Celebrating Insane Alienated Anti-Heroes

For a man who spent half his life as a recluse, J. D. Salinger left an extraordinary, indelible imprint on popular culture. His influence transcended his literary fame and shaped future directions in film, television, music, and theatre as well as popularising the term “to screw up”.
Salinger’s classic is frequently cited as proof that culture cannot be held responsible for acts perpetrated by the people who consume it.Really? That's not at all what they say about The Turner Diaries or The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
J. D. Salinger: Author of The Catcher in the Rye | Times Online Obituary:
J. D. Salinger shot to worldwide fame with his novel The Catcher in the Rye, which appeared in 1951. With its disenchanted adolescent anti-hero, perpetually at war with adulthood, especially as embodied in his own parents, it seemed to encapsulate the mood of an entire generation. Perhaps more remarkably it simultaneously exercised a considerable effect on that generation’s behaviour.
Its protagonist Holden Caulfield instantly became the symbol of teenage alienation in America and his influence spread rapidly across the Atlantic. Not merely, as is so often the case, for his own generation, but for those that followed, the character of Caulfield continued to stand for the seeming impossibility for the younger generation of communicating in any meaningful way not only with their parents but also with the friends and associates of those parents. When the Sixties opened, with teenage rebellion in Western society taking on a different hue and, under the influence of rock’n’roll, sexual emancipation and drugs, having apparently a different set of preoccupations, the gospel of Catcher in the Rye remained as potent as ever.
Jerome David Salinger was born in New York in 1919, the son of a kosher cheese salesman of Polish ancestry, and his wife, who was a convert to Judaism.Here is an example why distrust of even partial jews is justified. Their racial confusion can express itself in highly destructive forms. Yet Salinger's refusal to bask in the media's adulation seems to confound and bemuse them, though they seem to know more than they let on about why. Perhaps what drove Salinger to become a recluse was shame and disgust at the negative impact of his novel, and perhaps that sprang from his non-jewish side.
Why did J D Salinger spend the last 60 years hiding in a shed writing love notes to teenage girls? | Mail Online:
Born in New York on January 1, 1919, J.D. (Jerome David) Salinger's early life gave little hint of what he would become, although there were several factors that affected him deeply.
One was the shock of believing he was Jewish and then discovering that he was only half-Jewish - his mother was, in fact, a Catholic.
More scarring still, however, were his experiences in World War II, in which he saw numerous comrades killed around him.
He landed on Utah Beach on D-Day and fought all the way to Paris. There, he met Ernest Hemingway who encouraged his writing.
Still in Europe when the war ended, he was sent to Germany to interrogate Nazis.
There, he fell in love with a girl called Sylvie - later believed to be a former Nazi official - whom he married and, after eight months, divorced.
He later described her as 'an evil woman who bewitched me'.
Salinger went back to his life of seclusion in the hidden cabin, around which he now owned 450 acres. Dressed in a blue boiler suit, he wrote every day, although not for publication - a possible treasure trove of up to ten novels are believed to lie in his locked safe.I get the distinct impression these later writings would be hated by the same people who love Catcher. Ironically, in today's anything-goes, sexually-liberated environment smears of a sexual nature are a typical treatment for heretics. "Nothing to see here! Don't pay any attention to what this pervert has to say!" Tellingly, Salinger didn't hole up in Manhattan, Palm Beach, or the Hollywood hills where he could have much more freely slaked his supposed tastes sheltered alongside other celebrated perverts.
How alienating it is to witness the media today looking back and celebrating the impact of Salinger's novel, even as they ridicule the author and his own reaction. But then they celebrate everything destructive about the White/jewish "culture war". Caulfield's alienation makes sense to them, it's laudable even, while the alienation engendered by themselves they paint as malevolent "ignorance" and "hate".
It is for good reasons that Francis Parker Yockey described jews as Culture-distorters and the bearers of Culture-disease. In a culture free of jewish influence novels such as Catcher in the Rye would be disparaged, not celebrated.
Labels: j.d. salinger, jewish influence, literature, media
Howard Zinn died Wednesday.
In Howard Zinn, American Jewish historian, dies, "The Global News Service of the Jewish People" describes Zinn as "a central figure of the American left" and "a leading left-wing intellectual".
"He's made an amazing contribution to American intellectual and moral culture," Chomsky said, according to the Boston Globe. "He's changed the conscience of America in a highly constructive way. I really can't think of anyone I can compare him to in this respect."
Chomsky knows Zinn's "amazing contribution" is comparable to his own, being both highly destructive and intellectually dishonest, against Whites and in favor of "people of color".
Like Salinger, the impact of Zinn's work is celebrated by the media. Unlike Salinger, Zinn clearly enjoyed basking in the glory that was heaped on him for being an explicitly anti-White "activist historian".
I loved Catcher in the Rye when I read it at High School. It was a life changing book for me in that it deeply influenced my attitudes towards art and life in general.
I'm happy to say that I eventually recovered from that novel's (and the rest of his work's) psychological infection.
Looking back now, from a far removed distance, I find it hard to fathom the reasoning our board of education had for putting this book on our curriculum. I can only conclude that it wasn't in our best interest's which disturbs me even more, now, as much as the book did then.
hey brother, preferred this as an email, but in the absence of that privilege: please enjoy this article
mike lewis is all of the bad words i have ever heard... he is simply a specialized version of PAUL SHIRLEY... someone who can't help but speak out against anti-white behavior...
why not?
Id often heard of CitR as a must read book. However I never got to it until I was in my 20s. It had no real impact on me at all. I think its one of those books you have to read by a certain age or you just dont 'get' it. I'd left it too late!
My Irish Catholic mother raised holy hell in HIgh School, to keep me from reading either Golding's "Lord of the Flies" or Salinger's 'Catcher in the Rye.'
I know now, at 50+ years of age, why she did so. She knew back then the evil that Jewish cultural nihilism can do to a generation, or an easily co-opted impressionable young boy.
Thanks Mom. They can (and do) rot in hell.
- Fr. John
I never read Catcher in the Rye. I guess I had a somewhat unusual education and it just wasn't part of any reading list of mine.
I do admire somoneone who achieves fame rejecting it. I find that part of the authors life story compelling.
As for Howard Zinn, good riddance. When I first read People's History I thought it was clever and a sort of inside joke.
Well the joke was on my. It was the standard history text in the local public high school that both my daughters attended. I, of course, made them read other histoyr books, particularly Paul Johnson's excellent "History of the American People" as an alternative.
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