Goodbye "Model Minority", Hello Angry Horde

This is so incredibly ignorant, it's almost hard to believe that she's for real. I've re-watched it several times now, and I actually find myself laughing at the sheer stupidity. For those who want the literary version, here's the full transcript of her rant. It's equally hilarious and infuriating.He links a few responses from UCLA administration and various asian groups condemning the video, and Alexandra Wallace grovelling for forgiveness. AAM's blog post currently concludes with the following:
UPDATE: The UCLA Asian American Studies Center has also released a statement on "Asians in the Library." An excerpt:Two UCLA Professors Seek Campus Diversity Requirement:"Asians in the Library" is a travesty on many levels, representing an attack on Asian and Asian American students and their families and undermining UCLA as a global university with deep ties to communities and institutions in Asia and other parts of the world. It entails a "new racism" by foregrounding students who speak Asian languages and have different family traditions, as it insidiously groups and attacks UCLA's American-born as well as our international students of Asian ancestry. As the only University of California campus without a diversity requirement, UCLA surely needs to implement a diversity requirement that will expose every student to the task of living civilly with people of different origins, backgrounds, orientations, and beliefs, whether they are born here or come from abroad.A diversity requirement might not be such a bad idea.
In the aftermath of a racially offensive Internet video, two University of California, Los Angeles professors are urging the administration to require diversity training for students in hopes of discouraging such incidents.
Dr. David Yoo, director of the Asian American Studies Center, and Dr. Lane Hirabayashi, department chairman of Asian American studies, issued a joint statement this week observing that, “We still have much work to do before we can claim to live in a ‘post-racial’ society.”
The phrase “ching chong” is considered an ethnic slur that historically mocked Chinese speaking patterns but sometimes has been aimed at other Asians. Asian Americans comprise the largest racial group among 26,000 UCLA undergraduates at 37 percent; Whites make up 32 percent.
Both UCLA scholars called on the administration “to respond institutionally since the video addresses larger issues of campus climate and culture.” They called the video rant “a travesty representing an attack on Asian and Asian American students and their families and undermining UCLA as a global university. This type of prejudice and use of derogatory words cannot be tolerated.” They urged the administration to implement a diversity requirement for students.
UCLA Chancellor Gene Block released a statement on Monday afternoon saying he was “appalled” by Wallace’s comments and that her opinions do not reflect nor represent UCLA.
“I recoil when someone invokes the right of free expression to demean other individuals or groups. Speech that expresses intolerance is indefensible,” Block said.
Colleges around the country have steadily added academic courses with a diversity component or global cultures aspect, requiring undergraduates to complete a certain number of credit hours as a graduation prerequisite.The problem is indeed ignorance - an ignorance deliberately created by an orwellian twisting of words which pathologizes Whites for being "intolerant" of "diversity". The unspoken premise is that White displacement and dispossession is right and good, therefore Whites are mentally or morally defective for objecting in the slightest way. Even the confused rant of a lone, exasperated, powerless White against "ching chonging" "asians in the library" is an intolerable, indefensible crime. Wallace will be punished for her insolent outburst, and the already widespread indoctrination of Whites as to our proper subordinate and silenced place will be further broadened and accelerated.
Those who lie about their motives and methods have no real standing to blame others for being ignorant of them. Dishonesty engenders ignorance. But let's not pretend these anti-White "anti-racist" liars are decrying our lack of understanding. They mock us for it. When they call Whites ignorant it is to abuse and intimidate us. Their orwellian use of the term is nothing but a pretentious, exceptionally intolerant way of trying to shut someone up by calling them stupid.
As with most Whites, Wallace has been misguided and probably used to imagine that the goal of her university and the overarching regime is to educate people, to create a fair, tolerant society where all people are treated equally. Condemned by powerful, race-conscious, self-interested asian organizations and insulted and threatened with violence by faceless hordes of angry asians, Wallace is now finally getting a real education.
Labels: asian, education, language, race, the multicult
I went to UCLA. I think it's hard to go to that school and not develop at least some racial consciousness. Realistically, it's only around 20% White, and the anti-White bullshit is pretty in your face.
Anon @12:38, can you tell us more? Give details and examples?
I wouldn't put a personal video up on the internet for any reason. That being said, however, in my personal life I no longer hesitate to administer public shaming tactics to minorities when their behavior/decorum/personal hygiene fails to meet standard American norms. I call out the Indians at the gym for their foul stench and advise them to bathe. I mock the Chinese shuffling through the store in their sandals, click-clack, click-clack. The White cashiers are at once shocked and amused by my blatant breaking of the PC taboos they've been raised with.
My community is heavily enriched by the "model minority," and as a recent VDare post demonstrated, they're not so model to live amongst. While I commend the Japanese for their insular nation and social code which has kept some semblance of order amidst the chaos of disaster, I would not be comfortable living in their society, and do not wish them to come and live in mine.
There is a distinct Asian pecking order, with the Japanese at the top. The Han Chinese, on the other hand, are far louder, ruder, and cruder, and are here in far greater numbers.
Asian Americans comprise the largest racial group among 26,000 UCLA undergraduates at 37 percent; Whites make up 32 percent.
This is lazy statistical gathering.
Foreign students are usually not counted by race and simply labelled "International". 11% overall are not specified by race and classed 'International' at UCLA**. Most Internationals at UCLA are presumably Oriental. Thus "Asians" are likely ~45% of the student population. The white student total, less its Jews, is 22%.
[** -- See Vdare's entry on this (last paragraph)].
Anonymous wrote:
"the anti-White bullshit is pretty in your face"
Not enough, according to The Model Minority:
Angry Oriental Agitation groups proclaimed:
"UCLA surely needs to implement a diversity requirement that will expose every student to [...]" [quoted in OP]
These "diversity trainings" have the air of the political trainings given under Communism. It's the kind of thing that many people mock and disdain, but only either "in the silence of their hearts" or among trusted friends -- never openly, as it is political heresy.
Communists also used political trainings punitively, as a weapon against dissidents and against the Burgeoisie, which is clearly the spirit of the Oriental groups' demand here.
Mid June 1953: East-German workers protest Communism via a general strike and demonstration march, which escalates into an anti-Communist riot. After the revolt is put down, the Party Bosses decide more education is needed to eradicate the virus of anti-Marxism. "Opposition to Marxism is a pathology, but can be cured with the proper education."
Mid March 2011: A California college student protests Multicultacracy via an online video, which for some reason escalates into a virtual-riot among Orientals directed at the student. After she is shamed, goes into hiding, and expelled (coming soon), the Diversitycrats decide more education is needed to eradicate the virus of White Racialism. "White people are born with sick minds, but their mental disease can be cured, with effort."
(The Diversitycrats consult Tim Wise on what to do. Tim recommends all UCLA classes begin the week with a two-minute-hate against the Racial Heretic, her expulsion from school, her arrest for hate crimes, and her felony conviction for hate crimes.)
From the entry for UCLA in Barron's Profiles of American Colleges 2011:
"Student Life: 92% of undergraduates are from California. Others are from 44 states, 63 foreign countries, and Canada. 77% are from public schools. 38% are Asian American, 33% white, 15% Hispanic."
Colleges with a large percent Jewish students - College Confidential claims jews were 12% at UCLA (2007, undergrad + grad). Accounting for an indeterminate number of turks, arabs, etc also usually classified as "white", that would put Whites somewhere under 21%.
Roughly speaking, out of every 5 UCLA students, 4 are non-White. Perfect "diversity" will be achieved when it's 5 out of 5.
Richard Spencer on The Costs of Diversity:
"What's most important about this whole system is, again, that it is a total lie. It is a lie in every way. The word itself is a lie. What it is is a lie. How it's implemented, we lie about that. Who benefits. What the cost is.
. . .
Affirmative action is anti-White discrimination, period. Whenever you hear the word affirmative action or diversity you should substitute in your mind anti-White discrimination."
Tanstaafl wrote:
Wallace is now finally getting a real education.
VDARE reports she has "gone into hiding", and may be expelled or otherwise "disciplined" by the university.
Chechar referred me to Laura Wood's discussion of Auster's post. I sent her a comment. She posted only the first paragraph:
I am a White nationalist and I favor the creation of a jew-free White ethnostate. This is because I am White and I perceive that jews, as a group, are implacably hostile toward Whites, especially Whites who recognize and oppose jewish aggression against us.
The rest of my comment was:
Lawrence Auster provides a perfect example. He is a zealous supporter of jewish nationalism, using support for Israel as his litmus test of a person's worth. He presents himself as a defender of "whites" but in fact regularly insults and pathologizes Whites. Auster is not a critic of jewish liberalism so much as he is a critic of Whites. His frequent diatribes against "liberalism" are for the most part thinly veiled diatribes against Whites. See, for example, his Black racial preferences at Annapolis; and a conversation with Paul Gottfried about white guilt,, Jews, and Protestants:
"What distinguishes Jewish liberalism from Protestant liberalism is the following.
Jewish liberals see white Christians as guilty. The Jews feel ok about themselves, they think the white gentile majority is the problem.
By contrast, white Protestant liberals feel guilty about themselves. This leaves them without a confident group selfhood. They believe only in equality, only in their own guilt for somehow standing in the way of equality. It is this lack of collective and even individual selfhood, this inner nothingness, this willingness to be destroyed, that makes the white Protestants the true liberals. The Jews, whose collective and individual psyche is not guilty under liberalism (since in the liberal world view Jews are victims and the champions of victims), have psychological power and self-confidence and thus are not true liberals.
A true liberal is a person who is willing to accept his group's extinction. Protestants are willing to accept their group's extinction. Jews are not. Therefore Protestants are closer to the true liberal essence than the Jews are."
When Auster criticizes jews it clearly arises out of his deep care for their best interests. Not so for his criticism of Whites. He values Whites only to the extent we have and continue to provide safe and comfortable living conditions for jews. Auster's overriding concern, which he helpfully demonstrates here, is to sniff out and attack Whites who threaten jewish interests. He does this whether or not they are White nationalists. Beside attacking obscure White nationalist bloggers Auster regularly attacks Whites with some measure of influence who, like Pat Buchanan or Ron Paul, implicitly defend White interests. Their crime, in Auster's eyes, is harming the interests of jews or the jewish ethnostate. Auster can't even be honest about this. He describes himself with implausible irony as a "fifth columnist" rather than simply saying, "yes indeed, I put the interests of jews above the interests of Whites".
I see no evidence that Auster is regarded as "a paraiah to the majority of Jews". He appears to have gathered a substantial number of like-minded jewish supporters around himself. If some jews do regard him as a pariah, so what? Anyone smeared as a White nationalist (much less those of us who actually describe ourselves as such) can expect to being regarded as a pariah by a greater number of jews, "liberals", and Auster himself. Auster joins the jews who detest his "racism" and the "liberals" he detests to oppose Whites who express the "confident group selfhood" he disingenuously criticizes us for not having. And he does this because, when the rubber meets the road, he thinks Whites pursuing the best interests of Whites is bad for "the jews".
Why should Whites care what a man like this has to say about us?
Wood's response was:
"Laura writes:
You have also sent me a lengthy statement as to why Lawrence Auster’s primary and only interest is the preservation of the Jewish people and how he is hostile to whites. But I am not going to go on with the rest of your comment because your statement above provides too much for me to disagree with for us to continue a fruitful debate. (Notice how your hostility to Jews is so intense that you refuse to even capitalize the word “Jew” though you do capitalize the word “White.”)
I do not seek to live in a Jew-free nation. Period.
I might add, I do not seek to live in a nation purged of blacks or Hispanics or Asians either.
Laura adds:
If it came down to choosing between citizenship in a white ethnostate which identified itself as proudly ”Jew-free” in its constitution and a nation that was suicidally multicultural, I would choose the latter."
Wood is very much like Auster. She mimics his email-only/copy-edit-paste comment mechanism. She shares his intellectual insecurity, publishing only the portions of comments she finds convenient to address. Like Auster, what she does comment on is relatively trivial, revealing only a hypocritical hypersensitivity to jew not being capitalized. They unselfconsciously project their own intense hostility onto others. Last but certainly not least, both express the core of their worldview and moralizing in pro-jewish terms. When the chips are down and a distinction between Whites and jews (which they ordinarily gloss over) is being made, they explicitly place jewish interests above all other concerns.
Wood has been invited to respond here. As with Auster I expect she will not.
It's not all genes. It's also memes.
Laura adds:
If it came down to choosing between citizenship in a white ethnostate which identified itself as proudly ”Jew-free” in its constitution and a nation that was suicidally multicultural, I would choose the latter."
I am absolutely gobsmacked by her saying that. IS SHE INSANE? I never would have predicted she would take 'sides' like that given the content of her blog. VERY disappointing as I usually find her blog an excellent one, especially her anti-feminist material.
I know she and Auster have a close blog-relationship so I would expect her to defend him, but that statement re: her CHOOSING a 'suicidal multicult' over a Jew-free ethnostate' is incredible.It has tainted everything I thought her to be.
Tan, you continue to challenge me to move the goalposts. You are one of my fav WN writers, period.
Laura Wood probably doesn't like Tan because of his never-ending attacks on her blog-buddy Auster.
What I don't get is why Tan wasn't smart enough to factor in alienating Auster's blog-buddies when he decided to make such a big deal out of his negative opinion of Auster.
It's kind of like when James Edwards spends so much time attacking Beck and Rush as evil scumbags when this only serves to make Beck and Rush's many fans less likely to listen to Edward's ideas with an open mind.
What's so hard about presenting a positive vision of why people should follow you, while respectfully explaining why you think more mainstream figures are wrong?
Auster is a dishonest and dishonorable enemy who poses as an authority and ally. I very deliberately deconstruct his work, in his own terms and using his own standards, quoting and linking him extensively. I do so specifically for the benefit of the Whites who are misled, at least for a time, by his dissembling and dissimulation.
That this alienates certain blog-buddies of his is understandable. Those who are White and confused will eventually come to see through him. The rest, like Auster, only want Whites to stand up and assert ourselves as "whites", and only in order to better serve the interests of jews. Exposing this no doubt vexes them. Good.
rather than one jew being excluded.
Of course it's never just a question of one Jew being excluded.
"In a confidently Christian society, Jews do not successfully undermine and destroy Christian mores and traditions." -Laura Wood
That seems to be her attitude, that expelling Jews would be unnecessary enough to be morally unacceptable to her.
She is a genocidal nihilist.
Nihilists don't believe in anything, Laura Wood seems to believe in Christianity.
I know, I know, all the more reason for all right thinking Euro-Pagans to hate her...
But she's still not a nihilist, unless your using the meaning of that term found here:
"Political nihilism, and its violent tendencies, emerged from of the political and social conditions in Russia in the second half of the 19th century, characterized by inept state control to peasant apathy. It was encouraged by the contemporary idea of ethical nihilism, but was ultimately no more than a manifestation of this philosophy."
Come to think of it, Laura Wood does spend a lot of time talking about the need to violently overthrow the Czar Alexander II.
That this alienates certain blog-buddies of his is understandable. Those who are White and confused will eventually come to see through him.
The people to Auster's right he attacks are more a little off a lot of the time.
This stops Auster from looking like a fifth columnist to most of his readers.
Perhaps this will change, but I'm somewhat at a loss as to the source of your iron confidence.
The rest, like Auster, only want Whites to stand up and assert ourselves as "whites", and only in order to better serve the interests of jews.
Are you sure Auster doesn't care a little bit for the well-being of Whites?
I understand the argument that his opposition to the creation of Jew free White ethnostate may not be in said interests, but given than 99% of Whites probably agree with Auster it's hard to see that as proof of malintent.
Exposing this no doubt vexes them. Good.
I'm sure Auster would rather live in a magical world where everyone agrees with him and he doesn't have to go to the trouble of dealing with people who don't.
So perhaps your presence on the web vexes him.
It's extremely unlikely it vexes him enough to matter to his ideational output, though, so why is said vexation "good"?
A nihilist is someone who would see an entire civilization crumble if it meant even one person to be excluded. In my mind anyway.
That is not something someone would believe who claims to believe in the "higher good." Of course, the higher good is whatever is good for the jews right?
Actually, hypocrite is way better than nihilist; I stand corected. Auster called Paul Craig Roberts a nihlist for saying he would see our civilization overrun with Mexicans if we could get rid of the "neocons." How is that different than what Wood said? Wood would rather see us destroyed than exclude jews.
I'm just using their own standards against them.
"Laura Wood said that she would rather see us run the course of the multi-cult, which equals the Death of the West and of White civilization including Christendom, rather than live in a White civilization that excludes jews.
Laura Wood does not care about the higher good and is a genocidal nihilist."
Hows that sound? Does that sound like some bullshit Auster would say?
Hows that sound? Does that sound like some bullshit Auster would say?
Pretty much.
The use of the term genocidal probably takes it into even more overheated territory than even Auster would indulge himself, though.
Tan, thanks for publishing here what Laura censored at her blog.
Colleges with a large percent Jewish students - College Confidential claims jews were 12% at UCLA (2007, undergrad + grad). Accounting for an indeterminate number of turks, arabs, etc also usually classified as "white", that would put Whites somewhere under 21%.
UCLA has substantial Persian (Iranian), Armenian, and Arab populations, reflecting the demographics of Los Angeles. I've never been able to find stats but it could easily be several percent of the campus for each of those groups. Another percent possibly or more consists of people of mixed White and Asian ancestry (called "hapas" on campus, although that word has a different meaning in Hawaii where it originated).
I said 20% White before but that could be on the high side. Honestly, the general sense you get walking around campus is just that there are not a lot of White people. I had a Middle Eastern friend who, in all seriousness, liked to play a game called "spot the White guy". I also remember sitting in the back of big lecture halls containing 300+ students and seeing nothing but a vast ocean of black hair.
UCLA is very "diverse" in terms of both being heavily non-White and having a bit of everything, although Asians are heavily overrepresented.
The campus is pretty racially segregated. If you walk down Bruin Walk (one of the central walkways in the middle of campus), there are lots of tables advertising various clubs - Chinese Student Association, Korean Student Association, MEChA, Islamic Student Association, etc. There is no club for European-Americans, needless to say. Some of the frats/sororities serve that purpose, which are needless to say constantly criticized for being "too White" (even though there were explicitly Black, Asian, Hispanic, Jewish, etc. frats). This was how the social life on campus was generally organized so if you were White and not in a frat it could be difficult if you weren't really outgoing.
Affirmative Action was a hot topic on campus. It was officially banned in the UC system, but there were lots of covert AA programs, such as summer programs where you got preferential treatment in admissions for participating (but of course you had to be Black or Hispanic to participate). Also, lots of admissions slots were allocated for ethnic studies majors.
Nonetheless, there were protests all the time to bring back (overt) AA, and often times Black and Hispanic students from other universities would come over to take part in the protests. They could be pretty disruptive, and they even managed to break up a Los Angeles mayoral debate that was held on campus once (but one of the candidates, Antonio Villaraigosa, was a former president of MEChA when he was a student at UCLA).
You'd also read editorials in the newspapers a lot advocating affirmative action and saying things like "well, of course everyone knows that despite efforts to promote diversity on campus, UCLA remains overwhelmingly white...", in direct contradiction to the obvious. It wasn't that hard to put together that even though there weren't a lot of White people around, there were still too many for a lot of people.
Not all or even necessarily most but a substantial minority of the non-White students at UCLA did have a chip on their shoulder against Whites. Mostly they wouldn't say anything to your face but you could tell they had a problem with you. Occasionally someone would rant about "White privilege" while you were around, to get a reaction. Also, a lot of the Asian guys had it in for White guys because the Asian girls preferred to date us. You'd never hear it from the Asian guys directly but the Asian girls would always talk about it.
Combine all of the above with the fact that UCLA is a large, impersonal, "factory" type of school and it can definitely make you start thinking racially, if you're a young White man.
Anon UCLA-alumnus wrote:
UCLA has substantial Persian (Iranian), Armenian, and Arab populations
Race selection is based on self-identification on these forms. Very few of these people will write "White". They will either write "Other" or "Asian" (i.e., from Asia).
I like the following paragraph by Anon-UCLA-alumnus a lot, a snapshot of the anti-white Zeitgeist that rules over the big metropolitan area of the USA in the 2000s.
If you walk down Bruin Walk (one of the central walkways in the middle of campus), there are lots of tables advertising various clubs - Chinese Student Association, Korean Student Association, MEChA, Islamic Student Association, etc. There is no club for European-Americans, needless to say. Some of the frats/sororities serve that purpose, which are needless to say constantly criticized for being "too White" (even though there were explicitly Black, Asian, Hispanic, Jewish, etc. frats).
Although JMR's post above is a non-sequitur to the topic at hand and amounted to trolling, I will respond:
JMR wrote:
Why are modern Scandinavian men [not violently aggressive, whereas the Vikings were]?
An even better question is why are the Japanese so passive and nonviolent today? After all, some of their still-living elderly men participated in horrendous atrocities (Nanking, Bataan, etc).
The answer has to do with social-sanction of violence.
In both cases, Viking era and Imperial Japan, the social-system encouraged certain forms of violence to achieve political goals (broadly defined). So men obeyed. Today, there is no social sanction on violence in the north of Europe or Japan, so there is no violence.
A further word on the Vikings, they lived in an era when everyone was violent. They were just better at the form of it they developed, hence their long-lasting impact all over Europe.
At, on the front page, we find a link-button that says "Diversity".
At that link we find something called "UCLA Strategic Plan for Diversity". (There is something perverse [to the uninitiated], about the "Most-Diverse Campus in the UC System" being in a fanatical drive towards More "Diversity".)
I can save you some time and summarize the spirit of the "Strategic Plan": "Even though non-Jewish whites are a small minority now, we need to keep up the pressure so that they eventually reach 0."
Browsing the PDF, I find:
Challenge 1: While UCLA is the most diverse campus in the UC system and has increased minority representation from 60.9% to 63.7% of the career staff over the last five years, further progress needs to be made in enhancing diversity across personnel programs, especially at the higher levels of staff and management classifications.
Challenge 4: Issues of diversity should continue to be a cornerstone of UCLA’s General Education curriculum.
Challenge 4: Write and implement a
campus-wide strategic plan for diversity in graduate education, specific to each academic division and school.
Challenge 3: Establishment of a Chancellorial committee to provide oversight of graduate education initiatives to enhance diversity.
Challenge 5: Academic administrators must be held accountable for promoting an academic climate where contributions to diversity are an expectation rather than an add-on in pursuit of excellence.
Action: Create a Campus Diversity Initiative and engage all levels of the campus in its support. Define excellence as mutually inclusive of diversity.
The Chancellor and all levels of academic administration must promote a clear message that UCLA’s continued excellence depends upon a faculty that reflect the University’s values of equal opportunity and diversity.
Our efforts to retain all faculty, particularly women and minorities, should be addressed aggressively at the earliest stage possible.
It could go on, but you get the idea.
Notice something here: Replace the word "Diversity" with "Socialism" above, and these goals could have penned by any two-bit Marxist bureaucrat in the East-bloc before 1989.
Nihilists don't believe in anything, Laura Wood seems to believe in Christianity.
She's not a Christian. Christianity entails the exclusion of Jews, which she finds unacceptable.
Think about it. A Christian aspires to eternal life in a Jew-free heaven.
From the Book of John, Chapter 3:
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.
Student in anti-Asian rant says she'll leave UCLA
"[I am leaving UCLA because of] the harassment of my family, the publishing of my personal information, death threats, and being ostracized from an entire community".
She is expelling herself. A good white person self-immolating before the Gods of Diversity.
--- ---
The AP hack wrote: "A student who posted an Internet video of her tirade against the Asian population...."
Who is this clown who wrote this? Did they even watch the video? This gentle teasing is what qualifies as an "anti-Asian tirade"? LOL.
The Race-Heretic recants:
"Especially in the wake of the ongoing disaster in Japan, I would do anything to take back my insensitive words. I could write apology letters all day and night, but I know they wouldn't erase the video from your memory, nor would they act to reverse my inappropriate action."
It is further rumored that she was brought before a closed-door session the Board of Diversity Enforcement, at which point the Race-Heretic declared:
"I abjure, curse, and detest the said errors and heresies which are contrary to the Holy Church of Diversity, whose prophet is Tim Wise."
I have nothing against Nordics just against pagans and those people who refuse to recognise the role of the Catholic Church in building Western Civilisation before it was infiltrated by crypto-jews,protestants and masons.
It was the Catholic Church that founded the first universities, hospitals and schools. It was the Church that alphabetised the Germanic tribes, consolidated the common laws of different tribes,invented the Alcunic script, forbad cousin marriage anointed kings etc.etc.
It was the monks that patiently copied by hand the writings of the ancient Greeks and Romans preserving them for humanity. Look at the wonderful music,art and architecture of Western Europe;all enabled by the Church.
Monks cleared land for agriculture,were the first astronomers and scientists .
The Church knew its enemies and kept the Jews in ghettos and went to war against the Muslims.The Protestants emancipated the Jews and usury and in little over 100 years they dominated the banking industry and now we have reached the stage where all of us are debt-slaves to this evil cabal.
(I don't want to be disrespectful to the David Lynch memorial by responding to some comments, so please feel free to delete this if it offends)
Ben Tillman writes:
She's not a Christian. Christianity entails the exclusion of Jews, which she finds unacceptable.
Excellent point.
JMR writes:
It was the Catholic Church that founded the first universities, hospitals and schools. It was the Church that alphabetized the Germanic tribes, consolidated the common laws of different tribes,invented the Alcunic script, forbad cousin marriage anointed kings etc.etc.
It was the monks that patiently copied by hand the writings of the ancient Greeks and Romans preserving them for humanity. Look at the wonderful music,art and architecture of Western Europe;all enabled by the Church.
Monks cleared land for agriculture,were the first astronomers and scientists .
The Church knew its enemies and kept the Jews in ghettos and went to war against the Muslims.The Protestants emancipated the Jews and usury and in little over 100 years they dominated the banking industry and now we have reached the stage where all of us are debt-slaves to this evil cabal.
I would love to hear/read more about this very theme: do you have a blog yourself, or can recommend any that support such a view?
Thanks to you both :)
Also, a lot of the Asian guys had it in for White guys because the Asian girls preferred to date us.
I went to Berkeley in the early 90's and experienced plenty of racial hostility there from Asians. It was eye-opening. They were absolutely seething about the dating issue. There was this Chinese editor of the student newspaper (Daily Cal) who would rail about Asian victimhood and white iniquity regularly, and the dating issue was a recurring topic of his. It was cartoonish. Once he wrote this piece about how the school didn't have enough Asian-oriented classes or faculty members or scholarships, etc. etc. Hilariously, this professor
in the philosophy department who was a Chinese national found the piece so ridiculous he actually wrote a long rebuttal, which they published.
US gov’t to probe anti-Semitism at California university
"Alleged anti- Semitism to be investigated after lecturer filed complaint claiming university was failing to address hostile environment for Jewish students."
"The complaint alleges that Jewish students suffer frequent “hostile and demonizing criticism” as Jewish students."
Criticize jew racist state = government investigation.
Oppose ethnic studies and white privilege classes because they bash whites as whites = government will investigate you for being racist
Ayrshire, they've got a point about "the dating issue", don't you think?
I very much enjoy Tan's dissecting of Auster. Please keep it up. It's entertaining and always insightful.
UCLA is a wake up call for Whites as a minority. We need to speak up for ourselves and support those who do so for us.
American Indian or
Alaska Native 128 0.49%
African American/Black 1,076 4.11%
Asian or Pacific Islander 9,712 37.12%
Chicano/a or Latino/a 4,126 15.77%
White, Non-Hispanic 8,467 32.36%
unstated, unknown, other 1,131 4.32%
international 1,522 5.82%
Suggested reading is E.Michael Jones's "The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit." His account of the Inquisition is interesting especially in context of the church and the Jews. Then 2 + 2 = "you know why the Inquisition is so vilified these days." You get one guess why.
Ayrshire, they've got a point about "the dating issue", don't you think?
They would have more of a point if they or their ancestors hadn't chosen to move to a white country.
Gene Block, the UCLA chancellor, took it upon himself to post his denouncement of this video on the school's official youtube channel.
In a shocking development, Block turns out to be a jew.
Think about it. A Christian aspires to eternal life in a Jew-free heaven.
That would depend on how you define the word Jew.
The Bible says that Saint Paul is in heaven, and according to most WNs he'd be considered a Jew in spite of his conversion to a non-Jewish religion.
Jared Taylor also wrote a good article about the vicious reaction to Wallace's video. It's in the form of an open letter to Wallace. I'd like to copy and paste the whole letter, but here is just the end :
"These are difficult and painful truths. It often takes years to grasp them. (...) In the eyes of the people who are driving you off campus, your greatest sin, Miss Wallace, is that you are white."
If she is a typical student, she didn't realize and probably still doesn't realize the extent of the racial attack against white people. But that experience will probably open her eyes, when she recovers from the shock. It's an instructive lesson for other white people too.
In a shocking development, Block turns out to be a jew.
So is the president of the UC system, Mark Yudof.
Check out the UC regents:
Sherry L. Lansing - Jew
Odessa P. Johnson - black
George M. Marcus - Greek
Monica Lozano - Hispanic
Richard C. Blum - Jew
Norman J. Pattiz - Jew
Frederick Ruiz - Hispanic
Paul Wachter – highly likely Jew
Russell S. Gould – English name, but?
Leslie Tang Schilling - Chinese
Eddie Island - black
William De La Pena - Hispanic
Bruce D. Varner – likely white
Bonnie Reiss - Jew
Hadi Makarechian - Armenian
Charlene Zettel - Hispanic
George Kieffer – likely Jew
So whites - mostly WASPs - create possibly the greatest public university system in the world and in a period of three or four decades it is almost entirely taken away from them.
RE Jared Taylor's open letter To Race-Heretic Wallace:
This part was pretty sharp:
Perhaps it is beginning to dawn on you that your sin was not what you said but who you are. If you were black or Hispanic and made a mocking video about Asians no one would care. The Asians and others who have made video “replies” address you as “bitch” and say awful things about your appearance and imagined sex habits, but no one has criticized them. Many of them seem to be students. Is the administration “appalled and offended”? Have they received death threats? No.
Well said, Jared Taylor.
Hey guys,
Takuan Seiyo is back talking about “terrible mind afflictions like psychotic Jew hatred” at GoV. Last time I interacted with him (at Mangan’s) I told him about a book, Esau’s Tears, which recognizes that the JQ is not hallucinatory. It seems that our old friend Taksei can’t even handle a scholarly treatise written by a Jew!
P.P.S. And in an earlier thread of the same GoV series Seiyo wrote:
"Unfortunately, the self-proclaimed defenders of White America have dipped all that in a bath of such monomaniacal Jew-hatred, pitiful supremacism, gross falsification of history and idolatry of certified madmen and monsters that they have poisoned the well from which their kinsmen and their country might otherwise be able to draw some vital sustenance.
White Supremacist dementia and its mutation as White Nationalism may spread by social osmosis to well-meaning Americans..."
You get the picture...
Takuan Seiyo is a smart fellow, from what little I've read of him, but:
Takuan Seiyo wrote:
I am half Jewish and know how my race-focused polemical antagonists feel about such things, I refer to myself as “bi-racial” [1st class mischling is the “scientific” term] and feel entirely comfortable with that. Furthermore, my wife is Japanese
This man has several "inherent" biases against pro-European Racialism. His remarks must be seen in that light.
On the original subject of this post:
I calculate East-Asians outnumber White-Gentiles by almost 3:2 at this school. See the full figures here.
Whites are just over 25%, East-Asians (Orientals) make up 35%+. There is some fuzziness because of the several-% "Unknowns"
Delving deep into the data, they distinguish between East-Asian and other kinds of Asian.
I believe that Taksei is a dangerous intellectual for the nationalist movement, just like Auster. Beware of smart people who use Takiya to prioritize Jewish interests above white interests.
Seiyo appears not to have much of an argument beyond invective. Everything he’s written is laced with comments like “going to the dark side” (referring to me), because I’ve written about this topic in ways he doesn’t like. I haven’t seen any substantive criticism; in this sense, he’s taken a page from Auster, who just hurls epithets. It’s pathetic. – Dennis Mangan
Has anybody noticed that if you leave aside the “verbal skills” (I would say meaningless hurricane of words) and if you apply strictly logic as the supreme standard of judging one’s arguments, this guy, Takuan Seiyo, sounds like a moron—surpassing Larry Auster himself in this respect? – Armance
Read it all in the first article of the new incarnation of my blog, here.
WordPress has a “magic button” that allowed me, in a single stroke, to import my entire Blogger site to WordPress… comments included! Due to Blo’s “hate speech” by-laws, perhaps other nationalists should migrate there too?
WordPress has a “magic button” that allowed me, in a single stroke, to import my entire Blogger site to WordPress… comments included! Due to Blo’s “hate speech” by-laws, perhaps other nationalists should migrate there too?
Hell yes. Boycott all Google services. Don't use Gmail, the Chrome browser, Google Analytics, or an Android phone. Install Adblock Plus for Firefox (which blocks all ads, including Google ads, which is their primary source of income. It also makes browsing the web faster and more pleasant).
If you do persist in using Blogger, be sure to back everything up, or else one day it could all just go *poof*.
Google is nothing less than the concerted Jewish attempt to control the internet. Starve the beast.
Lets not forget Scroogle Scraper. They redirect Google searches. You get the google search results but google is left no record of your search terms.
Rice University did not notice a decline in students ability due to "affirmative action" or anti-White racism due them actively seeking out a diverse student body which meant lowering standards for non-whites and they did not want to admit that happened.
Does UCLA have the same problem?
I know that the University of Houston has the better law programme because they did not do the same.
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