More Fraud Hiding Behind Religion and Philanthropy

Money-Laundering Rabbi Case in Los Angeles Echoes N.J. Scandal -
In Los Angeles, U.S. prosecutors charged Naftali Tzi Weisz, grand rabbi of a Brooklyn-based Orthodox Jewish group, seven other people and five charities with a scheme to evade taxes through use of phony donations. Weisz and four other defendants are scheduled to plead guilty today.The window this scandal provides is onto the tip of an iceberg of jewish fraud. Here's how a jewish charity facilitated tax evasion:
The case may prove a window onto New Jersey’s scandal. Defendants in California were charged with tax fraud, an accusation not yet made in New Jersey, and prosecutors in Los Angeles have targeted 100 more co-conspirators. Later indictments in California also provided enhanced details of illegal methods and of people and banks involved.
“The 2007 charges were the beginning of a much larger case we’re investigating,” said Assistant U.S. Attorney Daniel O’Brien, who is overseeing the Los Angeles case.
The organization charged has worked with related religious groups “to move money internationally,” he said.
Even after paying Spinka a 20 percent commission, a donor in a 30 percent tax bracket would come out ahead, keeping $80,000 of a $100,000 donation in cash and getting $30,000 because of the offset of the tax deduction.NY-based rabbi pleads guilty in LA fraud case - San Jose Mercury News:
Naftali Tzi Weisz, 61, entered his plea to one count of conspiracy and could face up to five years in prison at his scheduled sentencing on Nov. 16.Spinker Tzadick – Here is one of the best articles w/pictures! « Heimisheh Scandals, dated 18 months ago, has more details about the Spinka rabbi-criminal cabal:
Others who pleaded guilty to conspiracy charges were Yaacov Zeivald, 44; Yosef Nachum Naiman, 57; Alan Jay Friedman, 45; and Moshe Arie Lazar, 62, all of Los Angeles. They are scheduled to be sentenced in November.
While [assistant U.S. attorney in the major frauds section Daniel J.] O’Brien said he has documentation that the Spinka institutions took in about $750,000 through the scheme — then writing receipts for $8.7 million — in 2007 alone, the assistant U.S. attorney believes the fraud has been going on for decades: “I believe this goes on beyond living memory,” possibly for generations.The article offers some samples of this "fierce debate" (my emphasis toward the end):
This is certainly not the first time an ultra-Orthodox sect has been accused of attempting to break the laws of the secular government — aramos, or schemes, were perpetrated over the centuries in the shtetls of Europe. In the last decade, arrests have occurred in religious communities in Brooklyn, Lakewood, N.J., and upstate New York.
However, this particular case has shocked Los Angeles’ ultra-Orthodox community, not only because Los Angeles had largely been exempt from such cases in the past, but also because some of the city’s prominent members have been charged as being at the center of the scheme.
As a result, the case has sparked a fierce debate about the type of behavior that is acceptable for observant people and what type of religious community Los Angeles would like to be. But there’s also debate about the laws of a moser, an informant, because one person who was not charged was the primary source of information for the federal case — though he allegedly started out as one of the perpetrators.
CRIME IS NOT SO BADHere's another criminal rabbi. Ex-Chicago rabbi indicted in tax-fraud case arrested in Israel --
“There are a million ways that religious institutions defraud the government,” said one Brooklyn accountant who asked that his name be withheld. However, it’s not just the Jews, he claimed, “churches do the same thing.” Churches and synagogues are exempt from filing tax returns — although many do — and the government usually does not audit unless it has probable cause. As a result, this can make fraud easier.
In the last decade or so, a number of Chasidic institutions on the East Coast have been charged with such crimes, including the 1997 case against the Skverer Hasidim in Rockland County, N.Y., where four men were found guilty of defrauding the government of millions of dollars in federal Pell Grants. But in the Orthodox community, many defended them, despite the crime, because the money was used to support needy yeshiva students.
“Nobody here owns a yacht,” a resident reportedly said, and the feeling then — as with many such institutional fraud cases — that if the money is used to help the community and not line someone’s pockets, it’s not so bad.
That, in fact, is a pervasive attitude these days in Brooklyn, where the Spinka case raised fewer eyebrows than in Los Angeles, because the attitude is everyone does something. This kind of discussion has been a hot topic on many Internet blogs that discuss the ultra-Orthodox community.
“The government are thieves, what gives them the right to take 40 percent to 50 percent of someone’s income? Anyone who can save yiddishe gelt from going down that toilet is doing a mitzvah,” one contributor wrote on the Vosizneias (Yiddish for “What Is News?”) blog.
The blog comments, though, seem to be about evenly divided between two camps: On one hand are those castigating the government or the bloggers posting the news for spreading gossip; on the other are those demanding that the community finally put a stop to criminal behavior.
One particularly poignant plea came from New York white-collar defense attorney Joel Cohen, in an essay published in 2006 titled, “Jewish Felons: The Problem of Criminality in Observant Communities.” Cohen described witnessing a disturbing rise in crime among Orthodox and Chasidic Jews.
“The problem in the observant community, however, is not merely occasional, nor does it often make headlines. Daily, in metropolises around the country, yarmulka-wearing criminal defendants appear before the bar of justice,” he wrote.
Some prisons — especially in New York, Los Angeles and Miami — have daily minyans, visiting rabbis, kosher food, classes and Shabbat meals, Cohen wrote. “The most common charge is fraud: against businessmen and run-of-the-mill citizens alike, most frequently involving victims outside of the Jewish community, against the government, against insurance carriers, against banking institutions, health care fraud, money-laundering and stock-swindling.”
A former Chicago rabbi and nine of his family members and associates have been indicted in connection with a tax-fraud ring that allegedly used the stolen identities of thousands of federal prisoners to file bogus tax returns.More criminal rabbis. Unorthodox-Jew A Critical View of Orthodox Judaism: Jewish Felons: The Problem of Criminality in Observant Communities:
Marvin Berkowitz, 62, who fled to Israel to avoid a tax fraud case in 2003, was arrested in Jerusalem on Sunday night, federal authorities said. Berkowitz allegedly recruited members of the conspiracy to travel to federal courthouses to gather information about prisoners to use in the scheme.
The ring, broken up by the IRS Criminal Investigation Division, submitted fraudulent documents using the stolen identities seeking $35 million, and caused $4 million in refunds to be issued to bank accounts it controlled, authorities said. Berkowitz then allegedly directed $800,000 to be paid to his family members.
It was unclear when Berkowitz might be returned to Chicago, where in the late 1980s he also was convicted of stealing documents from the U.S. attorney's office in yet another fraud case. He eventually was sentenced to 5 years in prison for that crime.
There is no shortage of high-profile Jewish crime. Take the infamous New Square scandal, in which four Hassidim were convicted for defrauding the government of $11 million by setting up a fictitious yeshiva to receive federal student aid money. Or the case in Williamsburg, New York, in which the rabbi of a Jewish day school stole 6 million dollars from the Board of Education over several years by falsely identifying more than eighty individuals as school employees.Here's some classic anti-anti-semitic apologia for jewish fraud. Z Magazine - Bernard Madoff - Wall Street swindler inadvertently strikes powerful blows for social justice? James Petras turns reality on its head in two separate ways:
Point number nine is that Madoff struck a severe blow against anti-Semites who claim that there is a "close-knit Jewish conspiracy to defraud the Gentiles," laying that canard to rest once and for all. Among Madoff's principle victims were his closest Jewish friends and colleagues, people who shared Seder meals and frequented the same upscale temples in Long Island and Palm Beach.Can't you just see Petras smiling smugly to himself and wiping his hands after writing "once and for all"?
Madoff was discriminating in accepting clients, but it was on the basis of their wealth, not their national origin, race, religion, or sexual preference. He was very ecumenical and a strong backer of globalization as he defrauded the Anglo-Chinese bank HSBC of $1 billion, the Dutch arm of the Belgian bank Fortes of several billion, the Royal Bank of Scotland, the French bank BNP Paribas, the Spanish bank Banco Santander, and the Japanese Nomura of a total of $1.4 billion—not to mention hedge funds in London and the U.S., which have admitted holdings in Bernard Madoff Investment Securities.
First is the typical anti-anti-semitic canard that the long list of indictments and convictions of close-knit jewish conspiracies to defraud non-jews is a "canard" concocted by "anti-semites". Why would somebody attempt to so blatantly not just deny reality but invert it? For one thing it justifies seeing the prosecution and reporting of jewish crimes as "anti-semitic", which in turn allows talmudic scholars to rationalize that jewish crime is not really criminal.
Second is the patently false kneejerk assertion that the fraud of close-knit jewish conspiracies has nothing to do with jewishness. With the criminal rabbi cases I've cited the central role of jewish networking is crystal clear. In Madoff's case, his closest jewish friends and colleagues were generally the earliest ones in on the pyramid scheme, the contributions were relatively small and their payouts relatively early. Many knew or suspected what was going on, which is why they called it The Jewish Bond. The big international funds came later, bringing in largely non-jewish money (as opposed to "yiddishe gelt") which was paid out largely to earlier "investors", like Madoff and his closest jewish friends and colleagues. In the end Madoff kept his mouth shut and went to jail claiming only he knew. I'm sure the jews who lost money have names for what Madoff did. Moser isn't one of them. Madoff's real crime, according to the many very vocal jews who obviously don't think jewishness is irrelevant, is the supposed damage he did to jewish "philanthropy". There are similar laments from extremely self-conscious and thoroughly self-interested jews concerning their ever more numerous criminal rabbis.
A natural and healthy response from a secular government to the revelation of this pattern of fraud posing as religious philanthropy would be to subject all jewish charities to extra regulation and scrutiny. Such a response would undoubtedly be crimped if not completely stymied by the older, even stronger pattern of jews uniting to decry, pathologize and punish such normal, healthy responses as irrational jew-hate.
By continuing to treat each incident of jewish financial fraud as an independent case of religious philanthropy gone bad media and government both commit their own fraud. Whether motivated by sympathy, fealty, or fear the behavior is inexcusable, but not inexplicable. The government's duty to prosecute crime conflicts with it's special self-appointed "need to combat anti-Semitism". The government's drive to defend jewish interests is so strong that it manifests as anti-Whitism. This arises in part from the canard-inverting propaganda discussed above, in part from jewish lobbying, and as a result of jewish political contributions. It is reasonable to also suspect the kind of graft the syrian criminal rabbis are accused of using. When philanthropist-plutocrats talk, politicians listen.
The bottom line is that the more jews are convicted of grubbing too much too blatantly, the louder and more urgent the cries to criminalize "anti-semitism" become. Meanwhile, in contrast, jewish "philanthropy" continues unmolested. This is not at all a coincidence.
Labels: economy, fraud, jewish influence, jewish malfeasance, politics
Statistics won't move the philo-Semites like Guy White. Come hell or high water Jews were slightly overrepresented as Bolsheviks in the terror that was the Soviet Union. Jews were forty and sixty percent respectively of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, ...the highest legislative body in the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic in the interim of the sessions of the Congress of Soviets, and the only one with the power to pass constitutional amendments... so what?
Guy White:
"Finding one or two organizations (the most powerful in the land, and the secret police, just random organizations) 90 years ago that had Jewish overrepresention is propaganda, not research.
If you look at all the people in position of power, Jews maxed at 6% at the time when they were 5% of the population. For 90% of Soviet history, they were vastly underrepresented despite better education.
Considering that all educated Russians left in 1917 and almost the only people who could read were Jewish, one would expect them to be overepresented by much more than 1%.
No doubt they were better represented in some agencies, but that means they were worse represented in others."
Quoting stats from Jewish historians, like Slezkine make them..."Jewish ethnic-traitors".
"Why are you focusing on the period when Jews were most represented and not at the 90% of Soviet history? Do you see how that's propaganda? Why is one decade more important than the rest of the Soviet history?"
Um...maybe because that's when 20 million were murdered?
It's like the Matrix. Only very few seem to be able to awaken from the indoctrination. Of greater interest might be to discover the common traits of the "awakened".
Tan - statistics would be good, Diamed does have a point there.
But lets not forget Diamed was parading his anti-white credentials not so long ago.
Holy Cow, excellent, Tan. I'm glad you are on the side of truth. Bene scriptum.
Statistics are not necessary here. The plain facts about the longtime and widespread crime at the highest levels of the "Jewish community" are good enough for now. They are wiping away the Jew-DayO!-Christian fiction that Jews are some kind of mystically angelic population, persecuted solely because they are so holy and righteous.
Take heart, Amice. The Wheel of Heaven continues to turn, right on schedule. As usual, these Talmudists are doing it to themselves. The truth will out, eh, Jude? (The Merchant of Venice, Shakespeare).
Speaking of foreign corruption at the highest levels, I recommend everyone see Jud Suess, available at WNtube. Educational, and well made.
I'm a great believer in the power of statistics in science. This is not science.
No, this is not science. I don't think that can be emphasized often enough.
In science, it is vanishingly rare for the object of inquiry - a planet, continent, or subatomic particle - to actively interfere with the recording of data. Minerals do not personally ruin the career and reputations of geologists that would study them. One almost never sees an ant colony, say, giving hundreds of millions of dollars to the professional enemies of E.O. Wilson. Quasars do not seek to dissuade the readers of science periodicals via political Terror. And so forth.
Steven Pinker has floated the 'If Jews are so criminal, why not just produce the numbers?' argument before, with the perfect confidence of someone who is certain that the proposed line of investigation holds no threat to him or his kind.
Of course, Pinker doesn't mention anything about the long arms of Jewry at the Better Business Bureau, in the lives of whoever who construct the study, whoever would publish it, whoever would believe it - even if proper statistics were kept in the first place or if shabbos goim and front companies were used.
You'll notice how, in retrospect, the Gulf War was the responsibility of the "Bush Administration". No Jewish criminals there! And Janet Miller . . . who was she again?
This is another diversionary process Jewry employs. But even when you haul out the telescope and offer to show the assembled gentlemen the moons of Jupiter, you find that a) they won't look and b) you're going to be taken to the dungeon and shown the instruments of torture anyway.
This said, a nice history of Jewish malfeasance in creation, ownership and maintenance of the Fed, of Gordon Gecko era Wall Street, post-Communist Russia, and the creation of the recent crisis and 'bailout' bill would be instructive. One can only listen to Steve Sailer tell us so many times that this or that tentacle of Goldman Sachs is 'really' an Episcopalian before the bile begins to rise.
JUDITH Miller. Wife of Jason Epstein, founder and editor of New York Review of Books. Anthrax hoax victim. Former boyfriend of Steven Rattner. Close friend of Arthur Sulzberger Jr. etc., etc....
Seems to me that Sailer goes as far as he can within what is allowed. Most commenters there seem happy to take it a step further.
They are not blinded by Sailer's 'Parental Advisory' stickers.
In science, it is vanishingly rare for the object of inquiry - a planet, continent, or subatomic particle - to actively interfere with the recording of data.
Well said Colin. You put the point on that point very well.
Most commenters there seem happy to take it a step further.
The problem is that what needs to be said is often several steps away. For example, Sailer is mired in arguing about whether "NAM"s actually got preferential treatment and defaulted at higher rates (with copious quotes and statistics). He thus has little time or interest to spare for the activist/builder/regulator/financier side of the Biggest Ripoff in History.
The anti-anti-semites patrolling his site exude
the perfect confidence of someone who is certain that the proposed line of investigation holds no threat to him or his kind
just as Colin described.
Fair point Tan (and Colin).
I suppose the question is - does Sailer push things as far as he is 'allowed' and we should be happy that the envelope has pushed as far as it has.
Is that debate being managed by allowing it to go down the avenues it has.
Im guessing Colin is in the latter camp. I still wonder if its a bit of both.
In science, it is vanishingly rare for the object of inquiry - a planet, continent, or subatomic particle - to actively interfere with the recording of data.
Absolutely. One way in which it was made difficult to find the data Diamed alludes to re: white collar crime was the 'subversion of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by EEOC activist Alfred Blumrosen.'
Err, that's a little presumptuous, given my own website is brimming over with accusations against the jews.
My jew-hating credentials were established all the way back at Gates of Vienna, and I got kicked out of writing for South Africa Sucks for denying the holocaust and in general pissing off the jews.
I even wrote a post "It's the Jews, Stupid!" Whose title should speak for itself.
It's not that I disbelieve Taanstafl's larger point, that jews are a bunch of lying swindlers. I just want his argument to be more airtight.
It's the same with my objection to Taanstafl saying asian immigrants (who in general make more than whites) damage the US economy. That makes no sense. You could say it damages our culture, geneline, or aesthetics, but they don't damage our economy, they're above average income earners, taxpayers, law abiders, etc. I don't like playing fast and loose with accusations, because once one of them is shown to be silly, people tend to zone out and ignore all the others. But the moment you point out an error or perceived error in someone's thinking (Heck maybe I'm the one who doesn't get why Asians hurt the economy), you're vilified instead of challenged. Is this honorable?
This whole 'Diamed's a jew loving jew' is just a personal smear. The overall record of my writing proves the exact opposite. Do I wake up some days and think jews are less responsible, other days jews are more responsible? Of course. Does my writing waver between these poles? Of course. Anyone with half a brain would feel the same, because the topic is cloaked in mystery and no one can say where the exact % of fault lies.
I wish the smears would end, because I still have a lot of good ideas I think people should read, and I've never insulted or smeared the majority righters insulting and smearing me. The hatred is entirely one sided, and entirely unproductive. It hampers me, it blinds them.
Diamed writes:
It's not that I disbelieve Taanstafl's larger point, that jews are a bunch of lying swindlers. I just want his argument to be more airtight.
It's the same with my objection to Taanstafl saying asian immigrants (who in general make more than whites) damage the US economy. That makes no sense. You could say it damages our culture, geneline, or aesthetics, but they don't damage our economy, they're above average income earners, taxpayers, law abiders, etc. I don't like playing fast and loose with accusations, because once one of them is shown to be silly, people tend to zone out and ignore all the others.
I think you're misinterpreting/distorting the point I made in Genocidal Immigrationists, where I wrote:
The big problem for all of us is that wherever enough mexicans, indians, or chinese collect you get mexico, india, or china. Where they mix you get something like San Diego circa 2009. The weather is nice, but it's not America.
Message to Tom Friedman, the NYT, and all the rest of you genocidal freaks: It doesn't matter to me whether you think importing latinos, indians, chinese, or koreans is "profitable". It's destroying my society. I'd rather be poor, unemployed, and starving - and keep my society.
Your response to this point was to defend/advocate chinese immigration, because you believe it creates hong kongs, ie. economic improvement. In contrast I value living in a society populated with people like myself more than I value "the economy". In other words even if I were to agree with your belief that asians improve "the economy" I still wouldn't want to be outnumbered or governed by asians. "The economy" (or income earning, or law abiding) is not what I value most. I value Whites and the societies we create most. Warts and all. I don't want to live in hong kong any more than I want to live in china or mexico.
The burden falls on you to substantiate your characterization of this disagreement in our values, and my last three lengthy fact-filled posts about criminal rabbis, as "fast and loose accusations". Lacking that, I'm inclined to conclude you're simply full of shit.
Indian and Chinese immigrants to the USA don't recreate India and China
We've been through this already, so I'll repeat something I wrote when you first made this claim. Every city above a certain size has a chinatown. This is not a uniquely chinese phenomena - there are koreatowns, little italys, MLK and Cesar Chavez Boulevards... The wealth of such enclaves relative to their motherlands or the many other ways in which they differ from those motherlands is not as important to any of us who aren't a member of their group as the fact that those enclaves are filled with people who don't look like us, who don't think like us, and who don't like us. The enclave operates for the benefit of their own kind. You neglect to consider that personality traits are just as heritable as IQ. These personality traits determine the nature of the societies people construct, thus people who are alien to me construct societies that by their nature are alien to me. These feelings of alienation are mutual and universal.
I would mind living in Hong Kong, but I would mind it much LESS than living in Detroit. See? It's holding the two to be equivalently bad that's ridiculous.
False dichotomies are ridiculous. I reject your two options as equally undesirable compared to where I live right now.
the real question is whether the average jew is more or less criminal than the average white
Speak for yourself. What interests me about this rabbi criminality is the contrast it provides between jews and Whites. What they've done, the networking, the sums of money, how long they got away with it, how they rationalize their crimes, how so many of their fellow jews come to their defense spinning absurd defenses and excuses. We Whites have no "moser" concept of our own, and most are not aware such a thing exists amongst jews.
You want statistics. I want to expose this moral and ethical contrast.
Going by raw IQ data alone, the higher your IQ, the less likely you are to be a criminal.
Financial fraud is not a low IQ crime. Nor does the fact that such crimes often go undetected or unprosecuted diminish their criminality.
Then people look at the website and see "Oh here's taanstaffl lying by omission by reporting all these jewish crimes, even though he knows they're the least criminal group in America, and thus painting a distorted and false picture of crime in America. Typical anti-semite who doesn't bother to be sensible or fair about any subject concerning jews."
I know no such thing. Where do you and these typical anti-anti-semites you're so concerned about pleasing get off making such claims? Why should I be concerned whether you or they think I'm being fair or sensible? You don't provide what you demand I supply in support of your mistaken idea of what you say I'm trying to accomplish. And in my experience the typical anti-anti-semite's head launches off his shoulders the second you say anything critical about jews, never mind saying such things with the best interests of someone other than jews (eg. Whites) in mind. It doesn't matter whether you say anything critical about anyone else at the same time.
So is there some point to your criticism other than you'd like me to do what you want the way you want it done?
Your response to this point was to defend/advocate chinese immigration, because you believe it creates hong kongs, ie. economic improvement.
Some critics of nationalism genuinely believe that economic claims constitute the higher order priority, these people are misguided but honest, you can respect them. But to other anti-nationalists economic arguments (mostly spurious) are just a useful tool that’ll scare off some of the curious onlookers. Hi, Diamed!
Every city above a certain size has a chinatown. This is not a uniquely chinese phenomena - there are koreatowns, little italys, MLK and Cesar Chavez Boulevards... The wealth of such enclaves relative to their motherlands or the many other ways in which they differ from those motherlands is not as important to any of us who aren't a member of their group as the fact that those enclaves are filled with people who don't look like us, who don't think like us, and who don't like us. The enclave operates for the benefit of their own kind.
You would include Little Italies in that list of non-Western ethnies?
I consider Italy and Italians Western.
The list contains examples of racial/ethnic enclaves the existence of which empirically demonstrates a characteristic of human nature not restricted to non-Western races/ethnies.
There are more, eg. Polish Downtown, Little Havana, Harlem, Watts, Crown Heights, ...
That these enclaves are younger or older, more or less starkly identifiable, or more or less unpleasant places for outsiders doesn't diminish either of my points - which is A) that their existence reflects the normal human nature of both immigrants and the natives they displace to prefer to associate with those more closely related to themselves, and B) I don't want to live there.
"Israel on Sunday ratcheted up pressure on Sweden to condemn a Swedish newspaper report about alleged organ harvesting that has heightened tensions between the two countries."
Don't overlook the comments, especially the - 17:08 August 23, 2009 by mysticbumwipe
"An organization that alleged Israeli troops used Palestinians as human shields in Gaza accused the Foreign Ministry on Sunday of "endangering democracy," following a Haaretz report that the ministry had asked the Netherlands to freeze funds to the group."
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