up to separate the defendant from victims and their families, many of whom are worried that Breivik will use the trial to promote his extremist political ideology. In a manifesto he published online before the attacks, Breivik wrote that "patriotic resistance fighters" should use trials "as a platform to further our cause."
After he surrendered, Breivik had told investigators he is a resistance fighter in a far-right militant group modeled after the Knights Templar — a Western Christian order that fought during the crusades. Police, however, have found no trace of any organization and say he acted alone.
"In our opinion, such a network does not exist," prosecutor Svein Holden told the court on Monday.
In his manifesto, Breivik described the supposed group's initiation rites, oaths and the "clenched fist salute" that he used in court, symbolizing "strength, honor and defiance against the Marxist tyrants of Europe."
Breivik may indeed suffer "paranoid psychotic delusions", especially concerning the organization he purports to represent. That doesn't mean Norway's indigenous population, and for that matter European populations all over the world, don't face demographic swamping, displacement and dispossession by alien immigrants, muslim and otherwise. Whites who speak out against any of this, never mind resort to violence, are demonized and pathologized just the same.
Speaking of delusions... According to multicultists their genocidal anti-White agenda is both a good thing, something we should all celebrate, and it's not happening, it's just a "psychotic delusion" that only exists in the minds of White "racists". I think they're just lying.
UPDATE 17 April 2012: Excerpts from Breivik’s statement in court April 17, 2012 « Attack On The Labor Party (based on a Google Translate of
A couple of questions that might be most important in our time and that all journalists, academics and politicians should ask about is the following:
Do you think it is undemocratic that the Norwegian people have never been asked through a referendum that was made into a multicultural state?
Is it democratic to do it without asking people about the law?
The second question is the following:
Do you think it is undemocratic that Norway welcomes as many African and Asian immigrants that they risk being made a minority in their own capital?
And then someone will say: No, there is no problem because there are free elections.
But then the next question: Do you believe that free choice is enough, and that the press has an obligation to communicate this to people? When the Norwegians, and Europeans have been displaced steering wheel, among other journalists.
That they will lose their culture, their land and traditions and Christianity. Many have seen on several occasions in Europe that (…) Our opinions are seen as inferior and we are seen as second-class citizens.
As it is now, there is no real democracy in Norway and Europe in the Marxist elite decide. The boycott democracy when they feel like it.
I’ll take an example from Austria a few years ago.
We can not allow a nationalist and cultural radical party takes power because their party is intolerant and inhumane.
National and international news agencies put much pressure on Austria, and called them racists and Nazis.
And the same happened when the Swiss voted against the conditions (…) Again, they spoke of them as intolerant and inhumane.
The same is happening now in Hungary, where the nationalist alliance is a victim of the same. (…) By calling them fascists and intolerant.
Swedish news agencies continue to do the same against Sweden Democrats and the Norwegian media has done the same for 20 years against the Progress Party. Here, too, boycotting the democracy and tries to push the Norwegians and Swedes by calling them racists, cruel and intolerant.
Norwegian and European politicians and journalists should ask themselves this question:
Have the Norwegian press ever driven campaign journalism against the Progress Party before the election? The answer is yes, they have been running a smear campaign against the Progress Party for 20 years and will continue to do so, and the same is in progress throughout Europe.
Norway can be called a democracy for 100 percent of the news agencies supporting multiculturalism and systematic censoring of individuals that support ethnic and cultural protectionism?
The answer is no. Norway can not be called a democracy as long as this systematic censorship is taking place.
More and more kulturkonsevartive realize that the democratic struggle is no point. It is not possible to win when there is no real freedom of speech. When more realize this in the coming decades is a short trip to the weapon.
When a peaceful revolution impossible done, a violent revolution, the only possibility.
All those who advocate multiculturalism and kulturmarxisme should expect to be liable in the future.
It is not difficult to foresee when Europe is controlled by multiculturalists. It is the price we pay.
You try to save your people, when the majority chooses propaganda and say that you are a murderer and terrorist. All this we know in advance, so we do not complain. I wrote in the compendium before the surgery that I would be demonized.
To die as a martyr for his people’s survival is the greatest honor in a man’s life.
This is not only our right but our duty. Knowing that I will not scare imprisoned. I was born in a prison and has lived all his life in a prison, where there has been freedom of speech.
A prison where there is no freedom of speech and where I have been forced to look at, but my ethnicity is being deconstructed by kulturmarxister.
In this prison are not allowed to resist, and it is even expected that I should applaud my people.
In this prison management has decided that if you criticize it is not that good.
Demonized ridiculed. This prison is called Norway. It does not matter if I’m locked in Skøyen or Ila.
This is as urgent matter where you live in Norway, because you’re sitting there with a certainty that the country will eventually be deconstructed to the multicultural hell we call Oslo.
And you sit there with the knowledge that democratic struggle is useless because it is controlled with the use of undemocratic methods. The latest report from Statistics Norway show that immigrants will be in the majority in 2040 is very misleading.
It tells very little about the relationship between ethnic Norwegians and non-Norwegian. The reason the report is worthless is that they have deliberately omitted a number of other immigrant groups.
They have also dropped 3 generation immigrants, illegal immigrants and children where one parent is from another non-Nordic area.
The report was commissioned from the multiculturalists, where they try to hide the fact that ethnic Norwegians will be a minority in Oslo in a few years.
This is going to happen. In addition, statistics from the (…) that 47 percent are born to Norwegian sykeshus non-ethnic Norwegian.
It is today’s Oslo and Oslo in 28 years. SSB should be renamed the Labour Party sentralbyrå.
Many have claimed that ultra-nationalists like me want to build a terrorist regime. It is a mistake. I support the Japanese and South Korean model.
Nothing more, nothing less. Is really Japan and South Korea as terrible regimes?
No, they are not. They are high-tech nations. And saying no to multiculturalism and mass immigration in the 70s. They are living besviser that no to mass immigration is successful.
Discipline, æreskodekser and the pride of their own heritage is essential in Japan and South Korea. Women have a secondary role in the workplace. It is therefore absolutely wrong that people like me would like to introduce a vicious terrorist regime.
Today’s most successful nations are Japan and South Korea, which has used ethnic protectionism.
This model is currently the most perfect of all political models. In Europe, the alliance between Marxists and liberals after World War II, in principle, destroyed Europe.
Ethnic Norwegians, and Europeans have been subjected to cruel acts, since our doors opened for immigration in the 60 – and 70-century.
Since Norwegian and European multiculturalists opened to immigration has poured in about 30 million Muslims into Europe. More than 90,000 of my Norwegian sisters have been raped since 1960 until today.
Against the people’s will. It is primarily Labor held responsible for my brothers and sisters.
More that these have been gang raped. More than 300,000 have been physically and mentally harassed, been beaten and robbed by Muslims since 1950 and 60
Several have committed suicide as a result of these atrocities. Hundreds of Norwegians have been killed by Muslims in recent years, including Martine was killed and raped by a Muslim in England.
All these atrocities are crimes against the Norwegian people and it is the Norwegian Labour Party including the AUF that are responsible for this because they’ve invited them here and continue to invite them here.
As a result, we see that ethnic Norwegians.
(If interrupted by the judge asking him to come to a conclusion)
Sitting Bull is and was a hero who was feireret of America’s indigenous peoples. He fought on behalf of his people against General Custer.
Crazy Horse and Chief Galen were other military leaders of the American indigenous people. Were they terrorists, or were they heroes?
Were they evil or were they heroes?
American history books describe them as heroes, not terrorists. Meanwhile, nationalists in Europe are described as terrorists.
Is not that hypocritical and very racist? An individual or group that fights against foreign colonization is not terrorists as history illustrates.
We are no more terrorists against the native Britons who fought against those who fasciliterte the Roman invasion. Norway has an indigenous population. Are Norway’s indigenous ethnic Norwegians?
Did the indigenous people lived here over the past 12,000 years?
The answer is yes, Norway has an indigenous and ethnic Norwegians are Norway’s indigenous people.
There is no difference between the battle being fought in the Soviet and autonomy in Bolivia, and between struggle for us who are fighting for nationalism in Europe.
In 2009, Parliament decided that the indigenous people in Bolivia should have autonomy if they wanted this. There is no difference between the Norwegian people and the Bolivian indigenous people.
Why be treated Nordic and European indigenous worse than other indigenous peoples. Why is the Norwegian Indigenous activists branded as rasisier and Nazis, while indigenous activists in other parts of the world will support and acceptance?
It is extremely unfair and it is unacceptable. Our ancestors have lived in this country for 12,000 years and we, as Norway’s indigenous people, do not accept that our country is colonized against our will.
We like all other indigenous peoples have special rights in this country, and this is something we will continue to fight for. I know that the information that I represent are difficult to understand. When one is taught to believe otherwise.
It is difficult to fight against the multi-cultural flow when the media pumps out to multicultural propaganda all the time.
Thomas Jefferson said: “Tree of Liberty must be watered from time to time with the blood of tyrants.” When national governments are destructive, the people have the right to abolish them.His conclusion:
It is their duty to overthrow such a government. And then to establish new guards for their future security.
It is 100 percent certain is that there is a war between nationalists and internationalists in Europe. We, the first militant nationalists, the first drops of water that realizes that there will be a big storm.
There will be a gradual escalation and polarization in society and we will see further attacks. The multukuluraismenn government is forced to fight an imagined against us on one side and militant islamsisker on the other side.
My European nationalist brothers and sisters will prevail, which will declare the end of a venstreekstremt board that has lasted since the Axis powers fall.
Multiculturalism is an anti-Norwegian and European anti hatideologi. Multiculturalism is an evil ideology that pushed forward.
We, the indigenous people of Norway, is now in a situation where we are losing our capital and cities. We are about 5-10 years a minority in their own capital.
The political elites in countries stretcher is so brazen that they expect us to applaud deconstruction. And those who did not applaud, are branded as evil racists and Nazis.
This is what is the real madness – they should be subject carried a psychiatric evaluation and labeled as sick, not me.
But the Labour Party’s parliamentary group and all other social democrats in Europe. And why is this the real madness?
This is the real madness because it is not rational to work to deconstruct his own group, their culture, their own religion.
It is not rational to flood his country with the Africans and Asians, so that our culture is lost. This is the real madness. This is the real evil. The universal menneskerettightene allows for the ethnic Norwegians have the right to defense.
Responsible Norwegians and Europeans who feel morally obliged to not see that Norwegians are made to a minority in their own country.
They’re not going to see that we are made to the minority in their own country, we will fight against multiculturalism in the Labour Party and others working towards the same goal.
The attacks were preventatives attacks in defense of the Norwegian culture and my people. I acted with the principle of necessity on behalf of my people, my religion, my ethnicity, my city and my country.
I therefore demand that I be acquitted of these charges.
Labels: anders behring breivik, norway, the multicult
In a letter last week to news media, Breivik [...] said the experts seemed too traumatized by the killings to be objective.
Hahahahaha!!! That's pretty funny.
Breivik's actions were rational.
''People who have called me vicious have missed the difference between brutality and evil.''
He could no more be called evil than US commanders in World War II who dropped the atomic bomb to save lives, killing 300,000 people but with noble motives, he said.
If conservatives such as himself could change policies to prevent immigration ''by executing 70 people, that will contribute to upholding our values and culture and will help prevent civil war in Norway in the future and prevent further people from dying''.
True and rational. Matter of fact, utilitarians like Peter Singer have argued similar points. I'd have to look it up, and will, but Singer uses imaginative scenarios to determine correct action as part of his lectures. Example: if you could go back in time and kill Hitler, thus stopping the development of WWII, should you kill him? Example: If a train is speeding out of control with only the driver on board, and it is heading to a tunnel where 5 children play inside, do you switch the tracks to divert the train onto another track to save the children? Problem, the other track is a dead-end and the driver will die. Doing nothing the driver will live and the children will die?
These are similar scenarios to Breivik's argument about the condition of Europe and his own nation Norway. Breivik's actions then are rational in that he has seen the scenario for what it is. The difference is, he took action.
Europe had not had real democracy since between the two world wars because dissent over multiculturalism was stifled by ''cultural elites'' such as academics, journalists and feminists.
Breivik likened the ''cultural deconstruction'' of the Norwegian people to ''ethnic cleansing''.
Yes, it is ethnic cleansing.
He compared himself to the Native American chief Sitting Bull, saying that he and others like him had fought off foreign invaders and tried to preserve the culture of their peoples: ''Were they terrorists or were they heroes?
Yes, leftists just love native "resistance fighters". Are the "rebels" of Libya evil? No, they were supported by the U.S.A. and both waged war on the Libyan government, killing many innocent people.
Are the "rebels" of Syria right now "evil"? No, they are supported right now by the U.S.A. and are waging war on the Syrian government. Innocent people are being killed. Yet our actions are called moral, good.
What about Iran? The argument is that Ahmadinejad is another Hitler and attacks on Iran must happen, just like that other Hitler Saddam Hussein. As Mark Weber points out in a recent show, the parody of the evil Hitler who must be stopped at all costs is constantly brought out and played to Western people's to justify all sort of slaughter throughout the world. Hitler is the paper fright mask that justifies all bad, in the name of "the Good War." What's the difference?
Answer: Hitler was evil.
He told prosecutors under questioning that a group of militant nationalists he met in 2001 had affected his thinking but that he had little contact with them since then as they decided to operate using one-man cells to avoid detection.
He said he drew his mandate for violent action from international human rights, which gave peoples the right to avoid their own elimination.
He said he had become emotional in court on Monday watching a video he had created because it made him think about how ''my country and my ethnic group, they are dying''.
True. And he feels it. John 15:13
Breivik has told police he committed the killings to defend Norway and Europe against Muslim dominance and pleaded not guilty on the grounds of necessity.
Hi defence argument is good. It makes sense, is rational, and also demonstrates that Breivik too is rational and acted rationally. It won't win the day in court, nothing would win this trial. But one thing is for certain, Breivik is not mad, no more so than anyone else in the mainstream media and politics.
He has seen the situation for what it is, and took action. The difference, the action he chose was motivated by loyalty to his people, whether it was morally right or wrong.
"Breivik was a Zionist agent"
Based on what Breivik wrote, he did not understand the jews. His attitudes toward them, and vice-versa, are examined in some detail in the comments of Norway Attacks - Anders Behring Breivik and Kay on Breivik on "The Jew".
At the moment I don't think Breivik was acting as an agent for any larger organization. I understand him as a Norwegian/Nordic/European patriot who correctly perceived immigration and multiculturalism as harmful to his people. He aimed his attack at members of the treasonous political class (and their children) he deemed most directly responsible.
From the Kay link:
"I notice that the actions of Baruch Goldstein did not deal a fatal blow to Jewish nationalism. They did not deal even a minor blow to it. Israel did not renounce its frankly racist policies in reaction to that atrocity. It might be instructive to ponder the differences and simlarities between that case and this one."
What Pat said...
Yes well said Pat. To paraphrase a comment at OD, in 50 years Norway will either have prominent monuments to Breivik or it will be the coldest third world country on Earth.
Post updated with excerpts of Breivik's court statement.
Re. Singer's analogies here is an example:
The definition of "Negative Responsibility and Diminishing Marginal Utility" is relevant here:
According to utilitarianism, we have an obligation to maximize happiness. It follows that if an action would maximize happiness, and, knowing this, we fail to take that action, then we are morally responsible for our failure to act.
Thus, according to utilitarianism, people are responsible not only for outcomes that they deliberately cause, but also for outcomes that they knowingly fail to prevent (this is sometimes called the “Doctrine of Negative Responsibility”).
Breivik assesses that current Norwegian and European policies are negative, disastrous and the equivalent of genocide of Europeans (traditional sense - White).
Failure to act to halt the process makes him morally culpable. Thus he acts.
Breivik is rational.
The only question is whether his action is justified on the known facts.
Simply, and to put it in current terms, if you could travel back in time to a Nazi rally where all the leaders gathered, would it be morally justified to blow up the rally, even should some innocent people die?
Well, we know the majority answer to that. As stated, the Hitler phantom is evoked in nearly all international action by the U.S.A. to justify their acts. For the greater good, bad things happen. The greater good outweighs the negative.
So, in principle, and by international example, Breivik's actions are rational. Whether they are justified would be to assess the facts.
Didn't someone argue recently, even fictitiously, that to defend Israel then assassinating a US President would be justified?
I agree for 100% with Breivik's motives but disagree for 100% with his means. Terrorism, the murder of teenagers is a crime, period. Multiculturalism was introduced in Norway and other white countries by political means and should be stopped by political means. If Breivik says that there is no real democracy in Norway because resistance against multiculturalism is being demonized in public debate, then he should try to change public debate. That requires a better debating technique, not terrorism. Acts of terrorism will only confirm the idea that anti-multiculturalim is criminal. In short his whole act is not only criminal, it is entirely counter-productive.
Trial coverage at The Guardian.
How true are Breivik's claims? quibbles over a few details. No-go zones? What no-go zones? Oh, thooooose no-go zones.
Breivik's toxic legacy | Aslak Sira Myhre | Comment is free | The Guardian. More honest titles would be "The Multicult's toxic legacy", "Immigration's toxic legacy", or "The jewish narrative's toxic legacy", but none of those would reflect Myhre's sympathies, which lie with anyone but Norwegians or Europeans.
Remorseless and baffling, Breivik's testimony leaves Norway no wiser | World news | The Guardian. Breivik expressed his reasoning in terms that any well-trained White liberal (or White conservative for that matter) should recognize and comprehend. He uses the same rhetoric they themselves use to justify non-White activism: democracy, group identity, indigenous rights. Rather than simply acknowledging their anti-White premises, the big brains play dumb, pretending not to comprehend.
Once again the National Post leads the way in exploring what this all means for the jews.
Anders Breivik may not be mad, but is definitely a failure:
Yes, he’s been given the audience, which is for him a victory of a sort. However, we were then expected under this arrangement to rally around his ugly cause, rather than denounce it. Today the fact that he is a chained man, rather than the hero he clearly wishes to be, is the only consolation in this depressing and disgusting matter. There was a time crusader and bigots of his stamp might actually lead, and how good for us the pseudo-politics of racial hatred and xenophobia are now so widely discredited.
. . .
So if he is mad — and I don’t for a minute think he is — he at least has the lucidity needed to expound at length his thesis. Putting it as plainly as I can, that thesis is as follows. The Christian world is under attack and may only be redeemed through a violent and atavistic effort to repel modernism, as manifested in the twin forces of Bolshevism/Marxism and liberalism. Note that this is the argument which gained an audience in the late Weimar Republic, excepting one important detail: anti-Semitism. Nowhere does Breivik stoop in this manner, and nor does he profess to admire Hitler or the Third Reich. (Mein Kampf comes up, but only to make the point that Goebbels’ propaganda techniques are today being employed by the multiculturalists.) Rather than the familiar scapegoating of the Jews we find instead the Islamic menace, which has the curious effect of aligning this proto-fascist with Israel. Do not be misled however by the character of the creed in this new political sleeping arrangement.
As a parting exercise, I invite you to submit to a thought experiment. Imagine if you will that Breivik’s war does arrive, and in the form for which he has committed mass murder. Whose side will you be on? I myself have no desire to be on either. Precisely the things I detest about jihadism I hate also about Breivik’s holy war and the thinly-veiled authoritarianism of those who have attempted to qualify or explain away his actions. By apologize I refer to those who have publicly denounced his methods only to then say “he has a point.” If you crawl even a bit into his head, you see that you can’t pick and choose so languidly: the disease of his worldview is down to the bone.
Here's a thought experiment. Imagine a regime which isn't hostile to you and your family's best interests. Imagine a regime which doesn't sneer at your concerns - demonizing and pathologizing you for even having such concerns. Imagine a regime which isn't instead most obsessed with serving the best interests of jews and Israel.
Imagine that.
What if Breivik carefully crafted a pro-Zionist image as a cover story?
What if Breivik carefully crafted a pro-Zionist image as a cover story?
As a cover story for killing anti-Zionists?
Look, he killed a bunch of people at an anti-Zionist rally. If it was a pro-multiculturalism rally, that would be a different story - but that's not what happened, is it?
It seems like a lot of you can't deal with basic, obvious facts.
Let's look at it like this. Glenn Beck held a huge rally, with hundreds of thousands of White people in attendance - to honor Martin Luther King Jr. That's clearly more "multiculti" than the Utoya Island gathering in question here.
So let's say someone had dropped a nuclear bomb, killing all those White multicultis at Glenn Beck's rally - that would have been a good thing, right? Serves 'em right, and besides they had a deathwish anyway, right guys?
Leftist anti-zionists are also hostile to White nationalism. This is more significant than what their (or Breivik's) attitude toward jewish nationalism is.
"Look, he killed a bunch of people at an anti-Zionist rally. If it was a pro-multiculturalism rally, that would be a different story - but that's not what happened, is it?"
The basic, obvious fact is that Breivik claims, in his book as well as in court, to have been motivated by an opposition to multiculturalism, specifically out of love for and in an attempt to defend his people. He does not proclaim to be motivated by love for jews or zionism.
Leftist anti-zionists are also hostile to White nationalism.
Breivik is also hostile to White nationalism. His manifesto is pretty emphatic about that point.
This is more significant than what their (or Breivik's) attitude toward jewish nationalism is.
So everyone who's not a White nationalist already should be killed? That's the overwhelming majority of White people.
The basic, obvious fact is that Breivik claims, in his book as well as in court, to have been motivated by an opposition to multiculturalism, specifically out of love for and in an attempt to defend his people. He does not proclaim to be motivated by love for jews or zionism.
Of course he doesn't "proclaim" that. Jews and their useful idiots almost never "proclaim" their true intentions. Fact is, he killed people at an anti-Zionist rally and that reveals his intentions (or those of his handlers) far more than what he "proclaimed". If he had killed people at a pro-multiculturalism rally, then you would have a case.
If someone were to kill you and your family, and then "proclaim" themselves to be motivated by patriotism, does that mean anything?
How about this hypothetical:
The Catholic church is very pro-immigration and pro-multiculturalism. So let's say someone went out and killed 70 or so Irish Catholics, then posted a manifesto on the internet saying he did it to fight multiculturalism. Booyah, right?
Now let's say it turned out that this wasn't even an ordinary church service, but a meeting to discuss divestment from Israel... well, that would clearly be irrelevant and a coincidence because the culprit proclaimed that it was all about fighting multiculturalism.
Breivik strikes me as a deranged idiot. Terrible problems can justify terrible measures. But terrible measures that do nothing to solve the terrible problem (and in fact worsen the problem by galvanizing your enemy with moral fervor) are simply terrible. His failure to discern the invisible hand of jewish interests has served only to strengthen that hand, all so he could satisfy his delusional desire to play the hero.
I join Pat Hannagan in applauding Brievik's actions and the rationality of his words. For too long the Western right-wing has been dominated by cowards of the Franklin Ryckaert variety. Cowards and traitors urging us to solve our problems by 'debate and argument' while our people are being genocided. How have those tactics worked out for us over the past 60 years?
I say NO MORE! What we need is men like Hannagan and Brievik who are not concerned with weak Christian moral argument (ie like Ryckaert). Men whose values are formed by Nietzschean 'whatever needs to be done!' utilitarianism.
Thank you for providing a forum for this vitally important trial Tanstaafl. I can assure you that many nationalist worldwide will be following your blog for the latest updates.
Men whose values are formed by Nietzschean 'whatever needs to be done!' utilitarianism.
Nietzsche was not a utilitarian and abhorred that strand of lazy materialist Anglo-Jewish philosophy.
Isolated acts of violence may be inevitable from resisters of the Judaeo-American regime but without foundation in an organized and popular movement breaking the law is unprofitable. Seventy ethnic Norwegian (is there any other kind of Norwegian?) at an anti-Zionist rally aren't our principal enemies.
Fro The Guardian, on Breivik's tactics:
...he also insisted that his goal (in the short to medium term) was to make pariahs of Europe's nationalists – the very people with whom you might expect him to feel kinship.
"I thought I had to provoke a witchhunt of modern moderately conservative nationalists," he said. Then he claimed that this curious strategy had already borne fruit, citing the example of Norway's prime minister, Jens Stoltenberg, who he said had given a speech since the attacks saying that critics of immigration were wrong.
The effect of this "witchhunt", said Breivik, would be to increase "censorship" of moderately nationalist views, which would "increase polarisation". The effect of this, he said, would eventually lead to "more radicalisation as more will lose hope and lose faith in democracy". Ultimately, he said, these new radicals would join the war he has started to protect the "indigenous people" of Norway and western Europe.
He said this logic was understood by very few, and that he had received letters from Norwegian and European nationalists saying "what are you doing?! We are getting no support as a result of this." He added: "I don't expect anybody to understand this... the only ones who understand this are themselves ultra-nationalists."
"Seventy ethnic Norwegian (is there any other kind of Norwegian?) at an anti-Zionist rally aren't our principal enemies."
Cut off the chickens head , let the monkey watch.
Sajer, you have misread me. I am stating that Breivik is demonstrably rational, and that his arguments are easily adapted to, or from, utilitarian arguments.
I'm not a utilitarian. Peter Singer is.
UPDATE 17 April 2012: Excerpts from Breivik’s statement in court April 17, 2012 « Attack On The Labor Party (based on a Google Translate of
Brevik is quite sane going by his court statement. He makes too much sense to be otherwise.
Brevik said (Goggle translation):
"Norway can be called a democracy for 100 percent of the news agencies supporting multiculturalism and systematic censoring of individuals that support ethnic and cultural protectionism?
The answer is no. Norway can not be called a democracy as long as this systematic censorship is taking place.
More and more kulturkonsevartive realize that the democratic struggle is no point. It is not possible to win when there is no real freedom of speech. When more realize this in the coming decades is a short trip to the weapon.
When a peaceful revolution impossible done, a violent revolution, the only possibility."
So he gave up on any possibility of democratic change since the multiculturalists are fully in control of the mass media and therefore dominate the minds of the masses.
His decision to mass murder the youth of the politicians who have facilitated this ongoing third world takeover of Norway does have a touch of evil genius about it. But I think he would have preferred to have murdered the actual politicians who are responsible, but they were not a viable target given his means.
Its brutality though hardly compares to the slow motion diffuse violence that the multiculturalists inflict upon the native population through the criminality of the people they have taken the decision to invite into Western countries. Brevik's action was a one off, sensational, terrible act of revenge against a rigged system that offers only the destruction of White society and heritage.
That all said, I think his action was in the moral gray zone, despite the dire situation that faces Whites, given the young ages of most of his victims. On the other hand the multicultis don't seem to have any morals at all.
I want to say that I agree with Brevik. We are in a civil war. Unless the Left is stopped, European displacement will continue apace. Multiculturalism is evil and it must be stopped at all costs.
Let's have a look-see what kind of goodies we can find in the Age of Treason archives:
You want to know if those of us who voted for George Bush feel safer. Unlike you I don't claim to speak for anyone but myself. My answer is: hell yes assclown. Certainly safer than Al Gore, John Kerry, or you would have made us. Even after 9/11 none of you would have lifted a finger against the Taliban. None of you would have taken out Saddam and his sons. None of you would have confronted the Jihadi threat. Of course we're safer now that Al Qaeda's Afghani training camps are closed, Saddam's WMD shell games are over, and Jihadis are flocking to paradise by way of Iraq. Of course you would have trouble seeing the value in any of this. You never recognized the threat, or blamed us for creating it ourselves.
Or how about this:
The fact is after 9/11 we had a tough problem: how to draw our enemy out of the shadows that favored them to fight instead where our military might could be brought to bear. There is no good time or place to wage war, but could we have expected anything better than the giant Alpha Whiskey Romeo Iraq has become? Are we not still busy issuing one way tickets to paradise? The enemy is where we want him and he's losing. Which understandably flummoxes those whose twisted worldview figures the US as supervillain. "The bad guys can't win! They must therefore immediately surrender and withdraw!" Riiiiight. Sounds like we're doing just fine.
So in seven years, you've gone from making nationalistic excuses for killing anti-Zionist Muslims, to making nationalistic excuses for killing anti-Zionist Whites. Good job. That's some real progress.
I suppose in seven more years, you'll kick yourself for being so naive as to support Breivik, while supporting whatever slaughter of the jews' enemies is going on at that time - all under the pretense that it's good for Whites.
Anonymous said...
Let's have a look-see what kind of goodies we can find in the Age of Treason archives:
So in seven years, you've gone from making nationalistic excuses for killing anti-Zionist Muslims, to making nationalistic excuses for killing anti-Zionist Whites. Good job.
That's some real progress. I suppose in seven more years, you'll kick yourself for being so naive as to support Breivik, while supporting whatever slaughter of the jews' enemies is going on at that time - all under the pretense that it's good for Whites.
4/18/2012 05:30:00 AM
Anon, you are trying to poison the well, a typical jewish thing, apparently.
In fact, the Utoya massacre was in some ways kind of like a mini-WWII: some White people were getting uppity and challenging their jewish masters, the jews decided to teach them a lesson, and naturally they put a patriotic face on it. It worked as well in 2011 as it did in 1945, apparently. Glenn Beck even specifically compared the anti-Zionists Breivik killed to "Hitler youth", which undoubtedly sold his "patriotic" fans on the merits of the act.
Just because someone is "anti-Zionist" doesn't mean they are pro-White or on our side.
In Oz, the Greens party is very much anti-Israel and also anti-White. The two are compatible positions.
Leftists are one world government types opposed to all nationalism, excepting designated ethnic victim groups. In that case, people like the Palestinians for instance, are used to counter and undermine nations.
The Utoya victims sound very similar to our Labor/Greens coalition youth parties. They are pro-non-White immigration, anti-Nationalist, antifa, with a fair undercurrent of anti-Israelism.
The anti-Israel movement has been suppressed internally of late, after pressure from government, Jewish groups and the Murdoch press.
Anonymous 1:33 AM
"Seventy ethnic Norwegian (is there any other kind of Norwegian?)"
Yes, there are plenty of 'Norwegians' that are not ethnic Norwegians as a result of enforced immigration. 3rd world immigrants and Norwegian jews are not ethnic Norwegians. Indigenous and/or ethnic Norwegians refers to the white Christian Norwegian people.
The anti-zionist/anti-Israel/pro-Palestine movement and it's leadership is full of fake anti-zionist jews. For reference see Gilad Atzman's blog which exposes the controlled-opposition actions of anti-zionist jews in Britain.
To me it's not credible that Brevik knew about culturalmarxism but not Jews who were it's creators and are it's main proponents.
Two possibilities:
1. Norway's Jewish controlled Labor Party itself carried out the massacre of dozens of young anti-zionists to rid itself of potential anti-zionist leaders. Only party insiders would know which ones to shoot. Were any Jews killed on Utoyo? There should have been lots of Jews killed since Utoyo was the usual (or so we've been told) meeting and training site for the future leaders of the liberal party. In this scenario Brevik is working with the Jewish Labor Party and possibly a jew himself. The trial is for show and his court testimony possibly another copy and paste provided by fjordman.
2. Another possibility is Brevik is well aware of the Jewish domination Europe, Norway, and the Labor Party and his goal was to kill jewish officials in Oslo and the jewish children of Labor party movers and shakers on Utoyo.
Third possibility is the whole thing was staged under the cover of a terrorism drill. The anti-zionist rally was part of the drill and no one was gunned down on Utoyo. Fake victims (vicsims) were created by persona creating software, complete with photoshopped pictures, facebook pages, internet memorials, and actors to play the role of grieving family and friends. I recall reading there were police drills in Oslo and Utoyo prior to the attacks just as there were drills on 911 and London 7/7. bombing.
Just because someone is "anti-Zionist" doesn't mean they are pro-White or on our side.
In Oz, the Greens party is very much anti-Israel and also anti-White. The two are compatible positions.
Okay Pat, well in this case I would like to specifically ask you to respond to the hypothetical I posed above:
The Catholic church is very pro-immigration and pro-multiculturalism. So let's say someone went out and killed 70 or so Irish Catholics, then posted a manifesto on the internet saying he did it to fight multiculturalism. Booyah, right?
Now let's say it turned out that this wasn't even an ordinary church service, but a meeting to discuss divestment from Israel... well, that would clearly be irrelevant and a coincidence because the culprit proclaimed that it was all about fighting multiculturalism.
Clearly we have to kill the anti-White, pro-multiculturalist Catholic enemy, right Pat?
Fact is, he killed people at an anti-Zionist rally and that reveals his intentions (or those of his handlers) far more than what he "proclaimed". If he had killed people at a pro-multiculturalism rally, then you would have a case.
The rally at Utoya was of "the Workers' Youth League, or AUF" (Source:
Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, himself a former AUF leader and Labour Party leader since 2002, was supposed to have attended the gathering in Utoya Saturday -- and had been to the island every summer since 1974.
"This is a place where I spent a lot of time as a young person, where I was politically active, where I started out on a political career. We have to regain this. Nobody's going to take this away from us."
The Workers' Youth League (source:"...took its current form in April 1927, following the merger of Left Communist Youth League and Socialist Youth League of Norway corresponding with the merger of its mother parties[2], but considers the formation of the predecessor, the 1903 Norwegian Social-Democratic Youth League as the date of its founding. Its ideology is social democracy and democratic socialism."
Social Democracy: "Contemporary social democracy advocates freedom from discrimination based on differences of: ability/disability, age, class, ethnicity, gender, language, race, religion, and sexual orientation.[4] Most social democratic parties are affiliated with the Socialist International.[5]"
Basically, the Workers' Youth League is the breeding ground for international communists.
Whether they were protesting Israel or Zionism is irrelevant. These are the people Orwell described: "If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever."
Except their target face is that of White people.
Anon, your Catholic Church analogy may be an accurate description of what the real motivation was. I don't know. Like you I'm not privy to all the facts.
Utoya may well have been Israel putting the hard word on the leftists to say, "you can keep up the non-White immigration but don't touch Israel." Yes, if that were the case, like your Catholic Church analogy, that certainly paints a different picture.
Yet, I cannot afford to have sympathy for these leftists. They are destroying us, every bit as much as the Jews and neocons.
I simply make the point, as initially given, that the argument from Breivik so far for his actions very much accords with every international action since 911, and before.
The enemy of my enemy in this case, is not my friend. The Worker's Youth League sound like a right bunch of treasonous pricks.
Breivik: "“I consider 21 years of prison as a pathetic punishment.”
Breivik: "There are only two just and fair outcomes of this case. One is an acquittal, the other is capital punishment."
Dyspeptic Anon's analogies are good thought experiments, but overall specious. Hard-core leftists are enemies in ways that misguided Catholics or Glen Beck fans are not. He's doing too much lawyering and not enough trying to get at the real truth of the situation.
Something about this Breivik business doesn't sit right with me. Skimming though his court testimony just now (even through the google translate filter), it seems to me that someone who understands his nation's predicament so lucidly should be able to put 2 and 2 together regarding jewish interests, and moreover, that someone eager to sacrifice his life for a cause should be able to come up with a more effective strategy than playing a first person shooter video game against his countrymen in a way that hamstrings his sympathizers.
Hard-core leftists are enemies in ways that misguided Catholics or Glen Beck fans are not.
Nice qualifiers. How about hardcore Catholics and Glenn Beck fans compared with misguided leftists?
He's doing too much lawyering and not enough trying to get at the real truth of the situation.
Truth of the situation: attack is a message to "elite" Norwegians to stop opposing Israel. Cover story is crafted in such a way as to further divide the two groups most likely to oppose the jews: leftists and nationalists.
Breivik clearly had considerably help in both planning and execution. The only question is whether his involvement is due to brainwashing, stupidity, narcissism, acting, or what.
How about hardcore Catholics and Glenn Beck fans compared with misguided leftists?
I know many misguided White leftists, and I agree that we should be careful before we stigmatize them and declare them enemies, since in many cases their minds have been parasitized and their altruistic instincts commandeered. But I have also met what Pat calls "The Worker's Youth League ... a right bunch of treasonous pricks" who are enemies plain and simple. Do you have any evidence, apart from their anti-zionism, that Breivik's victim's were not of the latter category?
Truth of the situation: attack is a message to "elite" Norwegians to stop opposing Israel.
That's certainly possible, although it seems you are asserting a speculative opinion as fact, and doing so in an annoyingly disrespectful way to the proprietor (and commentators) of this website.
Do you have any evidence, apart from their anti-zionism, that Breivik's victim's were not of the latter category?
Do you have any evidence that they were in the former category? The main thing we know about these people is that they were protesting Israel. The most salient feature of this event is that an anti-Israel event got shot up, most of the rest is speculation or obfuscation.
That's certainly possible, although it seems you are asserting a speculative opinion as fact, and doing so in an annoyingly disrespectful way to the proprietor (and commentators) of this website.
This issue is important and it's clear that politeness isn't going to get the point across. In any case I think I am pretty much done.
Just been skimming through Breivik's manifesto, word search "Jew", and the vast bulk of the 1518 pages are anti-Islamic, pro-White.
There is some stuff about allying with nationalist Jews, as well as Hindus and etc, since he sees an affinity with other nationalists.
Overall, the #1 focus is on the Islamic threat to European people and civilisation. What he calls "cultural-Marxists" he correctly, in my opinion, identifies as the enablers of White dispossession, and ultimately genocide.
This was interesting though, and he'd do well to bring it up in court, even though his interpretation of history is wrong. It would certainly throw the media in a spin of confusion. He also uses the analogy I made above:
The great Satan, his cult and the Jews
Whenever someone asks if I am a national socialist I am deeply offended. If there is one historical figure and past Germanic leader I hate it is Adolf Hitler. If I could travel in a time-machine to Berlin in 1933, I would be the first person to go – with the purpose of killing him. Why? No person has ever committed a more horrible crime against his tribe
than Hitler. Because of him, the Germanic tribes are dying and MAY be completely wiped out unless we manage to win within 20-70 years. Thanks to his insane campaign and the subsequent genocide of the 6 million Jews, multiculturalism, the anti-European hate ideology was created. Multiculturalism would have never been implemented in Europe if it
hadn’t been for NSDAPs reckless and unforgivable actions. Eastern Europe would have remained free, the US and Russia would never have risen up as super-powers. The balance of power would have remained in Europe. And it would be a beautiful Europe with beautiful cultural conservative policies – very similar to the ones you now find in Japan and South Korea. Hitler almost destroyed everything with his reckless and unforgivable actions and he will forever be known as a traitor to the Nordic-Germanic tribes.
So, I am really speechless when I see the cult calling themselves national socialists today. If you truly love our tribe, the Nordic tribes or any other European tribe, you must
learn and acknowledge that Hitler is a traitor to the Germanic and all European tribes, NOT a hero. Hitler had the military capabilities necessary to liberate Jerusalem and the nearby provinces from Islamic occupation. p1163
Just think, if the Jews and cultural-Marxists hadn't criminalised history, and made a new religion in Holocaustianity, their bloodshed would have been avoided.
Life is rather perverse at times.
A second question is whether Israel should write Norway off as a state where currently many hostile hypocrites are in positions of power, who should be left alone. Should one let them get away with their bias, arrogance, humanitarian racism, and false feelings of moral superiority? The argument is often: “What does it help us that we tell Norwegians that Israel has for decades survived challenges that Norway probably would have had great difficulty overcoming if it had to face them? Many Norwegians also think they are charitable people who show solidarity with the weak. They also, however, close their eyes to their misdeeds even if these include incitement to genocide, murder, or other crimes.
My answer is that one should not leave these matters alone. The first reason is that if one does not fight such problems as there are in Norway, they tend to get worse. The second is that exposing and shaming the anti-Israeli hypocrites among the Norwegian elite is not all that difficult, the more so if it receives substantial attention internationally.
A third reason is that it is important to document the statements of those prominent Norwegians who take one-sided positions on the Israel-Palestinian conflict, including closing their eyes to Palestinian expressions of genocidal incitement and education of children to murder. One day in the future, a publication of all these infamous statements under their name will publicly shame all of them. One recent such perpetrator was Roar Flåthens, leader of the large trade union LO (Landesorganisasjonen I Norge) in his speech on the occasion of 1 May in Bergen. He attacked only one country there-Israel.[128]
From 2009 -
After the 2011 elections:
Clearly, the jewish puppeteers wanted to draw attention to Norwegian anti-semitism by having anti-zionists slaughtered to promote more anti-semitism & anti-zionism.
There's no such thing as bad press?
Regarding whether Breivik is a nationalist, the top story on the Breivik page at The Guardian is Anders Behring Breivik attacks inspired by Serbian nationalists, court hears:
"As regards the identity [of KT]," he said on Wednesday, "the essence was to try to distance oneself sufficiently from national socialism because it was quite blood-stained. We felt it completely essential to do so. For the extreme right to be ever be able to prevail in Europe in the future, one had to distance oneself from the old school ideology. One would chose a new identity."
He added that this identity "was, in a way, imported from Serbia". The Serbs who fought and died during the Nato bombing of Kosovo in 1999 had a "crusader" mentality to which he aspired, he said.
Questioned about his path to radicalisation, Breivik said the bombing of Serbs was "the straw that broke the camel's back" for militant nationalists like himself.
Regarding US military motives in bombing Serbia, A Modest Proposal | The Occidental Quarterly, by Sam Dickson:
I am sure many of you remember the horrifying statement made by the American general Wesley Clark, in the course of our attack upon Serbia, a nation that has never done us any harm. Clark stated on CNN on April 24, 1999: ”Let’s not forget what the origin of the problem is. There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states. That’s a nineteenth-century idea, and we are trying to transition into the twenty-first century, and we are going to do it with multi-ethnic states.”
This is the policy of our American government. And, like me, I’m sure it makes you ashamed to be an American.
I am sure many of you remember the horrifying statement made by the American general Wesley Clark, in the course of our attack upon Serbia, a nation that has never done us any harm. Clark stated on CNN on April 24, 1999: ”Let’s not forget what the origin of the problem is. There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states. That’s a nineteenth-century idea, and we are trying to transition into the twenty-first century, and we are going to do it with multi-ethnic states.”
This is the policy of our American government. And, like me, I’m sure it makes you ashamed to be an American.
Surprise, surprise... The general who made the horrifying statment is a member of the Tribe. Schocking!
The Serbia Standard and other aspects of what Breivik calls "the Vienna school" were discussed in White Nationalism and the Counter-Jihad.
Anonymous 4/18/2012 06:38:00 AM - I totally agree with you. Whites vs Muslims or Whites vs Blacks/Mestizo etc. means jews sell guns to both sides...think Marc Rich the jew selling guns to Iran. (By the way Eric Holder encouraged Clinton to pardon Rich...and now he's Attorny General
More feigned lack of comprehension in the Guardian, Anders Behring Breivik reflects changing face of modern far right | Nick Lowles:
"Anders Behring Breivik has no coherent ideology. Instead he appears to have picked bits of numerous rightwing philosophical strands and attempted to weave them together and present them as his own.
Breivik comes from a culturally conservative Christian background, and this has shaped much of his political outlook. Into this he has incorporated more traditional nationalist and racist ideologies and adopted the politics and language of the "counter-Jihad" movement which believes Islam is a major threat to western civilisation."
Nick Lowles is director of Hope Not Hate.
What is the HOPE not hate campaign?
"Celebrating Britain's diverse society"
"At HOPE not hate we want to make sure that people know the full story about who the BNP and EDL are and what they really stand for. The HOPE not hate website aims to do just that, serving the anti-racist and anti-fascist movement and providing up to date news, good practice and analysis."
Hope Not Hate uses orwellian happy-talk in the hope nobody will notice their hate is directed entirely at Whites.
Breivik attacked the camp because they were not because they were anti-Zionist. Anyone trying to paint it as an attack on anti-Zionists is at best ill-informed or at worst an agent of disinformation.
Pat Hannagan: I'm not utilitarian either, wink, wink, nudge, nudge, smiley face!
"Anders Behring Breivik has no coherent ideology."
except for the culturally, conservative, Christian, nationalist, racist ideology, no?
ohhh.... now I see their point.
BBC News - Anders Behring Breivik wants acquittal or death penalty:
Answering questions from a judge he described himself as an "anti-Nazi".
"A National Socialist would say, 'Norway for the Norwegians'. I am more liberal, I would accept 2% perhaps (of the population not being ethnically Norwegian)."
But, but, that's incoherent crazy talk! Every good liberal knows that anyone who wants to restrict immigration in any way whatsoever is a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews!
The BBC's Steve Rosenberg, in Oslo, says a contradictory picture of Breivik is emerging - a man who hates Muslims, but admired Osama Bin Laden and al-Qaeda.
Our correspondent says Breivik sees himself as a great Crusader, when in fact he was a high school drop out, a failed businessman and an addict of computer war games.
The article provides no quotes from Breivik regarding OBL/AQ. The "contradictory picture" is a deliberate product of the judaized media.
From The Telegraph:
"His aim was to create an "al-Qaeda for Christian Nationalists in Europe". He said that he admired bin Laden's terrorist movement for its "brutal methods". There were no successful role models in militant nationalism, so they had to find their inspirational figures from "the militant Islamic side"."
I don't see this as contradictory. You can oppose group but admire it's methods. Very annoying that we are having rely on translations from Norwegian to English. The Cultural Marxists can twist his words however they like.
Tanstaafl are you suggesting in one of your comments that Breivik has changed from cultural conservative to ultra-nationalist since attack?
Jew's at Washington Post make the link between Breivik and Le Pen:
Note anti-nationalist headline.
Breivik's ideology is all too familiar: that's our big problem | Suzanne Moore | Comment is free | The Guardian:
Breivik's ideology may be difficult to listen to, but not because it is incoherent. Precisely the opposite: it is familiar. This is a problem for all of us, right or left. I wish I lived in a world where I didn't have to hear gross generalisations about Islam and creeping sharia or see an increase in antisemitism, hear fantasies about feminism going too far, and where people didn't feel their own culture to be "swamped".
The "left" feigns incomprehension because they don't at all sympathize with indigenous Whites. Moore feigns comprehension which is in turn based on a feigned sympathy for indigenous Whites.
Breivik's fear of being taken over was out of all proportion, obviously, but how are people to express their fear of change? Is voicing concerns about the modern world not part of multicultural discourse?
For to express such a fear is to be labelled racist, uptight, intolerant. Parts of the left are still arguing for a multiculturalism that superficially placates but never involves deep and actual change. Breivik's "crusade" meant murdering children yet he still sees himself as a victim. He is indeed part of the modern world, after all, where the language of victimhood is paramount.
The supreme importance of "the language of victimhood" is a consequence of the predominance of the jewish narrative.
Thus the judeo-liberal short-circuit: But, but, Whites can't be victims, that's just crazy talk!
Example: if you could go back in time and kill Hitler
Right. This is the leftoids' fave. But they're only justifying pre-emptive killings, so maybe they haven't thought things through...
I just watched an episode of DS9 where Kira, a former terrorist/insurgent, has to instruct her former oppressors, the Cardassians, in how to run a resistance. The Cardassians are rebels who have decided to resist the Dominion, a coalition that includes the Cardassian Empire. They're selecting targets, and the Cardassians object to the first choice because it's garrissoned by fellow Cardassians. Kira makes it clear that those Cardassians are the enemy, because they're collaborators. She says words to the effect of, "anybody who isn't on our side is the enemy."
Precisely. Being White doesn't get anyone a pass. In fact, being White and being against us makes them the primary enemy; if we can't get our own house in order, how are we supposed to fight external enemies?
DS9 had a lot of faults, but I find the writing remarkably clear-headed at times. And often, it seems intentionally subversive.
Yes, he’s been given the audience, which is for him a victory of a sort. However, we were then expected under this arrangement to rally around his ugly cause, rather than denounce it.
Wrong. You are supposed to wet your pants, the way you do in the face of Muslims. Mission accomplished, at least, to the extent anyone can expect one man to get the job done.
Violence works.
Anon, you are trying to poison the well, a typical jewish thing, apparently.
Yes, it's pretty obvious what he's up to. Who goes back 7 years to find quotes? Like there's anything wrong with progression of beliefs?
It's a strange line of attack, in any case. Zionism/anti-Zionism is not my litmus test, because I'm not a Jew. If someone is anti-White, I couldn't give less of a shit about his position on Israel. LOL. Like their being anti-Zionist gets them off the hook for being anti-White. The very idea is laughable.
Gates of Vienna: Breivik in Brief:
"Below is a concise summary of the trial of Anders Behring Breivik:
[Picture of Breivik in court with the caption: This is the happiest day of my life]
It’s all you need to know, really. The rest is simply excess verbiage."
That's right. GoV isn't interested in defending their counter-jihadist ideas. Boo hoo, poor them.
Anon comments:
"Can we shutdown the de-balled GoV please?"
Wrong. You are supposed to wet your pants, the way you do in the face of Muslims. Mission accomplished, at least, to the extent anyone can expect one man to get the job done.
Violence works.
Do you really think so in this case? Perhaps a Norwegian reader can help out, but does anyone have any reports or evidence what effect Breivik's actions have had on public policy/discussion and culture in Norway and what effect they may have from here? (As far as the rest of the world is concerned, he's only become another arrow in the quiver of the lefty elite, right next to Tim McVeigh.)
Scott, in Brievik's own words:
"I thought I had to provoke a witchhunt of modern moderately conservative nationalists."
Yes this has been successful with the attacks on the Norwegian Prime Minister.
I have now read a lot of Brievik's words and consider him to be a political genius. The left are now jailing people for uttering 'racist' remarks. We should cheer this on because with every person they jail is another propaganda victory for us. Brievik knew that buy attacking the children of the left elites we would see further crackdowns on the right.
re Brievik and the Jews. He seem to approach the eternal question from a practical viewpoint. Possibly he just views the anti-jihadists as useful idiots in the war against cultural marxism and multiculturalism. If he had written anything anti-semetic in his manifesto you don't have to be Tanstaafl to work out what narrative would have dominated in the media after the attacks.
Brievik deserves our full support. We shouldn't run from him like the cowards at GoV.
Yes, it's pretty obvious what he's up to. Who goes back 7 years to find quotes? Like there's anything wrong with progression of beliefs?
Well, evidently there's something very wrong with progression of beliefs for the people on Utoya. They're 18 and they're not White nationalists. KILL 'EM!!!!
"Well, evidently there's something very wrong with progression of beliefs for the people on Utoya. They're 18 and they're not White nationalists. KILL 'EM!!!!"
You're either a troll or you're a damned fool. The Utoya incident was a political aktion undertaken in self-defense. Those who lost there lives were collateral damage. That they were Cultural Marxist and the future left elites was an added bonus.
'We can all agree he didn't kill jews. That would have been ideal from our perspective.'
Ridiculous comment. Kill Jews and the whole thing is derided as a 'anti-semetic hate crime', and forgotten in months by most of the population.
Breivik targeted the children of the left elite in order to provoke a reaction, scare the shit out of them and draw attention to the ideas contained in his manifesto. Really a spectacular success.
Interestingly he also said the national journalist association conference would have made a good target. Food for thought I guess.
Hilarious thread on Yahoo News:
Luton hits back at 'nutter' Breivik
At this moment there 1450 comments (including mine) and roughly speaking 1450 of them endorse Breivik's comments regarding the state of Luton.
Air-headed White liberal: You shouldn't judge me, like how I try not to judge you.
Muslim: I am judging you.
"Tanstaafl are you suggesting in one of your comments that Breivik has changed from cultural conservative to ultra-nationalist since attack?"
He describes himself as an ultra-nationalist in court. He uses the term in his book, but not to describe himself. I only speculate that his understanding has progressed over time based on my own experience. I don't know when he came to think what.
Fjordman, writing the week before the trial, Gates of Vienna: Breivik the Narcissist:
That’s what this is really about: Making the entire world talk about Breivik. The manifesto itself is just an excuse for his narcissism, and the terror attacks a vehicle to achieve fame and notoriety. He wants to become known and attract attention, and committed an act so spectacular and shocking as to ensure that goal.
Breivik is a rebel without a cause, or perhaps we could say a rebel searching for a cause to hide behind. Yet the cause he champions is mainly himself, his vanity and his grossly inflated ego; everything else is secondary.
. . .
This is deeply regrettable. It is not just that I dislike being dragged into this personally, but this process also risks becoming an additional national trauma on top of the one that this tiny nation has already suffered, and will inflict new wounds instead of healing old ones.
What is most disheartening, however, is that Anders Behring Breivik probably did all of this to gain personal attention, which he will now get in spades. He will be at the center of attention and the name on everybody’s lips, a dream come true for a narcissist.
Anders Behring Breivik reflects changing face of modern far right | Nick Lowles:
Of Breivik's 1,500-page manifesto, 375 pages were comprised of quotes from other people. Of these, half were from just one man, Peder Nøstvold Jensen, better known by his blogging name Fjordman. Jensen is one of the most important figures in the "counter-Jihad" movement.
What this is really about is that Breivik takes Fjordman's thoughts and beliefs more seriously than Fjordman does. Breivik insisted on presenting his beliefs in court, overcoming resistance from the judge. Meanwhile poor, poor Fjordman is disheartened. He may have to search for another cause to hide behind, something else to write flowery essays about. And darn all that attention Breivik is getting. Life is just sooo unfair.
'And darn all that attention Breivik is getting. Life is just sooo unfair.'
lol! Exactly.
Actually, the funny thing is that Fjordman is the real narcissist. His status as the super-star of the "Counter-jihad" is more precious to him than the challenge to face the consequences and outcome of his writing in real life. When the rivers of blood will start to flow in Europe, he will still remain in the hiding, while people like Breivik will carry the burden of the fight.
I dunno, I still suspect this guy's a Norwegian Tim McVeigh, who will end up having the same negative effect on his cause (albeit a cause that he appears to have refined in court compared to what I recall of his confused manifesto). But since I haven't followed it closely and know next to nothing about Norway, I'll defer to the hope of the more hopeful here.
this process also risks becoming an additional national trauma on top of the one that this tiny nation has already suffered
Fjordman not only looks like a jew, he writes like one too.
a rebel searching for a cause to hide behind
"Hide behind"? Hide from what? Careful Fjordman, keep betraying your obsessions and soon even the dullards at GoV will be on to you.
SCOTT: "...albeit a cause that he appears to have refined in court compared to what I recall of his confused manifesto"
TANSTAAFL: "I only speculate that his understanding has progressed over time based on my own experience. I don't know when he came to think what."
Both these points are very interesting. Should be fascinating to watch the trial play out to see if we can gleam further information. I just wish the English language MSM would print larger quotes of Brievik's as opposed to their own paraphrased summations.
Do you really think so in this case? Perhaps a Norwegian reader can help out, but does anyone have any reports or evidence what effect Breivik's actions have had on public policy/discussion and culture in Norway and what effect they may have from here?
The effect is that there is a "discussion". Right now in order to present their side, the leftists are forced to report, at least partially, the other side.
That is quite a change from their normal soapbox/monologue model.
Anti-zionist leftists are even worse. They've gone full universal (full retard). They've gone to the logical conclusion of their beliefs and there's no cognitive dissonance to attack.
They're brain dead. No loss if their body follows.
And 80 leftist up and comers and their mentors biting it in a country of 4.5 million is nothing to sneeze at.
It's a tiny percentage that become hardcore politically active like that. That's not easy to replace.
Those dead leftists can't lead protests, can't get professorships, can't become legislators, etc., ever again. That's a good thing.
Highlights of The Guardian's summary of 19 April court proceedings, mostly based on enemy twits.
10.18am: Violence is just a mean for political changes. I tried the democratic way. Journlists not helpful. Violent revolution only way out.
10.36am: 10.36am: Breivik says that, unlike other groups, he thought it was better to attack the political elite rather than Muslims because "it's not the fault of the Muslims that they have been invited here."
11.46am: Breivik had told the court that he was planning to attack the high-rise Aftenposten building containing the liberal journalists he sees as representatives of the "cultural marxists" he so despises. But he abandoned the plan after reasoning that too many "innocent civilians" would be killed.
. . .
Breivik said another organisation he wanted to target was Dagsavisen, a daily newspaper which used to be owned by the Labour party in Norway. But "the most attractive target in all of Norway" would be to hit the NRK, the Norwegian national broadcaster, he said.
12.31pm: Breivik has described al-Qaida as "methodological role models", adding that he learned a lot from them. What he is describing now sounds eerily similar to their methods, as he says he planned to film a decapitation of the former prime minister Harlem Brundtland, who was on Utøya island.
12.44pm: Breivik: "I am not a child murderer. I believe all political activists who choose to fight for multiculturalism... are legitimate targets."
12.47pm: "I think it is awful that one has to do something like this to convey a message" - then he blames the media and the politicians.
1.03pm: I generally steer clear of personal observations. However. That. Was disturbing.
1.39pm: Breivik says he bought "biological weapons" to attack the Norwegian Labour party's national congress, including 99% pure nicotine.
2.28pm: The goal with bomb in government quarter was to kill the entire government - including PM.
2.32pm: When Nato drops bombs in libya or other locations they calculate on less than 10% civilian casualties; ...that was my aim too.
. . .
Journalist, academics and politicians who actively work for multiculturalism are who I consider legitimate targets.
2.48pm: With Breivik pleading that he is tired, the court is adjourned for the day. I'll post a summary of today's proceedings shortly.
No doubt multicultists are disturbed by this. They see genocidal levels of immigration, transfers of wealth, and forced integration as something to celebrate, at least when Whites are the target. They aren't disturbed about the thousands of Whites raped and murdered as a consequence of the policies they support. They blame everything on anyone who opposes them. The idea that the "far-right" can be held accountable for their beliefs is a foregone conclusion. The idea that anyone could hold them accountable for the consequences of their beliefs is incomprehensible.
Poll: Should Breivik have been allowed to expound his ideas in court? | Law |
Anders Behring Breivik's trial has given him the opportunity to explain to the court, at some length, why he carried out the attack that killed 69 people. Is Norway's criminal justice system getting it right?
Currently at about 78% yes, 22% no.
The EDL's Tommy Robinson Interview with Norwegian media 07.04.2012, on Luton and Breivik.
Related video - a jew's EPIC FAIL at EDL march:
There is no racism here. Just walk a mile down the street to the nearest synagogue and you'll find it there! Synagogue? Excuse me. Mosque!
Classic Freudian slip.
Is it just me or do polls and comments in British online newspapers reflect a strong showing of Nationalist support?
First they came for the Holocaust Revisionists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Holo Revisionist;
Then they came for the White Nationalists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a White Nationalist.
Then they came for the Paleo Conservatives, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Paleo Conservative
Then they came for me, and there wasn't no one left to speak out for me.
Breivik has become a ultra nationalist and has gone past Fjordman and his ilk. That is why people that call him a Zio tool are such retards.
The fact he talks so much about demographics shows his progression. Cultural conservatives and "Zio tools" never talk about the "D" word.
Porter said...
Yes well said Pat. To paraphrase a comment at OD, in 50 years Norway will either have prominent monuments to Breivik or it will be the coldest third world country on Earth.
4/17/2012 06:16:00 PM
Thanks Porter.
Turning the White world into a brown world is the whole idea, the plan, of our destroyers.
I very much hope there will be monuments to Breivik. It will mean that Whites have survived.
I would also like to add that along side monuments to Breivik there should be monuments to those he killed. They were victims of massive brainwashing.
Who really needs a trial-show, where a brutal media star play his own play? You, or somebody else?
"Then they came for me, and there wasn't no one left to speak out for me."
First they came for the Jews, and we all lived happily ever after.
More here: Breivik Trial, Day Five.
This is what the LORD says: 'About midnight I will go throughout Egypt. Every firstborn in Egypt will die, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sits on the throne, to the firstborn of the slave girl, who is at her hand mill, and all the firstborn of the cattle as well. There will be loud wailing throughout Egypt—worse than there has ever been or ever will be again.' ” — Exodus 11:4–6
Those Christians and Jews who worship this god have no right to criticize Breivik.
Yes, but you could equally say : "Those WNs who condone Breivik's act of terrorism have no right to criticize the O.T.".
Anti-zionist leftists are even worse.
Those dead leftists can't lead protests, can't get professorships, can't become legislators, etc., ever again. That's a good thing.
Definitely good for the jews.
Those Christians and Jews who worship this god have no right to criticize Breivik.
Indeed. They worship a racist, genocidal God.
Yes, but you could equally say : "Those WNs who condone Breivik's act of terrorism have no right to criticize the O.T.".
I can live with that. But I'm still going to interpret the OT my way.
Actually, no need to live with that. Don't know what I was thinking there. We were talking about one passage in the OT, not the whole OT, but I let Franklin get the whole camel into the tent, which makes no sense.
Yes, but you could equally say : "Those WNs who condone Breivik's act of terrorism have no right to criticize that passage of the O.T.".
There, FTFY.
Anonymous said... Look, he killed a bunch of people at an anti-Zionist rally.
Utøya was not an anti-Zionist rally. Utøya is (was) an annual political summer camp held by the AUF or Arbeidernes ungdomsfylking, which literally translates to the Workers' Youth League, but is probably better translated as the Labour Youth League since, although it is an independent organisation, it really is the junior branch of Norway's ruling Labour Party.
While I agree that it was clearly wrong to target people under the age of 18, and I don't condone political violence in general, as someone in the thread here said, it really was the move of an "evil genius" to target Utøya. Utøya is where all the leaders of the Labour Party "grow up," so in killing those attending Utøya, Breivik was, in fact, getting rid of many of the future leaders of the Labour Party. Additionally, many of those at Utøya were probably the children of current Labour Party politicians (the nephew of the current Minister of Trade was one of the individuals who escaped on the ferry), so there was also clearly some direct revenge here: you take away our children's future, I (Breivik) will take away yours.
Finally, Utøya was a hugely symbolic place for the Labour Party. They've met there in their summer camp every year since the 1930s and most adult Labour Party politicians have fond memories of the place. The names of the places on the island reflect their ideology: Bolshevik cove, for instance. That has been taken away from them; they cannot go back there. If they do, it will never, ever feel the same again. Breivik took away the Labour Party's symbolic heart.
The AUF (Labour Youth League), as an organisation, is not an entirely innocent one, btw. (Of course the under-18 individuals on Utøya certainly were.)
In the 1990s, the AUF was caught inflating its membership numbers in order to receive extra subsidies from the government. This seems to be a common fraud scheme perpetrated by the left as the Norwegian "anti-fascist" organisation, SOS-Racism, was caught perpetrating the same scheme just last year.
Anonymous said... "Were any Jews killed on Utoyo? There should have been lots of Jews killed since Utoyo was the usual (or so we've been told) meeting and training site for the future leaders of the liberal party."
There are only 1500 Jews in Norway totally, so subtracting out those over 25 and say under 15, that doesn't leave very many within the age rage to be members of the AUF. There were probably very few Jews on Utøya.
Scott said... "Fjordman not only looks like a jew, he writes like one too."
Fjordman is very likely Jewish; his father certainly looks to be.
If Norway builds monuments to Breivik, then may Bergen burn to the ground.
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