Weaponizing the Jewish Narrative

Unless something intervenes,” Krauthammer replied. “I cannot imagine the Israelis are going to allow Iran to go nuclear and to hold the Damocles sword over 6 million Jews all over again. Israel was established to prevent a second Holocaust, not to invite one.Elliott Abrams in The Weekly Standard, Blaming the Jews—Again:
If you were an anti-Semite dedicated to spreading your hatred of Jews, what charges exactly would you make in 21st century America?Following a long-established pattern, Krauthammer agitates for "something" to intervene on behalf of "6 million jews" to prevent a "holocaust", while Abrams aids the effort by projecting his own jew-specific hate onto anyone who objects, blaming them for objecting.
You would avoid the blood libel—too medieval to write of sacrificing Christian children to make Passover matzo. That kind of stuff circulates in Arab lands or Pakistan, but won’t sell in suburban America. And the “Christ-killer” material is also dated, what with Vatican II, Evangelical support for Israel, and the like.
There are two charges you would make. First, the rich Jews control our government. Second, those Jews are trying to push America into war so your sons will have to fight for Israel.
Krauthammer is arguing that Iranians have to die for Israel. Abrams is arguing that Americans have to die for Israel.
Labels: charles krauthammer, elliot abrams, iran, israel, jewish influence, war
Wow, that Eliot Abrams piece is a classic of its kind. Rich Jews control our government! They want to send our sons to fight for Israel so Jewish boys won't have to! Jews don't put America first! Where would we ever get ideas like that? You've got to love how he worked Buchanan in there, too. You seldom see this level of chutzpah outside of explicitly Jewish magazines, though it doesn't come as a shock for a magazine whose chief target audience is a nasty combination of upper class collaborators and treasonous, brain dead Freepers.
I wonder how many tens or hundreds of thousands of White runaway girls have been sucked into the hell of slavery to a non-White pimp while the Jewish media participated in and sponsored the phenomenon by ignoring it. How many of our daughters have been raped and murdered by non-whites seething with racial hatred put there in large part by Jews while the media they control hushed it up, and their community remained silent. If these were Jewish girls they'd have something to say. If they were black being victimized on a large scale by White pimps they'd have something to say. I don't know what happened in the past but racist child sacrifice by Jews in America is simply a fact.
Interesting that two different hypothetical questions both result in the same answer. Adjust a few words in Abrams question:
If you were a white ethno-patriot dedicated to spreading your desire for national survival, what charges exactly would you make in 21st century America?
There are two charges you would make. First, the rich Jews control our government. Second, those Jews are trying to push America into war so your sons will have to fight for Israel.
To Abrams, the love of our own people is “hate.” And it is. Just not from the source he implies.
White survival = jewish hate.
CBS is reporting on a rich jew trying to control our government. Gingrich to get another $10 million from casino backer:
"Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich's faltering campaign is about to get another shot in the arm, CBS News has learned.
Billionaire casino magnate Sheldon Adelson plans to give another $10 million to the outside group backing the former Georgia lawmaker who is running behind former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum in the race for the Republican presidential nomination, a source close to Adelson told CBS News.
Adleson and his family have already given $11 million to "Winning our Future," the super PAC backing Gingrich. The group, which bombarded the airwaves in South Carolina last month ahead of the primary there, is largely credited with helping Gingrich win in the Palmetto state.
The latest $10 million cash injection would raise the Adelson family's contribution to $21 million, and a different source close to Adelson said he is prepared to drop another $4 million for a total of $25 million. The Huffington Post calculated that the billionaire casino owner earns about $3.3 million an hour."
Here's Adelson speaking about his interests: Sheldon Adelson 7-2-2010.wmv.
There are two charges you would make. First, the rich Jews control our government. Second, those Jews are trying to push America into war so your sons will have to fight for Israel.
Two charges that Abrams doesn't even bother refuting. And at the end of the article...hatred of Orthodoxy, of a right of center government, abnormal psychology! That must be why.
He is right, though. Those two charges would make anyone into an anti-semite. But the thing is, they're both true! Rich Jews do control the government - maybe they haven't sunk their tendrils into the DMV (the fat black women there would be hard to dislodge) - but they do control foreign policy. And they are agitating for the US to send its sons to go die in some lame fuckaround police action. And that lame fuckaround police action, that's if we're lucky and a strike on Iran doesn't drag in the rest of the world.
"There are two charges you would make. First, the rich Jews control our government. Second, those Jews are trying to push America into war so your sons will have to fight for Israel."
Well obviously it makes sense to use those arguments which have overwhelming evidence in their favor.
"In doing so you will start with a huge debt to the Jews and thus become again their slaves."
So....get zee gold and then welsh on zee debt.
Golden Rule:
He who has the gold makes the rules.
Whaddathey gonna do? Whine? Yeah.
If Whites were unified, the Jewish moaning would fall on deaf ears.
I think is over for the White race, the brainwash has being going for too long. They control the media, finances and politics. They divided the US of Europe, the White race hate itself.
Scott: "Compare the heavy-handed treason of our judaized elite with the goals of Mexican billionaire Hugo Salinas Price..."
His goal is good. If our wealthy elites had that attitude, we would out of the debt trap in that way or some other. We'd keep trying until we were no longer entangled by webs of Jewish finance.
Franklin Ryckaert: "The fact that that Mexican billionaire makes such a proposal and especially for Iran raises the suspicion that he works for the Jews or is a Jew himself."
No it doesn't. At least as far as I'm concerned. Openly advocating the aim of removing Zionist control of international banking is helpful, even apart from the merits of any particular plan to achieve that end. Such forthrightness deserves a measure of trust.
knight: "I think is over for the White race, the brainwash has being going for too long."
Maybe. Or maybe it's not over till it's over.
knight: "They control the media, finances and politics."
They do.
knight: "They divided the US of Europe, the White race hate itself."
But what do we get for giving up? Do you think any non-Whites in a post-White world are going to say, "you've got to give it to them, they were good losers"? If they did, would you care?
I can sum up the message Jews want White people to propagate to each other in three word: "you're no good". If every White person had headphones on all day, and the headphones were always playing "you're no good" and White people were internalizing "I'm no good" and treating each other on the assumption "you're no good either" and accepting the political message "we're no good and we white people should be abolished," that would be excellent.
I think we should reject this message.
I also think we should reject the related message, "we're doomed".
I would like everyone's favorite crypto-Jew, "Daybreaker", to comment on my counter proposal to "hang the traitors". I say we should let all the Jews who agree to leave our living space go physically unharmed. That is, so long as they agree to forfeit 95% of their assets to a nationalist government which will subsequently deposit said in the national central bank. At once more humane and more dastardly. Schadenfreude, it is a German word. LOL
OT, but here's an awesome new Pierce video by Ares. His best yet:
"I also think we should reject the related message, 'we're doomed'."
Yeah, fuck that. Backing WN, what's in it for ya, White man? Well, plenty of formerly Jewish $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. If our (I don't mean to include you, "Daybreaker") main target audience is indeed fence-sitting CONservatives, then there is nothing they care more about than $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Problem solved.
What's your deal Daybreaker?
I think Captainchaos is right. You seem to swing from questioning Jews to, on other shall I say 'Jew friendly' blogs, philo-semetic.
You're getting a reputation.
'Crypto-Jew' seems apt.
Openly advocating the aim of removing Zionist control of international banking is helpful, even apart from the merits of any particular plan to achieve that end. Such forthrightness deserves a measure of trust.
Yes, well put, that was my basic point. So much of the destruction wrought by jewish actors on the West has been via underhanded, behind-the-scenes means; within countless spaces (economic, demographic, cultural, academic, legal), sequential generations have been boiled slowly like frogs into accepting things as commonplace which previous generations would have thought unthinkable, with the only common thread among them being that jewish interests have been served while White interests have been slowly choked off and obstructed. The idea that money need not be backed by anything but banker promises is one of those things that has catalyzed rot in so many ways. However, I think FR's point that actors like the Rothschilds would stand to gain by a return to gold-backed money (IIRC according to a Chinese source they might have a trillion dollars in gold stashed away) shouldn't be overlooked. (I'm intrigued by silver for that reason, since in a real way it is the "people's money" which central banks probably have very little of). Regardless, gold returning to its historical role as money would certainly beat the predatory game that's being played at our expense right now. That's why a good man like Ron Paul engenders the kind of head-spinning hate from "conservative" jews that liberals like Jesse Jackson or Chuck Schumer couldn't begin to muster.
Incidentally, regarding the aforementioned changes that began snowballing in the 60's, a song by a fellow named Zimmerman captured the fighting spirit of the enemy and celebrated his battle plan perfectly:
Come writers and critics/ Who prophesize with your pen/ And keep your eyes wide/ The chance won't come again/And don't speak too soon/ For the wheel's still in spin/ And there's no tellin' who/ That it's namin' …
Come senators, congressmen/ Please heed the call/ Don't stand in the doorway/ Don't block up the hall/ For he that gets hurt/ Will be he who has stalled/ There's a battle outside and it is ragin'…
Come mothers and fathers/ Throughout the land/And don't criticize/What you can't understand/ Your sons and your daughters/ Are beyond your command/ Your old road is is rapidly agin' …
The line it is drawn/ The curse it is cast/ The slow one now/ Will later be fast/ As the present now/ Will later be past/ The order is rapidly fadein'…
For the times they are a-changin'.
I also think we should reject the related message, "we're doomed".
Because you don't like it or because it isn't true?
We are doomed. We are capable of meaningful, permanent annihilation. Dwell on that.
Tan, Steve Sailer has written a number of columns regarding Jews and their control of our political process lately. Today is one of his most direct yet - check it out (and the comments are sure to be entertaining): http://isteve.blogspot.com/
Sheila, I saw that and have a comment in the que.
Sailer: "Personally, I like Sheldon. He's an old coot having a blast making his younger wife happy by getting wrapped up in her country's doings. It wouldn't be much of a problem if we could greet his machinations with a chuckle and an amused roll of the eyes. "
Oh really? Roll your eyes at a guy's machinations, that if they come to fruition will kill tens of thousands, many your own countrymen and plunge millions more into dire financial straits?
That's not my reaction to this filthy traitor.
Dual loyalty my ass. As Sobran stated, dual loyalty would be an improvement.
Sailer with this comment reinforces my belief if they aren't explicitly on our side, then they are the opposition.
Sailer with this comment reinforces my belief if they aren't explicitly on our side, then they are the opposition.
I don't agree with that. My view is that it's pointless to tell someone he *should* be angrier or more indignant at jewish malfeasance (and since Sailer is jewish, it's natural he will be more tolerant than the average "anti-semitic" bear), but it's also unnecessary. The reality of jewish malfeasance need only be let out into the light and the healing process can begin (which is why they become apoplectic at the thought of such free speech and inquiry). Sailer does a bang up job at that. His readership is quite large and multifarious. Moreover, though he's banned several of my comments (not even the most innocuous link to David Duke allowed) so I seldom comment there anymore, he's fairly generous; e.g. I first encountered Tan and Svigor there.
It's fun to test the waters of what may be said Sailer's.
This one didn't make it through today re Jewish influence.
"A major difference between the average Jew and the average White is that the average Jew is informed about who his enemies are; the average White is informed about who his enemies are by Jews."
Although I agree Jewish influence is a major, major problem, I'm generally not in agreement with this blog's views so I'll leave this comment unsigned.
This is a must-see I think.
The relevent bits from the piece Sheila refers to Sailer linking.
Sheldon Adelson and the End of American Anti-Semitism | The Nation, by Eric Alterman:
"If a Jew-hater somewhere, inspired perhaps by The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, sought to invent an individual who symbolizes almost all the anti-Semitic clichés that have dogged the Jewish people throughout history, he could hardly come up with a character more perfect than Sheldon Adelson.
. . .
How can it be that the self-proclaimed “richest Jew in the world” can buy the foreign policy of a major party’s potential presidential candidate on behalf of a vision of endless Israeli aggression—up to and including US support for yet another potentially disastrous pre-emptive attack—and the historically abused entity of “the Jews” has somehow escaped the blame?
Don’t get me wrong. While I lack sympathy for pretty much everything Adelson and Gingrich seek to accomplish, I am unabashedly thrilled that the bugaboo of anti-Semitic accusation is almost nowhere to be found. But given the near-complete disappearance of this once wholly respectable American prejudice, one must ask why so many organizations in the American Jewish community—along with their neoconservative allies in the media and policy world—remain so intently focused on this problem. Is it that the past has left them so psychologically invested in a now-discredited discourse that they lack the ability to see reality for what it is and devote themselves to more worthy causes? Or do at least some of them, as I implied in my last column, find the accusation so politically useful against Israel’s critics that they prefer to level this nefarious accusation rather than argue the merits of their position?"
Alterman is unabashedly thrilled that his group faces almost no opposition to their endless aggression.
Neocon Warmonger Michael Savage: "We Have To Go To War With Iran ... Forget Habeas Corpus!", 22 Feb radio broadcast:
"We are going to war with Iran. We have to go to war with Iran. And the sooner we go to war with them the better it will be for us.
. . .
The president of Iran is the Hitler of our time."
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