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Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Rise of the Rootless Cosmopolitan Globalist Elite

Ethnic origins of US attendees of 2013 World Economic Forum in Davos, race/history/evolution notes, 24 Jan 2013:

Starting from this list of Davos attendees, I've attempted to quickly classify the 711 "USA" individuals by racial or ethnic ancestry.

This is a very rough draft, but the initial breakdown I come up with is:

46.69% Northwestern European
27.43% Jewish
6.05% Southern European
5.49% South Asian
3.80% Middle Eastern
3.38% Latin America / Brazil
3.23% East Asian
2.25% Eastern European
1.55% Black
0.14% North American Indian

2010 Forbes 400 by ethnic origins, race/history/evolution notes, 24 Sep 2010:

Forbes has published its list of the 400 richest Americans for this year. My current estimate of the ethnic breakdown of the list is shown in the far right column below:

1987 (%)
2009 (%)
2010 (%)
Northwestern European
East Asian
Middle Eastern
Eastern European
South Asian

The 2009 estimate is also mine, and I have used the same methodology as before. The 1987 estimate is Nathaniel Weyl's. The first thing I notice is that the Northwestern European proportion of the list continues to decline.

At least 139 of the Forbes 400 are Jewish (34.75%), JTA, 5 Oct 2009:

This list is by no means an exact science. But those who we considered Jewish were those who were of Jewish descent or those who openly identified as Jews either personally or in thier giving.

The Rise of the New Global Elite, by Chrystia Freeland, The Atlantic, Jan 2011:

What is more relevant to our times, though, is that the rich of today are also different from the rich of yesterday. Our light-speed, globally connected economy has led to the rise of a new super-elite that consists, to a notable degree, of first- and second-generation wealth. Its members are hardworking, highly educated, jet-setting meritocrats who feel they are the deserving winners of a tough, worldwide economic competition—and many of them, as a result, have an ambivalent attitude toward those of us who didn’t succeed so spectacularly. Perhaps most noteworthy, they are becoming a transglobal community of peers who have more in common with one another than with their countrymen back home. Whether they maintain primary residences in New York or Hong Kong, Moscow or Mumbai, today’s super-rich are increasingly a nation unto themselves.

The Rise of the Super-Rich Is a Global Phenomenon, Chrystia Freeland, Yahoo! Finance, 16 Oct 2012:

The growing gap between the top 1% and the rest of the U.S. population has emerged as a major issue in this year's presidential campaign, but it's not likely to narrow much no matter who wins, says Chrystia Freeland, author of the new book Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global Super-Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else.

As the title suggests, "the increase in income inequality" in the U.S. is not just a domestic development but "is happening in all Western industrialized countries," Freeland tells The Daily Ticker in the accompanying interview. "And crucially you're seeing the same phenomenon in the big emerging market economies."

Freeland says globalization is at the root of income inequality around the world. Both capital and labor are global therefore businesses leaders must maintain a global perspective, says Freeland.

"Inevitably that means the super-elite see themselves as citizens of planet earth" rather than as a citizen of their home country, which means they are less concerned with the health of the middle class in the U.S. or any other country they call home.

In the U.S. the gap between the very rich and everyone else "is wider than at any time since the gilded age," says Freeland.

Image source: World Jewish Congress - Far-right party leader in Austria lambasted for posting anti-Semitic cartoon on Facebook.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The top 1% has gained 93% of income growth since the late 2000s recession.
(See: )

All the middle class jobs have dried up, leaving more and more people to fight over minimum wage positions that increasingly hire only part-timers to avoid paying overtime or benefits.
(See: )

What's happening?

"...the sweating of the working class under the yoke of Jewish world finance - is conceived only as a preliminary to the further extension of this Jewish tendency of world conquest... If our people and our state become the victim of these bloodthirsty and avaricious Jewish tyrants of nations, the whole earth will sink into the snares of this octopus..."
- Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf.

1/24/2013 08:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a very rough draft, but the initial breakdown I come up with is:

46.69% Northwestern European
27.43% Jewish
6.05% Southern European
5.49% South Asian
3.80% Middle Eastern
3.38% Latin America / Brazil
3.23% East Asian
2.25% Eastern European
1.55% Black
0.14% North American Indian

It looks like Jews, South Asians, and Middle Easterners are overrepresented. While all the other groups are underrepresented or roughly match their proportion of the general population.

1/25/2013 12:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Armor said...

Among the 400 richest people, the proportion of White people is going down. That proportion doesn't seem higher than in the general population... What about the 10% richest segment of the population? In the United States, that would be 30 million people. How many Whites among them?

It is sometimes said that middle class America, or rather, middle income America, suffers the most under the current system. The lower income segment of the population, that is to say, the Blacks and the Mexicans, is being subsidized. The higher income segment is getting richer all the time. And the middle is being squeezed out.

The (Jewish) media, and people like Elizabeth Warren, seem to be saying that the middle is losing its prosperity to the profit of the higher segment. They ignore the problem of White people having to subsidize their third-world replacements. A typical argument of theirs: "The top 1% has gained 93% of income growth since the late 2000s recession."

The media will claim that the upper income segment of the population is mainly White. White nationalists say that Jews are overrepresented and overinfluential in that top segment, but even so, they tend to accept the idea that the richest White people do not suffer from the immigration policy, and even worse, that White employers are benefiting, through lower wages, from mass immigration and the third-worldization of the Western world. That is supposed to mean that the problem isn't really the Jews, it's the capitalists, most of them White... As if rich White people were necessarily psychopaths who couldn't care a fig for the future of their race and of their own children. And as if immigration could only have advantages and no financial drawbacks for employers as a whole.

In the real world, White people are not divided in completely separate classes, with completely different outlooks. I don't think the middle class is optimistic about the future, and I doubt whether the richest segment of the White population is much more optimistic.

The truth is that the world of White people is being destroyed. The most worrying problem, in today's context of mass immigration, is the decline of the White birth rate. Actually, that is mainly a result of recent mass immigration. Birth rates are in decline among the richer Whites too. The (Jewish) media will say that that is a lifestyle choice, made by egoistic people, but the obvious truth is that the birth rate of rich White people would be much higher if it was not for the massive number of non-Whites in the country.

The media never mention that non-White immigration amounts to race-replacement and can only drive down the White birth rate. On pro-White blogs, where we are aware of the problem, the received wisdom seems to be that White people most hardly hit by the race-replacement policy are in the middle class. Actually, the poor suffer much more, and the rich are hardly hit too. White society is being destroyed from the bottom to the top.

1/25/2013 10:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post by Armor.

Sadly, most of the upper class are traitors. They didn't engineer our decline but they have been complicit all the way. Many of them know exactly what's happening. They know about racial differences. They know about Jewish power. They know, but they pretend otherwise. Only a few of them are really so stupid as to believe ZOG propaganda.

1/25/2013 01:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is how almost all White Americans think:

"Most White people are racist. But not me, I am one of the 'good Whites' "

1/25/2013 03:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Scott said...

Sadly, most of the upper class are traitors. They didn't engineer our decline but they have been complicit all the way.

The jews are the independent variable.

1/25/2013 04:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somewhat O/T

Just watching Apocalypse Now, saw something I'd noticed before.

The scene of the Playmates on the stage, the guy pimping them is clearly jewish. While Coppola is happy to subtly portray the blacks as put upon by the military he was also including this little gem. Wouldnt happen these days I think.

1/25/2013 05:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Armor said...

Sadly, most of the upper class are traitors. They didn't engineer our decline but they have been complicit all the way.

Obviously, the White upper class has not resisted enough. I wouldn't say that most of them are traitors, though. I think they show the same inertia as most people around me.

What I mostly disagree with is the idea that the White upper class supports immigration because they think it will make them richer, as we are often told. I think most of them resent immigration and are adversely affected by it, but they are intimidated into keeping silent, just like the rest of us.

The anti-White coalition has a carrot and stick approach. I guess you start being a traitor when you become more interested in the carrot than you are afraid of the stick.

1/25/2013 05:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Mary said...

Scott said...
Black Run America indeed.

I actually felt that one....another 'aha' moment via Age of Treason!

1/25/2013 10:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obviously, the White upper class has not resisted enough. I wouldn't say that most of them are traitors, though. I think they show the same inertia as most people around me.

What I mostly disagree with is the idea that the White upper class supports immigration because they think it will make them richer, as we are often told. I think most of them resent immigration and are adversely affected by it, but they are intimidated into keeping silent, just like the rest of us.

It is sort of misleading to speak of a "White upper class" today. "Upper class" signifies generational continuity, a somewhat organized and coherent leadership class. This doesn't characterize the White "elites" at Davos and similar venues. They are mainly professional types from average, middle class who have jumped through the right hoops.

1/26/2013 02:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Armor said...

It is sort of misleading to speak of a "White upper class" today.

I used the expression loosely. I agree that not much is left of the upper class of the past. And I agree that today's richest one percent of the White population doesn't constitute a coherent class with generational continuity, a common culture, and so on.

What I think is that both (1) the richest one percent of today's population, and (2) well-off people whose grand-parents used to be part of the upper class..., are in a better position to resist the government policy than unskilled workers who simply work as chicken pluckers.

I totally disagree with the idea that the descendants of the former upper class and today's richest one percent of the white population are by and large traitors, but they should still be blamed more than chicken pluckers.

If there still remains something of the former upper class, that is to say, well-off people who are strongly aware of their particular ethnic identity, and who see themselves as belonging to the same culture as their parents and the former elite, they are clearly not represented by today's rulers. Today's rulers are implementing a Jewish agenda.

1/26/2013 04:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Selkirk Sovereign said...

It doesn't really matter where the wealth is when the Jewish portion controls the manufacture of opinion. Everybody, from a truck driver to a CEO, absolutely MUST comply with political correctness. Whether you're trying to make money for a million stockholders or trying to put food on the table for your family, you speak out, you might as well be dead.

You can make money and get along or you can be a Truth Warrior. That's the same for everyone. In fact, if you're sitting on millions it's probably even more precarious. You fall from those heights and you'll be thrown to the streets. However, if you're already on the streets...

1/27/2013 11:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can make money and get along or you can be a Truth Warrior. That's the same for everyone. In fact, if you're sitting on millions it's probably even more precarious. You fall from those heights and you'll be thrown to the streets. However, if you're already on the streets...

You can see that with journalists, writers. It seems to me it must be torture for the brightest opinion writers and so on. They have to endlessly talk up the official narrative, all the time knowing its a lie, their words must taste like ashes in their mouths.

I presume they work hard to internalize the elite memes, living living out their personal Stockholm Syndrome. But like I say it must be hardest on the brightest.

1/28/2013 10:18:00 AM  
Blogger Tanstaafl said...

For all practical purposes, the natural aristocracy of our race, which once gave it some sense of direction, has been totally destroyed, by revolutionary massacres, by contrived wars for hallucinatory ends, by economic looting under the guise of "democracy," by internal corruption through the fostering of its vices, and by miscegenation. We are left with what is, on the whole, an Aryan proletariat, differentiated only by income, and, especially if the income is somewhat above average, willing to submit to anything and even to do anything for a few additional dollars, pounds, or rand. Our entire population, with almost no significant exceptions, is now at the mercy of, and therefore enslaved by, the economic pressures which the Jews exert at the first signs of disaffection.

- Revilo Oliver, The Jewish Strategy, 2002

1/30/2013 05:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The American middle class has now been liquidated, except for a few remnants that are found here and there and are tolerated because they have no vestige of political power and will soon disappear anyway. A middle class can be based only on property -- on the secure possession of real property of which a man can be divested only by his own folly. A middle class cannot be formed of comparatively well-paid proletarians who may have a theoretical equity in a hundred-and-fifty-thousand-dollar house they are "buying" on a thirty-five year mortgage, and in a fifteen-thousand-dollar automobile for which they will not have paid before they "trade it in" on a more expensive and defective vehicle. Nor can it be formed of proletarians whose wives have to work -- whether as "executives" or as charwomen -- to "make ends meet." With the exception of relicts who live on investments that have not yet been entirely confiscated by taxation, the economic revolution is as complete in the United States as in Soviet Russia: there are only proletarians, some of whom are hired to manage the rest. Managerial employees get more pay and ulcers than janitors and coal miners, but they are equally dependent on their wages and even more dependent on the favor of the employee above them. The nearest approximation to a middle class, both here and in Russia, is the bureaucracy, and it is their vested interest that the Birchers [ie John Birch Society] imagine they can destroy."

Revilo P. Oliver, America's Decline

1/31/2013 07:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Armor said...

Mary: another 'aha' moment via Age of Treason!

In a normal world, the dominant world view would be coherent and logical, and it would fit with the reality around us. When we discover something new, it would seldom contradict what society has told us. There would be fewer aha moments. Everything would silently fall into place and we would live in serenity.

But in the Jewish world we live in, what we have is a series of absurd narratives. Instead of a film that makes sense, we have a set of isolated still pictures that have been tampered with and burnt into our minds through sheer repetition.

Some of the truths we are supposed to believe are that Hitler was a terrible evil man, non-whites are oppressed, left-wing institutions want to help the poor, all people are equal, some people are more equal than others, 2+2=5, the purpose of a White man's life is to increase the number of Blacks living on the planet, and so on.

So, when we start rebelling against the official nonsense, we start going maniacally from one aha moment to the next aha moment: aha! aha! aha!

We constantly discover new "truths", that is to say, things that do not fit well with the Jewish narrative. It makes me think of a text I found on a blog by an American who likes to explore the streets in Paris :

After two years in Paris, I still get caught by surprise by the proximity of otherwise familiar places and street intersections. I think I know where I am, but really I don't have the bigger picture. For example, I'll be strolling around St. Sulpice and take a wrong turn. "Whoa, you mean St. Sulpice is right next door to the Jardin du Luxembourg?" It never fails to blow me away. This happens to me over and over: different pieces of the Parisian jigsaw puzzle getting pressed into place bit by bit, finally etched into spatial memory. (source )

2/02/2013 05:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"So, when we start rebelling against the official nonsense, we start going maniacally from one aha moment to the next aha moment: aha! aha! aha!"

I laughed out loud at this.

We sound like conspiracy nuts to ordinary people because they have been lied to about everything.

2/03/2013 05:37:00 PM  

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