The Anti-White Standards of Flight

When non-Whites flee it's regarded as normal and natural, to "look for a better life". When Whites flee it's regarded as a pathological condition, either "racism", paranoia, or cowardice.
As an example of the latter, see the book by Kevin M. Kruse, White Flight: Atlanta and the Making of Modern Conservatism.
Labels: anti-white, immigration, race
His viewpoint is pretty clear.
"The true goal of desegregation, these white Southerners insisted, was not to end the system of racial oppression in the South, but to install a new system that oppressed them instead."
From the link above. Actually they got it slightly wrong, the true long-term goal was to exterminate them, and that's well on the way to happening. Within a few years aliens who just crawled off the boat were being put in the front of the line ahead of the descendants of the people who built the country. The excuse that "affirmative action" was only being implemented to make up for past discrimination against blacks was a lie from the beginning.
Anti-Genocide: "the true long-term goal was to exterminate them, and that's well on the way to happening."
I once heard someone argue on TV that the-Nazis were of two minds about the-Jews. He was trying to explain some of the contradictions in the Jewish narrative. On the one hand, the-Nazis wished to kill all the-Jews (even though they didn't say so (even though they supposedly documented every atrocity they did) ). On the other hand, they needed them to work for IG Farben and other German industries.
Similarly, the anti-White forces are of two minds about us. Some of them want to exterminate us. Some of them would like to keep living off of Whites as social and economic parasites.
"Within a few years aliens who just crawled off the boat were being put in the front of the line ahead of the descendants of the people who built the country."
Obviously, it isn't consistent with the idea of repairing a past injustice. In any case, the logic of who built the country, and who arrived first in America, should be rejected. Arguing that "our ancestors built this country" is irrelevant and makes me think of a cake to be shared, or eaten alone. What people need to protect is their own existence, not something their ancestors built. The territory must be protected and the trespassers expelled because that is the only way White people can survive for long. But it has nothing to do with protecting inheritance rights.
Besides, third-world invaders do much more than drive their cars on roads that our ancestors built. They are crowding us out. For example, many White people delay having children in order to pay their taxes, that are used by government to increase the non-White population. As if White people were a cake to be shared between non-Whites.
Instead of saying that "our ancestors built this country", what should be said is that White people have a right to exist and are not a cake to be shared.
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