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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Sweden is Burning

Swedes Take to the Streets to Defend their Neighborhoods, Fria Tider, 25 May 2013:
Faced by another night of terror at the hands of predominantly immigrant rioters, Swedes grown tired of the police’s inability to put an end to the unrest took to the streets Friday night to defend their neighborhoods.
In the Stockholm suburb of Tumba the police decided to abandon their earlier non-intervention policy as a large group of police officers rounded up and dispersed a group of vigilantes trying to fend off rioters.

The decision to round up vigilantes while, according to Stockholm Chief of Police Mats Löfving, ”doing as little as possible” to stop rioters, met with a wave of protests in various social media and on the Internet. Representatives of some vigilante groups contacted Fria Tider to give their view of last night’s events.

– The number of police officers on the streets is simply staggering. The police appear to have focused all their resources on stopping the Swedes, Fredrik Becklin, spokesman for the nationalist youth organization Nordisk Ungdom (Nordic Youth), said Friday night.

– It makes me sick to see the police clamp down on us Swedes with full force and without warning, using nightsticks and tear gas, while they don’t do a damn thing about the immigrants. We are only trying to help maintain order, while the immigrants set cars and buildings on fire, said a young man who wished to remain anonymous.

Western jewsmedia accounts are more or less biased against the Swedes and in favor of the aliens - blaming Swedes for being too unwelcoming and unaccomodating to the poor, victimized aliens who are only violent because they want a better life for themselves and their needy families. In contrast this Fria Tider report comes across as almost fair, giving voice to Swedes who are justifiably sickened by a government which won't actively defend the Swedes from aliens but will actively defend aliens from the Swedes.

Here are two Swedish nationalist sources (via /new/) run through Bing translator:

Vigilantes now confirmed (at

400 nationalists defended Stockholm-beat down invandrarpöbeln (at

Note also The Jewish origins of multiculturalism in Sweden, at The Occidental Observer.

The alien interlopers don't belong in Sweden. Sweden is for the Swedes.

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Blogger Franklin Ryckaert said...

@ sk,

That's already understood. That's why I wrote "anti-racism" between quotation marks.

5/25/2013 07:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It may be already understood but it should still be said out loud at every appropriate opportunity.

5/25/2013 08:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again a reminder that the powers-that-be will suppress ANY attempt by white people to organize or defend themselves, even if it's against violence - never mind political activity!

5/26/2013 12:58:00 AM  
Blogger Franklin Ryckaert said...

The most sickening of it all is the cultural self-disparagement of leading Swedish politicians themselves. Here are some examples :

On the Nordic conference on immigration in Stavanger a Norwegian journalist asked Lise Bergh, the Swedish government representative of immigration policies, "Is Swedish culture worth keeping?"

"What is Swedish culture? And then I suppose I have answered the question", amswered Bergh without trying to conceal her cultural self-disparagement in either words or facial expressions..."

"...Half a year ago, from a pulpit in a Mosque belonging to the Kurdish Organisation, and "respectfully" veiled the former minister of integration, Mona Sahlin, said that many Swedes are envious of the immigrants because they, unlike the Swedes, have a culture, a history, something which ties them together. The Swedes only have some foolish anniversaries and such folly..."

From : Cultural Self-Denial,Gates of Vienna, April 29, 2005

So Swedish politicians, engaged in the immigration & integration industry in their country, don't try to hide their true objective. Not the creation of a "vibrant" multi-cultural society (in itself an impossible ideal), but nothing less than the dispossession (and ultimate genocide) of their own people is the goal. For this purpose any idea of cultural self-worth of the Swedish people has to be undermined.

5/26/2013 05:15:00 AM  
Blogger Franz Holtzhäuser said...

It's funny how the author of this blogpost phrases himself considering that he's apparently together with a jew and produced offspring with it, too.

5/26/2013 04:34:00 PM  
Anonymous T.N.Toluene said...

Yeah, it's funny, Franz. He was open about it, filter as needed. Except you're too stupid maybe to apply the necessary filter?

5/26/2013 05:19:00 PM  
Blogger onwatch said...

Yes, but I thought Jews were not welcome here? (Not that I disagree, in general.)

5/27/2013 03:17:00 AM  
Blogger Tanstaafl said...

I don't doubt that being partly Swedish helps motivate my concern for what happens to Swedes. Yet because I'm only partly Swedish and married a non-Swede I can understand Swedes discounting what I have to say about anything. Or for that matter excluding my family utterly.

I don't doubt that being White helps motivate my concern for what happens to Whites. Yet because I'm married to someone who's fathar was a jew I can understand Whites discounting what I have to say about anything. Or for that matter excluding my family utterly.

What's funny about this?

5/27/2013 07:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Yes, but I thought Jews were not welcome here?"

They are not. Tan is not a jew and this blog isn't about his family.
Move along.

5/27/2013 08:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great TOO article, but consider this:

If we ranked countries according to PC craziness, the order would be:


If we ranked countries according to Jewish % of population, the order would be:


Something more than just Jewish influence is at work in these four countries.

5/27/2013 11:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Something more than just Jewish influence is at work in these four countries."

Short answer.
So what? We're concerned with the Jewish element.

Long answer.
Waste of time when the short answer is all we need.

5/27/2013 12:16:00 PM  
Blogger onwatch said...

Bogulyubski, quite correct except for, "... working among your own people to turn them away from their endless support and advancing of white genocide." Time better spent on more fertile ground, i.e, Whites. I've seen the "reponse" among Jews (with only one exception--Bro Nathaniel). By the way, I assume you're aware of who your famous name refers? A tragic hero of Kiev Rus?

5/27/2013 12:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Something more than just Jewish influence is at work in these four countries."

Since WW2 the entire West, including Europe, has been under the overarching hegemony of Jewry. That war has determined the course of events until the present.

The response of the Swedish vigilantes, much like that of whites worldwide, gives lie to the idea that our decline is due to innate weakness of whites. The masses of people are willing to take action but they lack leadership because their nation states are no more than lapdogs of Jewry.

5/27/2013 06:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Bogolyubski said...

The response of the Swedish vigilantes, much like that of whites worldwide, gives lie to the idea that our decline is due to innate weakness of whites. The masses of people are willing to take action but they lack leadership because their nation states are no more than lapdogs of Jewry.

The response of the Swedish vigilantes has been fairly mild-mannered. The mostly-white police, however, have been quite heavy-handed in beating the vigilantes while they let the 'yoots' run amok. The police need to become targets as they've already shown themselves to be traitors. Even more so for all politicians, magistrates, lawyers, media, academia and (most of all) the ruling elite they serve. Still, it beats rolling over and letting the elite and their jackboots stomp in their faces altogether.

5/28/2013 12:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


"police need to become targets as they've already shown themselves to be traitors."

This is incredibly foolish. The police are controlled by the way the media filter the news. The media covers up anti-white crime and destroys the career of police who try to do anything about it.

The primary root has always been usury and finance. The secondary root that developed in modern times is the media. The traitor political elite are the product of those two roots.

5/28/2013 08:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even in Sweden there is powerful jewish families that own the media like the Bonnier's.

5/29/2013 04:48:00 AM  
Anonymous ben tillman said...

Something more than just Jewish influence is at work in these four countries.

Sort of. Like the host population's level of immunity.

5/29/2013 11:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Bogolyubski said...

This is incredibly foolish. The police are controlled by the way the media filter the news. The media covers up anti-white crime and destroys the career of police who try to do anything about it.

The primary root has always been usury and finance. The secondary root that developed in modern times is the media. The traitor political elite are the product of those two roots.

Yes the usury/finance racket (same thing actually) is indeed the key to squid control. That's beside the point however. Prosecutors, police and other whites who are willing to use force against those whites who are attempting to protect themselves from the third-world proxies of the treasonous and genocidal elite are themselves guilty of high treason. They should be therefore be targeted - with whatever force is needed. Those in the ranks of the media - the Ministry of Truth - are likewise treasonous and deserving of whatever fate befalls them. No quarter.

5/29/2013 09:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


"They should be therefore be targeted - with whatever force is needed."

No they shouldn't as doing so would be spectacularly stupid.

They've created a golem. The only part that should even be hypothetically considered as a target is the head: media, politics, financial donors etc.

Nothing but the head.

6/01/2013 12:04:00 PM  

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