Enemy Media: Breivik's Views Too Popular

Anders Behring Breivik loses front-page power in Norway, published Friday, provides a hint why:
Silje Gloppen, a teacher, said however abhorrent Breivik's views, lessons needed to be learned from him. "Norwegians and, I believe, the rest of the world have to consider the possibility that this man is speaking the truth when he says he believes our 'Norwegian culture and ethnicity' is threatened by multiculturalism," she said.Paul Brennan (paulrbrennan) has been silent since court adjourned Friday.
Breivik's outlook is shared by "too many", she argued, citing the comment fields under articles on Norwegian newspaper websites, and a battle on Wikipedia pages related to the case between moderators and extremist writers trying to take hold of "the truth" on the internet.
"I am afraid the left side in politics have for too long failed to grasp that there are challenges with the new society that need to be discussed," she added.
Helen Pidd (helenpidd) twits today that she's back in London where she will find it tricky to report further on the trial. She redirects those who are interested to Lars Bevanger (lbevanger) and Trygve Sorvaag (trygvesorvaag). She also cites Chris Elliott's op-ed, Open door: The readers' editor on … the problems of tweeting the Anders Behring Breivik trial, which in turn provides a reporter's rationalizations about why reporting testimony directly from Breivik's trial is bad:
A tweet goes straight from event to air – and stays there. It is a discrete package that may later form a strand of a larger, more complex, story, but which will, nevertheless, exist of itself, shorn of context.Pidd fingers the most important reason: Despite the reduction and distortion, she finds her enemy's position still too potent.
It is an effective form of digital journalism and is increasingly first with the news – whether that comes from a journalist or a well-informed tweeter. However, it is reductive by nature. When the Guardian was planning coverage of the trial of Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian extremist who has admitted killing 77 people, the Guardian's editorial team discussed whether tweeting was an appropriate tool.
Helen Pidd, the reporter who is covering the trial, was concerned beforehand that reducing "his justifications to a stream of 140-character soundbites" would be giving Breivik the platform he sought.
Pidd said: "I would say I have had far more comments from people thanking me for the 'grim but necessary' reports on Twitter than those complaining I was giving Breivik the platform he craved. Two followers tweeted me to say they were 'unfollowing' until I left Oslo because it was 'too much'."Breivik correctly identified the media and it's pundits as enemies. Those pundits are less forthright about it, but reading them closely it's clear they agree. They understand, at some level, that their multicult ideology is unpopular, that the verdict on it is already in. Now that they've gotten enough to reduce Breivik to "the Norwegian extremist who has admitted killing 77 people", that's the only context they want to provide.
She has gained almost 3,000 followers in four days, a number of whom were angry when she said she wasn't going to tweet everything on day one "because … they accused me of censorship".
She said she wasn't "completely comfortable with tweeting the trial", not least because so much of Breivik's ideology was formed online. But she felt it was important to engage readers, plus it does drive traffic to the website.
Labels: anders behring breivik, media, norway, the multicult
Thanks for your continued posting on this affair.
Agreed. Please keep it up. I doubt there is any other reporting that is so well done.
i guess the Monday-morning-multi-cult-quarterbacks are rethinking the idea of allowing an "insane" man go to trial.
January 4, 2012
OSLO, Norway -- Prison psychiatrists monitoring confessed mass killer Anders Behring Breivik say he is not psychotic and he has not been put on medication, a prosecutor said in a court filing Wednesday, adding fuel to calls to reassess whether he is legally insane.
The original finding by two court-appointed psychiatrists has been fiercely debated by mental health experts and several lawyers representing the victims of the massacre that rocked Norway over the summer have demanded the Oslo District Court order a second evaluation.
So, instead of medicating and packaging Breveik up for 3-year involuntary commitment stints, he gets to air the dirty laundry to the world.
Thank Odin this happened in Norway. If it happened in the US, it would be buried in the back pages by now.
Dealing with the Real Anders Breivik, by Jeff Sparrow, Counterpunch.
Citing the anti-White organization Hope not Hate as an authority:
The fear of Islam is playing an increasingly important role in the political discourse in many countries.
Sparrow expands:
Psychoanalysing such ideas [like Breivik's] away doesn’t make them vanish. Instead, it discredits anti-racists, for the simple reason that those sympathetic to anti-Muslim bigotry can recognise, quite plainly, that there’s little to distinguish what Breivik says from the rhetoric of Geert Wilders or Daniel Pipes or Mark Steyn or other number of impeccably mainstream figures.
‘Breivik is no gifted writer,’ says a commenter on Spencer’s blog, ‘but what I’ve read of his manifesto his thinking is far from incoherent. His use of Wikipedia’s entry on The Frankfurt School was an eye-opener to me and well deserving of study to understand how Europe is undergoing cultural repudiation on such a suicidal scale.’
‘In other words,’ says another, ‘Anders Breivik should not be on trial — ISLAM should be on trial. And the verdict — GUILTY.’
In that discussion, we see the terrifying potential for Breivik to emerge as the John Brown of counter jihad: fanatical, excessive and violent, yet lauded as a hero willing to put principles into action.
After Hitler’s defeat, the invocation of the Holocaust helped marginalise would-be fuhrers for decades, as anti-racists said loudly, ‘We’ve seen your ideas before – and they left six million dead.’
The tragedy in Norway provides a similar opportunity to isolate the new crop of bigots and hatemongers. Those who mutter about civil war against multiculturalists and Muslims should be confronted, again and again, with Utoya, for it’s where their rhetoric leads.
It’s well past time to stop kidding ourselves that Breivik can be explained away via mental illness. The far Right is real and it’s growing. We urgently need a political response.
Never mind Islam. Let's deal with our real enemy.
Note the jewish narrative underpinning his machiavellian strategizing: "Our usual psychoanalytic tactics aren't working. Well, maybe we can make another six-million-like guilt-trip out of it. And hate speech laws. We urgently need more hate speech laws."
Breivik’s truth: Is the fear of multiculturalism the enemy within us? | Firstpost, by Tristan Stewart-Robertson:
Last week Canada even marked 30 years of its Charter of Rights and Freedoms which helps enshrine diversity as both acceptable and protected. Yet there lingers this view that accepting diversity merely allows each community to live in isolation and avoid integration in a singular wider community, essentially the perceived US model of a melting pot (ie assimilation). That does happen, too often, but is the fault of individuals who are as unwilling to welcome in “others” as those who want all immigration halted.
. . .
But as Europe, Canada, the US and other countries become more polarised between left and right, and the world continues to struggle, unequally, out of economic stagnation, we have to decide if multiculturalism is the true “evil”. Or, is the real threat from a level of intolerance and fear of diversity and complexity to humanity?
Breivik isn’t insane for fearing multiculturalism. But this fear of multiculturalism is a convenient scapegoat, and pointlessly insane.
In other words, White fears (of anything really, but especially immigration and multiculturalism) are pointlessly insane. The real problem is that Whites are not welcoming enough. Whites are the problem.
We have been fed this kind of genocidally anti-White pro-"diversity" propaganda for decades. Breivik has nothing to do with it.
"Yet there lingers this view that accepting diversity merely allows each community to live in isolation and avoid integration in a singular wider community, essentially the perceived US model of a melting pot (ie assimilation). That does happen, too often, but is the fault of individuals who are as unwilling to welcome in “others” as those who want all immigration halted."
So we accept diversity which leads to lack of assimilation which leads to continued diversity and isolation which leads to polarization, struggle and economic stagnation.... uhh, yes, multiculturalism is evil and I prefer the melting pot model of assimilation or go home - isolation is unacceptable.
"Psychoanalysing such ideas [like Breivik's] away doesn’t make them vanish. Instead, it discredits anti-racists, ..."
Yes, once the cat is out of the bag... even hate speech legislation doesnt go far enough. Controlling information flow is the only way to eliminate post-Breiviks.
HR3261 & S.968 should be adequate for AG Holder to shut down dissent.
Mispronouncing names: Anders Breivik
With the trial of Anders Behring Breivik in Oslo this week, the BBC have done it again. Even when a Norwegian utters the correct pronounciation of the name “Breivik” to reporter Jon Sopel, he still pronounces the name “Bray-vik” instead of “Bry-vik”. What’s worse, is that he ignores the Norwegian who happens to be speaking and carries on with his mispronunciation as if nothing ever happened.
Breh-vik then is apparently yet another incorrect pronunciation.
Bry-vik it is then, though I'd still like to hear it from Breivik himself.
The Guardian has gone pretty much idle. The Telegraph daily coverage continues:
day one
day two
day three
day four
day five
day six
day seven
Varg Vikernes seems to have reconsidered the dim view of Breivik he initially expressed in War in Europe: Part I - Cui bono?. In War in Europe: Part II - The Price of Anti-Racism Vikernes assigns blame closer to where it belongs:
You so-called "anti-racists" have destroyed all our European countries with massive immigration! Where are we supposed to live then? Where are my blonde children supposed to live in 60 years? Where are their blonde children supposed to live? Why do you only care about coloured individuals who have fallen victim to racism, and at the same time work actively to make sure everyone of your own race will fall victim to the same racism? Are you incapable of seeing the lunacy in this?
Try to corner an animal and you will see what will happen! Be not surprised when the animal attacks you. Humans are also animals, and people like Anders Breivik act on instinct because you have cornered them. You can actually thank yourselves for the fact that he killed some of you "anti-racists". You have cornered our entire European race! Like Breivik says more and more individuals in the European nations will react with aggression. Finally large groups will revolt. Perhaps even entire peoples. The future does not look bright. The carnage will come - and it is all your fault! This is a consequence of your "anti-racist" policies and your actions! You and those who "educated" you are responsible for this.
Since you show such a total disregard for the laws of nature why not invent an ideology that denies the existence of gravity too. Then all of you can just jump off a cliff, and at least you will not trouble anyone else when you are smashed against the rocks below.
Good on Vikernes. But let's not forget that anti-"racism" springs directly from the jewish narrative: White = bad, non-White = good. These ideas to put "minority" interests above our own didn't spring into our heads out of nowhere. Cui bono?
Tanstaafl said... "Bry-vik it is then, though I'd still like to hear it from Breivik himself."
The "ei" in Breivik is pronounced with a long-i in Norwegian, like the word "height" in English. The second "i" is short.
So, yes, it is "Bry-vik." "Breh-vik" is totally wrong.
Tanstaafl, you might be interested in the complete testimony of Breivik which has been Google translated, with some editing for clarity, here.
Tristan Stewart-Robertson is the one who should be declared insane.
"Last week Canada even marked 30 years of its Charter of Rights and Freedoms which helps enshrine diversity as both acceptable and protected."
Enshrine? As in diety? Strange choice of words. The white masses must learn to bow before the great Goddess Diversita.
If diversity was truly acceptable there wouldn't be any need for protection.
"Breivik isn’t insane for fearing multiculturalism. But this fear of multiculturalism is a convenient scapegoat, and pointlessly insane."
POINTLESSLY insane? as opposed to the kind that makes a good point?
One way or another Breivik has to be insane because if he's not insane then his fear isn't either.
OSLO (Reuters) - Up to 40,000 Norwegians staged an emotionally-charged sing-along in Oslo on Thursday near the court house where Anders Behring Breivik is on trial for the murder of 77 people in a protest organizers said showed he had not broken their tolerant society.
"It's we who win," said guitar-strumming folk singer Lillebjoern Nilsen as he led the mass sing-along and watched the crowd sway gently in the rain. Many held roses above their heads, and some wept.
The protest followed several days of defiant testimony from Breivik who has admitted he killed his victims in a blood soaked attack on Norway's multicultural society, but denied criminal guilt, saying he did so in self-defense.
The crowd chose to sing a song - "Children of the Rainbow" - that extols the type of multicultural society Breivik has said he despised and one that he specifically dismissed during the trial as Marxist propaganda.
People then marched several blocks, to the district courthouse where Breivik is on trial, close to the site where he set off a bomb that killed eight people on July 22.
Thousands more Norwegians held similar musical protests in towns across the country.
The protest came as survivors lined up inside the courtroom to take the witness stand and describe the bombing.
"I was spitting teeth," said Harald Foesker, who had been at work in the Ministry of Justice when the 950-kilogram fertilizer bomb went off outside his window.
"I felt at once that this was a terror attack on the government building... I called for help but nobody answered."
He said that he lost 80 percent of his vision and his face had to be restored afterwards, adding he was proud to live in a country that treated criminal defendants with dignity.
Breivik, 33, has called his victims "traitors" who deserved death for embracing left-wing values which, in his view, opened Europe to a slow-motion Muslim invasion.
He had said he felt he had no choice but to strike back, bombing government offices and staging a brutal gun massacre at a Labour Party island summer camp that killed 69 people.
Breivik has often used chillingly graphic language to describe his killing spree, but it seems to have taken took his comments over the "Children of the Rainbow" song to touch a nerve in a country that prides itself on a tradition of tolerance and justice.
Oslo becomes Jonestown: Wormtongue smiles.
Such a public reaction was entirely predictable and only shows how wrong (both tactically and morally) Breivik's act really was. Breivik should have tried to convince people with reasonable arguments, not violence. Could he have convinced the same number of people that are now singing at the court house?
You can now expect in Norway more "tolerance" for minorities, how dysfunctional or criminal they may be, and perhaps even a cry for MORE immigration to show the world how "non-racist" Norwegians are.This is what is called "counter-productive".
I don't agree with Franklin
Franklin Ryckaert said...
Such a public reaction was entirely predictable and only shows how wrong (both tactically and morally) Breivik's act really was. Breivik should have tried to convince people with reasonable arguments, not violence. Could he have convinced the same number of people that are now singing at the court house?
Predictable, yes, but *asking* for multiculturalism, as are the people joining in the singing, show those who are not so happy with it that it is indeed the policy of the current leaders, and under their policies it will increase until it becomes complete. Horrors.
We know that the common people are thinking even though they don't express their thoughts out loud. Every reaction like this by the liberals tips their hand just that much more. And think, this was a Facebook-organized event! How Jewish-Globalist can you get!
Breivik addressed the fact that he did try to reason with people, tried writing letters, but no one *heard* him. This is the only way he was heard.
What's needed are more people like Tanstaafl covering this and interpreting it from a White Nationalist perspective (pointing without fear and trembling to how the enemy is playing it. He keeps *us* from falling into the same emotional trap of "morality" that makes us feel we must condemn Breivik to show we are not *murderers* or dangerous people. Why shouldn't White people be dangerous? The singers were holding roses and weeping over these 79 people. But think of all the death the Globalist wars are responsible for, all the death and harm multinational corporations are responsible for, and what Breivik did pales considerably. We need to be reminded by sensible people to remain sensible
I think Breivik's "self-defense" defense is a good one and he's making sense with it. *They* want to wallpaper over the danger that we are in, minimizing the damage already inflicted. Breivik deserves some support ... if not for his actions, at least for his concerns and reasons, which ended up bringing about his actions. He is not insane. He is not alien to us. He is one of us. Do we not understand that we're at war for our survival?
If Norwegians call for more tolerance for more immigration, it will ignite a backlash. The backlash must be nurtured.
Franklin Ryckaert@6:52 am
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.
The present system doesn't respond to reasonable arguments. It only doubles down on it's insanity, believing it to be the truth. It can only be gotten rid of by violence and/or the threat of it.
It's a religious faith. It believes the lie is truth and cannot be argued out of.
Ultimately our decision is discrimination or death. Because those yodelers have been programmed to reject the former, they accept the latter...some even consciously.
Claiming "self-defence" as an excuse for the killing of 69 unarmed teenagers will not be accepted by anybody with a conscience. Desparate, solitary acts of terrorism will accomplish nothing and only deter the masses.
The present policy of mass third world immigration and enforced multiculturalism is the outcome of a political and media process and has to be reversed by similar means. Of course trying to convert the elite and their followers of "true believers" is in vain, as is the attempt to get access to the mainstream media (Breivik's desparate "writing of letters"), but that is no more important. In this age of the internet one can create one's own media. Breivik could have made his own website on which he explains his views in a few videos in simple language ( and not in a more than 1500 pages long abstruse book). He could add to that a weekly video of half an hour with a talk about current issues. To canvass followers for his party he could use his website and door to door campaigns.
That an anti-immigration party can have success in elections is proved by the Front National in France. Breivik could have tried such a constructive avenue instead of terrorism. Now he has set back the whole thing with the predictable reaction of the establishment and its brainwashed followers. He is neither a "hero" nor a "genius" in this cause.
Franklin, the self-defence claim is not to "excuse" the killings but to explain them. Breivik is not trying to be found not guilty (impossible), but to draw attention to a desperate problem for Norwegians. For that, I think he has succeeded so far.
Breivik has not claimed "self-defence", he has claimed the "right of necessity", that gives any Norwegian the right to break the law without punishment, if the end justifies the means.
This law is not found in the Britain or the USA, IIRC.
I wonder how many in that crowd in Oslo reflected upon the near absence of the sainted immigrants in the gathering.
"Breivik has not claimed "self-defence", he has claimed the "right of necessity", that gives any Norwegian the right to break the law without punishment, if the end justifies the means".
Well in that case Breivik could have occupied with a group a building of the immigration service or such something, refusing to leave unless the politicians promised to stop immigration. That would draw attention to his case and start a serious public debate. After that he could found a political party, using the generated publicity as a good start. That would be an acceptable way to "break the law" and far more effective. A careful thought out strategy of civil disobedience and publicity could have the same success as had Martin Luther King with his actions in his time.
Looks like the fact that Breivik killed a bunch of anti-Zionist protestors was being noticed by too many people, despite the fact that it received virtually no attention from the mass media and despite the best efforts of morons, jewish trolls, and phony opposition to build Breivik into some kind of "White hero". Better for the jews to just bury the story.
The trial is taking testimony of survivors who tell of all the suffering they endured.
What has that got to do with whether Breivik is sane or not? Nothing. This is just to sway the judge away from a proper legal decision based on the testimony of psychiatric experts.
The usual circus.
If you want to see what gullible white multiculturalists look like, go to : Desertpeace.com, April 27, 2012 at 10:45 : "Oslo Hate Trial Turns to Street Love Fest", for pictures and a video of a crowd of 40,000 Norwegians singing piously "Children of the Rainbow".
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