
At Antisemitica Hunter has been especially successful at eliciting responses from prominent opinion-shaping jews. I enjoyed the recent critique of James Howard Kunstler, who I recently wrote about in Who Thinks Thinking is Unthinkable and Why. Hunter wrote Kunstler and Whites, then he answered Kunstler's dismissive response in Kunstler on Antisemitica. I left comments on both posts.
Beyond this, HW's new blog regularly provides brilliant insights into exactly the kind of White/jew faultlines that have drawn my attention for the past two years. HW offers pro-White views and explanations that have been excluded from mainstream discourse even as unapologetically pro-jew views and explanations have become more common. I'll excerpt and comment on a few points I found of particular interest.
The Jews and Obamacare:
In a racially homogeneous country, an Iceland or Finland, I think such a system could work. In America, it will become just another mechanism for wealth redistribution from Whites to non-Whites. The “47 million uninsured” are disproportionately blacks and Hispanics. I don’t want to see scarce resources drained away from the White community and wasted on people who nurse racial and ethnic grievances against us. I oppose the bill for that reason.The only peep I think we're likely to hear is the unthinking accusation that the whole problem is unthinking "jew-hate".
With that in mind, I wasn’t surprised at all to learn this morning that “Jewish groups have been at the forefront of lobbying the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives for health care reform, framing their support within the Talmudic mandate of Tikkun Olam, repairing the world.” In other words, Jews as Jews are lobbying the government for wealth redistribution from Whites to non-Whites. The Jewish community is the vanguard of the interests pushing for this destructive piece of legislation.
I haven’t heard a peep of this from conservatives, libertarians, or race realists.
Why Jews Hate Palin:
Ultimately, Jews hate Sarah Palin for the same reason White conservatives adore her. They hate her for the same reason John McCain picked her as his running mate. She is the goddess of implicit Whiteness. Palin appeals to the demographic that American Jews have alway considered their traditional enemy: rural and suburban White Christians from the Southern and Western states.I noted this jewish fear and loathing in The Election is Over, written directly in the wake of the 2008 election. Only now, more than a year later, are famously hyper-sensitive, hyper-critical, and hyper-opinionated jews frankly discussing the issue. Of course a major portion of that discussion consists of denial that the issue is real, or that it's worth discussing.
She is one of them. If Palin was ever elected president, she could unite this demographic and represent their small town values at the highest level of the American government. Jews would feel threatened by “hope and change” of this sort. Dire warnings about the “new anti-Semitism” would be issued by Jewish organizations. Emigration to Israel would be contemplated. Jews would feel even more alienated from America than they already do now.
Fear and loathing of White Americans, “leukophobia” or “anti-Whitism,” is normal, acceptable, and mainstream in the Jewish community. It is a form of racial prejudice like any other. It is also a driving force behind Jewish support for Barack Obama. What better way to drive a stake through the heart of White America than to elect a mulatto as President of the United States?
Swastikas and Hate Crimes:
Trivial property crimes against Jews routinely get national press coverage. Violent crimes against Whites are buried in local newspapers. This is one the small daily reminders of Jewish privilege.In the comments to If Hasan Were White I noted how while everyone in the media and government was telling everyone not to jump to conclusions about Hasan's motives a shooting near an LA synagogue inspired an instant and publically announced assumption that the cause was "anti-semitism". Nobody in media or government criticizes jews for words or actions that go beyond what is pathologized as "hate" or "racism" in Whites. To even call attention to these White/jew double standards is considered "anti-semitism".
Israel and Jewish Privilege:
Jewish privilege is real. White privilege is non-existent. Just recently, Switzerland was widely condemned around the world for its ban on the construction of minarets. The rejection of this bill in Israel [that would force the Israeli Lands Administration to allocate land equally between Arabs and Jews] (and dozens like it over the years) hasn’t set off a similar backlash in the United States. It is understood that Israel has a right to remain a Jewish state whereas the right of Switzerland to remain a White Christian nation is highly controversial.White/jew double standards are palpable. See my related posts Whose Country Is This Anyway? and Switzerland Minus Minarets.
Neocons are Anti-Semites:
This is a great example of what Kevin MacDonald calls Jewish self deception. The charge happens to be true. Jews look at Sarah Palin and they see the most white bread conservative leader since Pat Buchanan. They see the implicit whiteness in the metastasizing Tea Party crowds.I think this view of the Tea Party phenomena is correct. There's much, much more to be said about it. It strikes me as similar not only to the prismatic polarization Palin has provided, but Polanski as well. The pattern is this: White/jewish visceral disgust, followed by jewish/White instinctual reaction to that disgust, followed by largely jewish opinion-shaping aimed at obscuring the White/jew divide, often mixed with one-way blame on supposedly irrational "jew-hate" emanating from Whites.
Their cultural antennae has a visceral negative emotional reaction. It goes far beyond public policy disagreements. Their gut instinct tells them crowds of angry White people are “bad for the Jews.”
When White Americans respond to negro and Hispanic chauvinists in this way, Jews decry it as “racism.” In a sense, they are right. It is racial prejudice at work; an emotional short cut that bypasses reason.
I've read brief allusions to this supposed jewish self-deception, but I haven't read MacDonald's original argument. Can someone point out in which book it is made? Perhaps I misunderstand the idea.
Ironically, the idea that jews don't know what they're doing or why seems to me an unconscious attempt to downplay the significance of the obvious stereotypical jewish lack of scruples and utter contempt for the notion that lying or hypocrisy is something to be avoided or to be ashamed of, at least when it comes to serving their own personal or wider jewish interests. I see true self-deception in Whites, especially those who won't judge jews, or judge them by softer standards than jews themselves see fit to judge non-jews by. We don't have to make excuses for the harm jews cause us any more than jews feel the need to excuse what they deem to be harm caused by Whites. You never see them excusing "racists", "haters", "tea baggers", "rethuglicans", "neo-nazis" - which are all codewords for Whites - as self-deceivers. In jewish eyes any White who acts White is simply a threat. The enemy. For example, when accused of being anti-White Kunstler answered:
I'm not against white people... I'm just against white people who are against other people....It's one of the same responses I got from the anti-White "reality-based community". Only those who see Whites as some kind of lesser beings have a problem with us saying "I'm not against non-White people... I'm just against non-White people who harm White people..." Jews don't like that, and it's not because they're unaware or lie to themselves about their own outrageous, self-serving hypocrisy. They don't like it because they are hyper-aware of their own group's interests and don't give a shit what anybody else thinks about that. It reflects a fundamental difference in mental function, not some innocent oversight.
On Antisemitica's Kunstler thread I responded similarly to "David F" (David Frum?), who seemed eager to explain away Kunstler's behavior as unconscious. "David F" dissembled, claiming Kunstler is "just writing about the underclass the way everyone in his social circles does", without noting that it's very visible, very outspoken jews like Kunstler, Frum, Horowitz, Brooks, etc. shaping and pruning and leading the way - pathologizing and excommunicating Whites who question the pro-jew/anti-White social circle norms.
Another illustration of what I'm getting at is faux-White jew Lawrence Auster, who strikes an explicitly pro-"white" pose and urges "the majority" to reassert our interests. Simultaneously he considers Whites who criticize jews to be worse than an evil enemy. To him we're subhuman. He's not lying to himself, he's lying to everyone else. Auster is an extremely self- and group-aware pro-jewish chauvanist who simply lacks the honesty to plainly state his priorities, which are clear from his frequent and energetic attacks on "the anti-semites". He absurdly maintains that the recognition of this fact itself represents irrational "jew-hate". This has been pointed out to him and he has read the critiques, repeatedly, and he continues to maintain his position (see for example, Is Majority Rights cleaning up its act?, Anti-Semitism and the Jews--a collection, What the anti-Semites believe, An apostate anti-Semite, and The Darwinian anti-Semites' self-contradiction). To paraphrase his co-tribalist Kunstler, Auster isn't against "white" people... He's just against White people who resent jewish interests being misrepresented as identical to "white" interests. Both men have stated their positions clearly and openly in response to being challenged.
Paul Gottfried on Neocons:
Gottfried bluntly says that Jews control the American Right. From their throne in Manhattan, Jewish neocons enjoy the privilege of being able to manipulate the status system (using their own ethnic interests as a litmus test) to determine who is “mainstream” and “respectable” and thus who can be granted entry into the national political conversation.
In the end, Gottfried sounds more like an apologist than a truth teller.Gottfried is yet another faux-White, pale-conning jewish critic of "liberal" jews. In the end he blames Whites and his strongest vitriol is reserved "the anti-semites". Neither he nor his friend Auster actually hold jews responsible for anything. In their minds the fault for all White/jew conflict lies entirely with Whites, whom they blame under cover of euphemisisms such as "the majority", "WASPs", "gentile whites", etc. much like Kunstler blames "yeast people" and "cornpone nazis". Pro-Whites can use whatever euphemisms or qualifiers we want in expressing negative opinions about jews, however precise, and for all their hair-splitting these brainy critics will unanimously identify and denounce that as "anti-semitism". The exception is when the criticism comes from themselves, because that's motivated by what they believe are the best interests of jews.
The Jews and NBC:
In the Jewish Journal, a recent article explicitly discusses Jewish control of NBC. White Nationalists have claimed for years that “Jews control the media” and use it to brainwash the White masses in anti-racist mores.An excellent example of how jewish media influence allows jews to have their cake and eat it too, discussing the jewish power brokers behind the scenes at NBC amongst themselves while the mainstream discussion focuses almost exclusively on the roles and personalities of the pampered hired help who work out front. Jewish media influence is usually painted, both by jews and those currying favor with jews, as a ridiculous "canard" motivated by "jew-hate". One typical and true canard they respond with is that "[insert non-jew here] isn't jewish!" Another is that jews argue all the time. Of course as the Jewish Journal admits in its reportage intended for fellow jews, at NBC it's a "whole bunch of jews" doing the arguing. And of course it's jewish influence that keeps such frank discussions of jewish influence from being printed on the front page of the New York Times and Wall Street Journal.
Labels: blogging, hunter wallace, jewish influence
If part-Jews were truly supportive of Whites and a White ethno-state, it would seem that part-Jews should, at the very least, be willing to have the distinct Jewish ethno-racial identity go completely extinct in a White community or ethno-state through dilution and intense assimilation.
Todd Palin is I believe one-quarter or one-eighth Alaskan Indian. His children are of course less so, and his descendants a few generations in the future (assuming no non-White admixture, of course) will be even less so and have very minor Indian ancestry. And there are other Americans with similar backgrounds. Many of the Indian tribes from which the admixture in people like Todd Palin originated are extinct. Their only traces are in small proportions of some Americans, and these traces are likely to be diluted further still. An analogous process would have to happen to the part-Jews in any meaningful and robust White community or ethno-state.
An important condition for this, however, is that the proportion of Whites to part-Jews must be very high in order to achieve the kind of overwhelming dilution that is desirable and indeed necessary. If, say, half the population had non-trivial Jewish admixture and the other half was composed of Whites, then a separation between the two halves would be right and necessary.
Also, it's very likely that this would be more difficult with Jews. When the two human ecologies, White and Indian, came into contact, the Indians were less "dominant" in every single way. Biologically, they didn't possess the Old World immunities and were thus decimated by disease and alcohol brought over by Whites. Technologically, they were of course overmatched. Culturally, they certainly didn't possess the skills of verbal disputation and politics necessary to better manipulate the invaders' legal and organizational regimes in the pursuit of their interests. In this clash of human ecologies, the White extended phenotype dominated and the interests of the White genotype were served.
Jews however have co-evolved with sophisticated civilizations, including of course White civilization, for millenia. And in the interaction between Jews and Whites, and other groups for that matter, we've seen how Jews, with their considerable intelligence, verbal ability, managerial skill, political skill, cunning, etc., are able to dominate the "commanding heights" of culture and politics in society. Few groups, if any, even come close to them on these terms. The taciturn, less intelligent, and less aggressive Indians definitely are no comparison. So the Jewish extended phenotype can be dominant, as it is now, whereas the Indian one never could be. The Indians had to win on the battlefield, if they were to survive at all. Once they were decimated by biology and war, they had no way of resisting dilution and extinction. They basically had no choice but to wilt and die. The dominant Jewish extended phenotype is a much more difficult barrier to anything like overwhelming dilution and subsequent extinction.
Thought-provoking review of the m 300 by David Duke starts here:
Thought-provoking review of the movie "300" by David Duke starts here:
I don't think "David F" on Antisemitica is David Frum, since Frum is definitely not a paleocon. He's a very leftish neocon who wrote an infamous anti-paleo piece a couple of years ago("Unpatriotic Conservatives").
I do recall Hunter saying that David Frum linked his twitter account to Antisemitica. By the way, I really don't care for the name of that blog. It's not good to use their terms to describe yourself.
If part-Jews were truly supportive of Whites and a White ethno-state
Part-Jews who feel like this probably self-identify as white anyway. They stop being Jews and start being white.
Speaking here as someone who is probably partly Jewish. 1/4, 1/8 dont know!
Under the current anti-White/pro-jew regime it's no surprise that anyone who has significant non-White admixture identifies with and brags about it. What's more curious is the tendency for race-realist jews and semi-jews to insist that even full jews are "white". I believe this is because A) these particular jews enjoy living amongst Whites (especially deracinated Whites), but not blacks or mestizos, and B) if they were to admit jews are not White then all their rationalizations about racial conflict and separation from blacks and mestizos would apply to jews as well, and as per point A, they don't want that.
One common and especially frustrating jewish personality trait is the ability to rationalize anything they need to if they percieve it's in their interests. Any normal aversion (by White standards) to contradiction, hypocrisy, logical fallacy, lies, censorship, etc simply melts away in the face of their need to do whatever they must to "win" an argument. I've spent alot of time analyzing and arguing with (indirectly) Auster, and I can see it in him especially. His co-ethnics The Undiscovered Jew and Half Sigma (see A Moron Amused by a Fool Helping an Idiot) exhibit the same trait.
One common and especially frustrating jewish personality trait is the ability to rationalize anything they need to if they percieve it's in their interests. Any normal aversion (by White standards) to contradiction, hypocrisy, logical fallacy, lies, censorship, etc simply melts away in the face of their need to do whatever they must to "win" an argument.
Great point. High verbal intelligence and great argumentation skills also help them steamroll their opponents as well regardless of how objectively correct their arguments are, or how fair their methods are.
Also, what's funny is that there have been studies linking high verbal skills with pathological liars:
"Liars' Brains Wired Differently"
“Our argument is that the more networking there is in the prefrontal cortex, the more the person has an upper hand in lying. Their verbal skills are higher. They’ve almost got a natural advantage.”
Antisemitica is a great blog. Wallace has a knack for highlighting important aspects of the JQ in concise, laconic posts.
I can't believe I missed your post "Anti-racism and its geonocidal fanatics". I used to be a libertarian and a regular reader of Vox Day's blog a few years ago when he used to routinely mock The most batshit insane Whites in the world hang out at Pandagon. I'm simultaneously repulsed and fascinated by that place.
Anon:"Jews however have co-evolved with sophisticated civilizations, including of course White civilization, for millenia."
By "co-evolved" do you mean "parasitized"?
"we've seen how Jews, with their considerable intelligence, verbal ability, managerial skill, political skill, cunning, etc., are able to dominate the "commanding heights" of culture and politics in society. Few groups, if any, even come close to them on these terms."
Are you kidding? Jews are terrible managers. Just notice how they slowly RUIN every single nation, race, or empire they INFEST.
Anon:"Also, what's funny is that there have been studies linking high verbal skills with pathological liars:"
Yes, a large number (even most) Jews are outright liars. No study is needed to know or prove that fact.
Before neuroscience ever existed, Schopenhauer said that Jews were "the great masters of lies." He was spot on.
MacDonald's discussion of self-deception is in chapter 8 of Separation and Its Discontents.
Chapters 6 through 8 of that book are right up your alley. But, really, you need to read the whole trilogy.
I've had the KMac trilogy for a few months and just haven't had time to read them yet. I've just read Ch 8, "Self-Deception as an Aspect of Judaism" and think I see the problem.
First, my comments were off-base in that I took issue with HW's use of "self-deception" to describe the jewish discussion about why jews hate Palin and then shifted my criticism to Kunstler and Auster. That was my mistake.
Reading MacDonald's argument I can see now why HW cites him when using the expression regarding the jewish discussion about Palin. The problem is that this "self-deception" view of jewish behavior comes in large part from jews themselves. I gather from reviews and complaints that much of MacDonald's trilogy consists of quoting jewish authorities, and this chapter on self-deception certainly follows that pattern. I understand and sympathize with his reasons for doing so, and it explains what I perceived to be an undeserved weakening of the criticism.
To describe these self-righteous jews discussing Palin as self-deceiving, i.e. telling untruths that they are unaware are not true, is simply not accurate. I have a post in process in which I provide specifics, but in a nutshell, the proper word for someone who doesn't apply the standards and principles they profess to themselves is "hypocrite". I grant this inconsistency can sometimes be unintentional, but when a person is made aware of their inconsistency in values or logic they have a duty to acknowledge and correct it. If they choose not to, for instance by crying "anti-semitism!", blaming the person pointing out the inconsistency for causing the problem, then we must conclude they are not operating in good faith, and that they are not only conscious of their deception, but know full well we are as well.
Part 2
Further within the article:
"Morally, Britain's and the US's unconditional backing of Israel is plainly repugnant. By supporting Israel, London and Washington are in fact sanctioning a criminal, racist, rogue aggressor-state that is committing war crimes, illegally occupying others' territories and illegally colonizing occupied territories, contrary to international law.
So, what is it that makes the US and Britain so beholden to Israel? Some argue that it is guilt over the Holocaust. But this is a hollow non-argument. For one thing, neither Britain nor the US played a part in the Nazi atrocities in Europe; on the contrary, they were instrumental in defeating Nazi Germany. Furthermore, Israel's claim that it represents the memory of the victims of Nazi Germany is a complete fraud. As Norman Finkelstein argues in The Holocaust Industry, the Israeli-inspired emphasis in Europe and the US on the Holocaust and on reparations serves more to enhance the status of Israel and Jewish elites in the diaspora than to honour the memory of its victims. The victims of the Holocaust will be turning in their graves at the sight of Israel's behaviour, the same Israel whose Zionist founding fathers collaborated with the Nazis.
This leaves just one explanation for the irrational Anglo-American support for Israel: the infiltration of Israeli agents of influence into the British and US governments. In the US, the influence of the Israel lobby on the government is well documented. However, in the case of Britain the work of Israeli agents of influence in corrupting the elected government receives much less attention, even though it is as serious as the power of the Israel lobby over the White House and Capitol Hill."
Jews always act as agents for jews. The skin color of a jew doesn't diminish that goal. Neither does their national origin. Similarly, religion is used only for a sheild, as are their sex, or sexual orientations, all of which are used to diminish traditional Western cultures. Their adherence to a promotion of these issues is based not on an White morality or on a Western tradition of civil justice. These "traditional" constitutional issues are used simply as a cover to allow them to accomplish their purposes - the advancement of JEWS, and the weakening of their hosts.
[ tawnews/message/151 ]
Reposting of article link which was cut off above.
When you said,
"...the idea that jews don't know what they're doing or why seems to me an unconscious attempt to downplay the significance of the obvious sterotypical jewish lack of scruples and utter contempt for the notion that lying or hypocrisy is something to be avoided or to be ashamed of, at least when it comes to serving their own personal or wider jewish interests. I see true self-deception in Whites, especially those who won't judge jews, or judge them by softer standards than jews themselves see fit to judge non-jews by."
you were stating what most people who are not aware are missing. That is why they continue being deluded. Until those people search and find information, they will remain in the utmost ignorance.
I have encountered one site, as one example, which pretended to be run by a Christian, but which made comments derogatory to Christianity and abused Christain commenters on his site, attempting to show how "cool" such opinions were to the uninitiated. I followed some of the links which he had and they led me to a photo site at which the photos showed his wife and child, with a photo caption which showed the child went to this "Anshei school" in Tuscon:
"Congregation Anshei Israel is committed to:
Promoting Jewish continuity
Education of our children and adults
Spiritual renewal
Making our community a better place to live
through social action projects"
"A People with Dreams
The great quality of the Jews is that they have been able to dream through all the long and dreary centuries; and mankind has credited them with another quality, the power to realize their dreams."
Jewish lies are nothing new for the author of the following article:
"No racist boogeyman? No problem we’ll make one up."
"...International Talmudic Jewry is having a lot of problems these days getting away with the same old lies they’ve been perpetrating on society for hundreds of years. For alleged “anti-Semites,” like myself, the idea that Jewry has been concocting stories about racism and anti-Semitism isn’t anything new, in fact they fabricate the vast majority of the so-called “hate crimes” you hear about on network television. “Hate Crime” legislation has gotten so far out of hand in Britain, that British police will even unashamedly arrest children with Downs Syndrome who have been accused [an accusation is all that’s necessary in Britain these days] for allegedly uttering a racial epithet while pushing another child with Downs Syndrome. If you don’t think this level of ignorance will ever end up as law in the United States you simply haven’t been paying attention."
The author above cites instances where jews, through Southern Poverty Law Center {SPLC} have made up information about KKK and have themselves set some of these purported "hate" groups up as a form of false flag propaganda. The link the author cites on the Down's Syndrome case in the UK is,
"Police charged Down's syndrome boy with mental age of five"
"Ironically, the idea that jews don't know what they're doing or why seems to me an unconscious attempt to downplay the significance of the obvious sterotypical jewish lack of scruples and utter contempt for the notion that lying or hypocrisy is something to be avoided or to be ashamed of, at least when it comes to serving their own personal or wider jewish interests."
MacDopnald's theory of Jewish self-deception is addressed in The Culture of Critique. You know,
Jesus was reported to have uttered " Forgive them Father for they know not what they do" while he was hanging on the cross. There must is plenty of literature on just those words to look into to find out if the old school Bible scholars thought he was downplaying their perfidy.
MacDopnald's theory of Jewish self-deception is addressed in The Culture of Critique. You know,
"Jesus was reported to have uttered " Forgive them Father for they know not what they do" while he was hanging on the cross. There must is plenty of literature on just those words to look into to find out if the old school Bible scholars thought he was downplaying their perfidy."
Thanks for the kind words. At Antisemitica, I wanted to answer two questions:
1.) What are the Jews up to today?
2.) Why do we dislike Jews?
I've chronicled an enormous amount of mischief over the last two months. It is all neatly assembled in one place.
I have also opened up a discussion about Jewish privilege. With each passing day, I am seeing more examples of this phenomenon.
Tanstaafl said: "His co-ethnics The Undiscovered Jew and Half Sigma...."
I've been thinking lately that these two are one and the same person.
I want to defend Paul Gottfried for a moment. He is a decent guy,very interesting, a gentleman, and I do not blame him for not wanting to associate with people that call for genocide. To his credit, he has called out the neoconservatives for their lunacy and rank ethnochauvinism. When I was affiliated with, I thought he was one of the most decent of the bunch. tried to diffuse a verse that (like Gal. 3:28) has been skewed waaaaay out of proportion by liberals and antichrists to make THEIR godless philosophy APPEAR to be endorsed by YHWH or His Son, Jesus Christ.
"You know,
"Jesus was reported to have uttered " Forgive them Father for they know not what they do" while he was hanging on the cross. There must is plenty of literature on just those words to look into to find out if the old school Bible scholars thought he was downplaying their perfidy."
Here's my take on that mentality, and who the 'chosen people' really are.
- Fr. John
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