Jews Claim Responsibility for Occupy Movement

Pierre Sauvage, whom literary editor David Samuels interviewed for Tablet Magazine, makes documentaries such as Weapons of the Spirit and Not Idly By, about people who saved Jews during the Holocaust. While his son David would never claim to have the equivalent subject, he argued that, the Website he founded which launched today, as well as the larger message of Occupy Wall Street are consonant with his father’s themes.Jewish moralizing in action. Note how skillfully the particularist jewish interests are wrapped up in and justified by universalist-sounding rhetoric. Unwrapped, the message isn't just at all.
“His running theme in life is people who save people in crisis,” Sauvage told me. “The evil in his movies is never the Nazis, it’s always the people who stood ‘idly by’—who let it happen. The real evil guys are almost not the point.”
He added that the point of Occupy is to turn the system’s bystanders into activists. “Occupy Wall Street,” he explained, “is a bunch of people saying, ‘We’re not going to stand by anymore.’ There’s a whole host of systemic injustices that people have been letting stand by for years.” aims to be ground zero for Internet media—words, photographs, videos, music, even games—for the Occupy movement as it aims a spring rebirth, most notably perhaps with the general strike called for May 1. It is not a “working group,” not officially sanctioned via general assembly and consensus and the other arcane procedures by which OWS is governed; it is calling itself an “affinity group.” “As editors, we’re just giving a place where all the content that’s being produced will be curated, and putting it up there,” said Michael Levitin, a veteran of the Occupy Wall Street Journal.
Levitin also noted that most of’s staffers, including himself and Sauvage, are Jewish. Even the site’s prime funder, whose name was not given, is apparently a left-leaning, Jewish philanthropist.
Sauvage’s trajectory feels typical of many young people who got involved in the Occupy movement. Grew up in L.A.; majored in English at Columbia; wrote and directed some plays; worked in television; went to business school (the founder of has an MBA!); made a well-received documentary short. Two friends (who, he noted, knowing his audience, also happen to be Jewish) took him down to Zuccotti Park, and he was hooked.
Jewish holocaust propaganda is aimed at guilt-tripping non-jews who don't actively put jewish interests before their own. The theme of Occupy's ringleader jews is consonant with this, and they deem the Occupy movement, or leading it at least, to be in the best interests of the jews. Standing idly by, not doing what jews want you to do when and how they want you to do it is, to a jewish mind, the very definition of evil.
[The image above comes from an article written and published by jews whose main concern is that Occupy is bad for the jews.]
Labels: finance, jewish influence, occupy
Loosely organized groups without clear goals run the risk being taken over by organized groups with clear goals. The "Occupy Movement" certainly seems to be a loosely organized group without clear goals. And Jews are experts at being highly organized and having clear goals.
Heck, ANY group which is not careful to exclude Jews runs the risk of being taken over by Jews.
Loosely organized groups without clear goals run the risk being taken over by organized groups with clear goals. The "Occupy Movement" certainly seems to be a loosely organized group without clear goals. And Jews are experts at being highly organized and having clear goals.
At the same time though, loosely organized groups cannot be fully taken over and controlled. The "leadership" of OWS, such as exists, pretty much sucks, but there are definitely some genuinely anti-jew elements within the movement.
I guess his father would believe whites sitting idly by as evil too.
Free speech in Oztralia. Note the name of the head of the commission - Finkelstein. Where Jews go freedom flees.
Hunter Wallace talking about Robert Weissberg talking about American Renaissance... that's phony opposition three layers deep.
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