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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Path to National Suicide Discussion at Mangan's

Path to National Suicide

A long discussion was triggered when Mangan contrasted GOI's immigration and naturalization policy with USG's. That discussion recently bumped into a Blogger limit, so consider this one place to comment on or continue that discussion.

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Blogger Tanstaafl said...

I'll kick it off by noting that whenever jews try to debate on an open forum, such as Mangan provides, they lose. Eventually their pretense that we're all one big happy
human (or "race-realist", or "white") family shrivels up and blows away as their jew-first priorities come to the fore.

1/19/2012 12:19:00 PM  
Anonymous ben tillman said...

Sabril wrote:

Sure, because each and every Jew is responsible for the opinions advocated by every other Jew.

He's trying to be a smart-ass, but it's true. From the eminent Jewish historian Salo Wittmayer Baron (writing in 1952):

To this day orthodox Jewish ethics has remained in its essence national rather than individual, and this accounts, incidentally, for the otherwise incomprehensible legal theorm of the common responsibility of all Jews for the deeds of each.

Emphasis in original.

1/19/2012 03:23:00 PM  
Blogger Tanstaafl said...

"Sure, because each and every Jew is responsible for the opinions advocated by every other Jew."

Regardless of what their authorities have to say about this, many jews empirically behave as if they believe it. They rush to defend their fellow jews who are accused of wrong-doing, no matter the logical or ideological hurdles they have to leap to do so. Recent high-profile examples are Roman Polanski and DSK. "A jew has been arrested! This must be some kind of anti-semitic conspiracy!"

Note The rhetorical technique used by Sabril. He's not saying it isn't true. He's just taunting an "anti-semite" to note that it is. It's akin to Lawrence Auster's repeated, creepy non-denials of his being a jewish fifth-columnist.

1/19/2012 03:58:00 PM  
Blogger Old Atlantic Lighthouse said...

"By Richard Cohen, Published: April 25, 2011

It has taken a while, but it’s about time Robert E. Lee lost the Civil War. The South, of course, was defeated on the battlefield in 1865, yet the Lee legend — swaddled in myth, kitsch and racism — has endured even past the civil rights era when it became both urgent and right to finally tell the “Lost Cause” to get lost. Now it should be Lee’s turn. He was loyal to slavery and disloyal to his country — not worthy, even he might now admit, of the honors accorded him."

"He deserves no honor — no college, no highway, no high school."

Today Jan 19 is Lee's birthday.

Some people don't get it why Cohen is the author of this article.

1/19/2012 03:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Scott said...

To extend the analogy a bit further, modern liberalism (what we should call judaeo-liberalism) is different from European liberalism the same way that rap is different from European music. Both "liberalism" and music were developed by whites in pursuit of their own glory and happiness, whereas both modern liberalism and rap music are, in effect, the celebrations of our oppressors.

1/19/2012 10:50:00 PM  
Blogger Tanstaafl said...

When Whites still had the upper hand liberalism was about liberty - free speech, free association, free inquiry - and equality before the law for the citizenry within the separate and sovereign nations of Europe. Now that jews have the upper hand "liberalism" is genocidally anti-White, more bolshevist than liberal in any traditional, White sense of the word, with Kafkaesque constraints on speech and inquiry, guilt-by-association, compulsory integration, open borders, and equality for everyone - regardless of race, religion, national origin, or immigration status - except Whites, who are regarded as congenitally morally and mentally defective, and jews, who are regarded as more equal than anyone else.

I don't care what Sabril or any other self-identifying jew thinks or says about anything, because in the end all they care about is the jews - and I'm not a jew.

1/19/2012 11:58:00 PM  
Blogger Tanstaafl said...

"disloyal to his country — not worthy, even he might now admit, of the honors accorded him"

That's really for Lee's own people to judge, not for a hostile alien who has nothing but contempt and animus for Lee and his descendents.

1/19/2012 11:59:00 PM  
Blogger Tanstaafl said...

Richard Cohen's tribemates regard him as an "A-list tribesman" whose special interest is in knowing Israel "backward and forwards".

1/20/2012 12:03:00 AM  
Blogger Tanstaafl said...

Every time Sabril makes one of his typical imperious, distracting demands - "quote where I claimed..." or "list X Ys who support Z" - he should get nothing but an "I'm not your research assistant" in response.

Here's a convenient copy-paste for it:

"Sorry, but I'm not your research assistant." - sabril Jan 18, 2012 07:02 AM

Sabril deserves to be mocked and ridiculed for this behavior the same way Whiskey gets it for claiming to be Scots-Irish.

1/20/2012 10:48:00 AM  
Anonymous JSM said...

"Every time Sabril makes one of his typical imperious, distracting demands - "quote where I claimed..." or list X Ys who support Z"
he should get nothing but an "I'm not your research assistant" in response.

Sabril deserves to be mocked and ridiculed for this behavior the same way Whiskey gets it for claiming to be Scots-Irish.

He should also be mocked when he starts in with "antisemites think so and so..."
I'd like to see someone demand of HIM to provide links and cites to 3 people who say all these so-called anti-semitic things, etc.
Give HIM the "I'm skeptical. Please provide 3 examples with links where it was said."
Betcha he can't do it.

I'd do it myself, but I'm in the company of Martin B and others who Sabril "doesn't engage," claiming are liars.

1/20/2012 01:09:00 PM  
Blogger Tanstaafl said...

It's ok. I have a feeling Anonymous will do it.

1/20/2012 04:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Scott said...

When Whites still had the upper hand liberalism was about liberty - free speech, free association, free inquiry - and equality before the law

What I find ironic is that although jews are notorious "liberals," they are just about the worst ethnic group you'd want to mix into a liberal society in the classical sense. And I'm not just talking about their "group evolutionary strategy," which is a cultural phenomenon (in that it requires exposure to jewish mythology). I mean genetically, with respect to personality, even as deracinated individuals, the average jew makes a pretty bad citizen -- far worse, for exanple, than the average conformist, shame-obsessed asian, who could be fairly harmlessly "assimilated" in the small numbers that jews comprise (i.e. they wouldn't punch above their weight when it comes to knocking down the pillars of their host civilization). The average jew is always looking for loopholes and free rider opportunities, always inventive in coming up with rent-seeking and ambulance-chasing strategies with no thought about future consequences for the community, shameless in exhibiting chutzpah to satisfy his material obsessions, comfortable with deviancy, aggressive and importunate to the point of creating animosity, and eager to utilize his above-average intellect to take advantage of others' more noble inclinations for his own advantage.

I don't feel good writing that, as it might ring somewhat false because of course not all jews blah blah, but then I'm in a university environment, and there are lots of cool and smart indians, middle easterners, east asians, south americans, etc. most of whom give one faith that a "proposition nation" could work; the problem is, with demographics, averages are everything.

1/23/2012 09:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Scott said...

But to complete my thought, I think it's important not to feel constrained by MacDonald's very academic "group evolutionary strategy" critique of jewish behavior, because that can easily be contested on a scientific plane (the way, for example, Derbyshire has contested it, or Auster, who, having persuaded his Christian zionist acolytes that he disproved Darwinism, no longer needs to concern himself with MacDonald). Jews are simply different from us, as blacks are and japanese are different.

1/23/2012 10:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Armor said...

"Sure, because each and every Jew is responsible for the opinions advocated by every other Jew." (—Sabril)

Jews are specialists in :
- presenting themselves as victims
- assigning collective guilt on White people
- assigning guilt by loose association
- denouncing the denouncing of antigoyism as a vile attack against each and every Jew

In fact, our denunciation of Jewish malfeasance is 100% legitimate, while their perpetual crusade against antisemitism is really a crusade against White people.

1/23/2012 01:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can access the most recent comments for this thread: just click "load more..." near the bottom of the page right under the box where one types in one's comment.

I used both the Chrome and the Fire Fox browsers successfully with the "load more..." option.

The last comment as far as I can tell is this:

Svigor Jan 22, 2012 10:53 PM
Before around 1300 and for most of history, whites had low IQs and little talent of any kind. They were known as an utterly insignificant people for most of history before 1300.

Lol, I can see I'm going to have to put up a whole post on my blog to deal with the idiocy in this thread.

The Greeks? The Romans? Who are they? And between Rome and the Renaissance, Europeans were laying the groundwork for the modern world. I'd like to know which people was "significant," if Whites weren't.

Incidentally, please consider backing up the contents of your blog, Tan.
Read Svigor's latest blog post and you will see why, entitled "Google deleted my blog":

1/26/2012 04:15:00 PM  
Blogger Tanstaafl said...

Johnny Cash - God Bless Robert E. Lee

2/03/2012 10:41:00 PM  

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