Peekaboo, Another Jew

Venezuela's 'anti-Semitic' leader admits Jewish ancestry, The Times of Israel, 13 May 2013:
In an interesting twist, [Nicolás] Maduro, the political successor of the late president Hugo Chávez, told the press last week that he himself was descended from Sephardic Jewish ancestors.
“My grandparents were Jewish, from a [Sephardic] Moorish background, and converted to Catholicism in Venezuela… The mother of [Minister of Communication and Information] Ernesto Villegas also comes from a similar background,” Maduro said last week
Yet, he said, “if there is a people that has a rich socialist tradition, it’s the Jewish people… We respect their history.”He said the people who hated and killed Jews during the Holocaust were members of the far-right who built on the ideas of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler, and not supporters of the ideals advocated by the Russian communist leader Vladimir Lenin.
“Karl Marx was a Jew,” he noted.
In casting left/right attitudes as pro-jew/anti-jew Maduro argues not only that jews matter, but that he identifies with them as a people, both biologically and ideologically, seeing himself on their side not only by heritage but in his view of history and politics as well.
The article is vague on this point but Maduro's grandparents, like others of "similar background", would most likely be descended from jews who last openly practiced judaism at least 500 years ago. After "converting" such crypto-jews somehow miraculously managed to identify a mate and raise a family with "similar background" through 25 or so generations.
The History of the Crypto-Jews/Hispanic Sephardi conveys the usual jewish explanation for this remarkable phenomenon:
The experience of the Crypto Jews in the Western Hemisphere was a litany of suffering, continual fear, social, political, professional, and religious suppression and murder. As late as the 1850s the Inquisition was finally officially ended in Mexico, and elsewhere a little sooner; however, overt discrimination and random incidents of lynching and murder continued until well into the 1950s in what we now call "Latin America".The final result of approximately one thousand years of persecution and murder of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews (minus the three hundred years of the "Golden Age") caused many families who immigrated to the New World to become Crypto Jewish, while living their public lives as Catholics. In the Americas, some of the Crypto Jews reverted back to being openly Jewish, only to find a few years later that the Inquisition had followed them to their new homes, and they were forced to go back into hiding again. All of these people, the "Conversos" or "New Christians", were forced to submit to Catholicism, thus in Hebrew they are referred to as the "Anusim" or "those who were forced."
It has been approximately fifteen-hundred years since the emergence of Crypto Jews in the Iberian Peninsula, and five-hundred years since Crypto Judaism moved to the Americas. Today we find a large Crypto Jewish presence throughout the Western Hemisphere. No one knows for sure how many there really are, however in Brazil alone an estimated 10 to 25% of the total population are Crypto Jews, which translates to 15 to 40 million people.
While not all people of Crypto Jewish lineage are prepared at this time to accept the challenge to return to living a fully Jewish life, there are thousands, if not millions who are hungry to learn and to reconnect with G-d as Jews.
Three things to note here.
Jewishness has more to do with genetic lineage and an awareness of oneself, furtively or not, as a jew. Religion ranks somewhere below both.
The jewish version of history is a one-sided "litany of suffering, continual fear, social, political, professional, and religious suppression and murder" of jews. According to jews, whatever mischief jews get up to the Other gets the blame for it all, including even for jews disguising themselves.
The period jews regard as their "Golden Age" occurred during the Moorish/muslim occupation of Spain. From the perspective of jews, however bad muslims have been, European Christians have always been worse.
Labels: jewish identity, nicolas maduro, venezuela
I already suspected this. Maduro is a well known Sephardic name. I wonder how much they control in Latin America. In Peru they had a certain Salomon Lerner Ghitis as prime minister for a short period in 2011. This "Peruvian businessman and politician" studied in Peru, Mexico and...Israel.
There is also a strong presence of Israelis in Latin America.In Cuba the largest citrus grove cooperative is owned by Israeli politician and intelligence officer Rafi Eitan. Eitan also built the World Trade Center in Havana, and - to complete the picture - a HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL in the same city...
As they say : Jews are everywhere.
And don't forget to mention that Maduro's opponent in the recent Venezuelan election, Henrique Capriles, is also a Jew.
Quite a few of the Maduros arrived in the Americas via Amsterdam. They settled in the Dutch West Indies ie Curacao, Aruba, etc. So they didn't have to hide their Jewishness at all.
Jews dominated the mercantile niche in Spain until the Visigothic invasion displaced them.
As a result Jews brought the Moorish invaders to Spain and opened the gates of Spanish cities for them to massacre the Spanish inhabitants. After the invasion Jews returned to dominating the merchant niche - including the slave trade of both africans and europeans that were sold to the other muslim states.
The Spanish, pushed back to the northern mountains by the initial invasion, slowly reconquered Spain bit by bit - with the Jews always on the opposing side - until the last Moorish fortress fell in 1492.
The inquisition was a response to 800 years of suffering, war and enslavement inflicted on the Spanish by the Jews.
They need to constantly lie about their history to reinforce their group cohesion as ethnic nepotism is the real key to their success.
Also worth noting that the Moorish conqueror's Jewish allies were fleeing the Spanish Reconquista to Portugal just as the Portuguese were starting to explore the oceans. The Jewish slave traders who escaped from Spain resatrted their business by setting up the slave-based sugar plantations on the Portuguese owned islands along the west coast of Africa.
It was from there to the Portuguese colony of Brazil then to the Spanish colonies of Latin America then to the West Indies then finally to the American South that Jews brought the Atlantic slave trade.
The whole story from Moorish invasion in 711 AD onwards is pretty much a hidden history of Jewish slave merchants.
They need to constantly lie about their history to reinforce their group cohesion as ethnic nepotism is the real key to their success.
Yes. Painting themselves (and others) as victims of Whites (for no good reason whatsoever) also serves to corrode White group cohesion.
The whole story from Moorish invasion in 711 AD onwards is pretty much a hidden history of Jewish slave merchants.
Excellent summary.
Re: "Biolgical nature". It can only be seen as a general tendency not an absolute. How else can you explain a non-Jew like George Bush and many of the same types who sit on the Council on Foreign Relations? Also, how is it that Whites, unlike the ancestors centuries ago, have succumbed to Jewish domination? Example: Emile Maurice, assistant to Hitler and one of the founders of the SS. File under, "embarrasing questions".
No one knows for sure how many there really are, however in Brazil alone an estimated 10 to 25% of the total population are Crypto Jews, which translates to 15 to 40 million people.
Does anyone know the source for this assertion? Or have any further info as to how Jewish they really are, by blood?
"Jews wage war by creating and promoting memes that are harmful to the host. Effectively they inject cultural poison into the host. Technology and prosperity made this much easier than it used to be e.g."
Jewish power, by my thinking, has ballooned due to the bureaucratization of society. This allows for small groups of people to control choke-points in all kinds of organizations and institutions. But this was by no means inevitable. NS Germany was an example of a bureaucratic state that turned its powers against Jewry and defeated them easily. (Until the war.) On the other hand, any society that builds state bureaucracies without creating safeguards against Jewry, such as ancient Egypt or modern America, becomes a low-hanging fruit.
What do banking, the media, and public education all have in common in the U.S.? Practically speaking, they are all monopolies. And due to historical circumstance the Jews maneuvered themselves into the choke-points of those monopolies and have wielded them against their enemies.
Organization is the key to group success. It's why the Jews push so furiously to keep whites harassed and disorganized. This is our great "technical problem" as Alex Linder says. How do whites organize themselves when every attempt is either quashed or infiltrated by Jewry? There is no easy answer to this question.
"Dominating media and academia means they can manipulate the host into self-harming while they sit back and laugh."
I disagree. Anti-white propaganda had astonishingly little effect on white societies for decades. Even now, after endless years of programming, a majority of whites continue to self-segregate. Especially from blacks. The REAL effect of media domination has been the suppression of possible opposing views that could rally whites against their own genocide. Whites still oppose it, but they can't articulate that opposition without leadership. No majority in any white society has ever voted for mass non-white immigration or the suppression of its own culture.
P.S. Maduro has recently been reported as saying that he knows the identities of those who voted against him in the recent elections...
"The revelation that Germans of Jewish blood, knowing the Nazi regime for what it was, served Hitler as uniformed members of his armed forces must come as a profound shock. It will surprise even professional historians of the Nazi years." --John Keegan, author of The Face of Battle and The Second World War
"however in Brazil alone an estimated 10 to 25% of the total population are Crypto Jews, which translates to 15 to 40 million people."
"Does anyone know the source for this assertion? Or have any further info as to how Jewish they really are, by blood?"
I don't believe it at all. If Jews were *all* the slave-owners as well as the slave-traders then the descendents of those slaves might carry 20% Jewish DNA in the same way African Americans carry 20% White DNA but i very much doubt they were all the slave owners.
I wouldn't be surprised if 10-25% of the slave-descended population had *some* Jewish blood from their Jewish owners.
This Maduro guy may actually have that ancestry rather than converso getting the surname from the owner.
onwatch said...
"The revelation that Germans of Jewish blood, knowing the Nazi regime for what it was, served Hitler as uniformed members of his armed forces must come as a profound shock. It will surprise even professional historians of the Nazi years." --John Keegan, author of The Face of Battle and The Second World War."
If that is intended as an answer to my question, I hope you realize it's not. Vague statements as you are giving is intended to convey ... what?
I'll also add that people with "Jewish blood" cannot be German. They have to have German blood to be German.
Thus there is no such thing as "Germans *of* Jewish blood."
But what does John Keegan know. :-)
"I wouldn't be surprised if 10-25% of the slave-descended population had *some* Jewish blood from their Jewish owners."
It's similar to Ethiopians having Jewish blood from the time when Jews ran slave-based sugar plantations on the east coast of Africa.
"A great many Jews behave as if they know this perfectly well;"
Yes, it reminds me of things i've read about spies and undercover cops. They need to *believe* their cover story even though they know it's not true so they live on a weird knife-edge of necessary self-deception.
When the jews were expelled from mainland Spain by the Catholic King and Queen Fernando and Isabella they went to Amsterdam which at the time was governed by Spain.
It was the Amsterdam jews that financed the regicide Oliver Cromwell with the aim of reversing the 400 year ban on jews settling in England.
They also financed the accession of William to the English throne in place of the legitimate Catholic king James II. As a consequence of William getting indebted to the jews beacuse of his wars with France a charter for the installation of the Bank Of England was passed by parliament and income tax was installed and the rest as we know is history.
Svigor, what happened to your blog?
onwatch, group identity, and specifically White identity, is indeed both biological AND ideological.
The subtle trick you're playing here, substituting OR for AND, is to gain a concession not just for yourself but for other jews as well. It's the opposite of supporting Whites.
Tan had previously agreed once the city gates are secured, he and his children would walk out of the city to face the wolves without grievance.
"But what does one do to those who are already in the country fighting for the West, as we understand it? These are rare exceptions."
I've never actually heard of a Jew that was on the side of whites. I've known about plenty of Jews that liked to point out how hypocritical other Jews can be. There are plenty of Jewish leftists that take this approach. It doesn't make them pro-white.
"You still haven't refuted my statement that biology is not an absolute (the case of the George Bush type vs. Brother Nathaniel)."
Maybe that's because nobody here has argued for absolute biological determinism...
If you're not arguing "absolute biological determinism" (which you and others have been) than your contradicting your whole argument that ALL jews can never be fighting for the same Western society as you. 2) "For [biological] jews like onwatch it's about what's best for jews like onwatch", you forgot to mention where's the profit (for me) in it?
Go fight somewhere else.
Yes, that's something I can agree with you on. I see you can't answer what I say and, as I've said many times, you guys are talkers, not doers.
Onwatch can always appeal to Israel's "law of return" and settle in the country of his own ethnicity. I understand that before 1948 he would not have that choice and would need to plead for admission in someone's other's country, but now no more. As for "good" Jews and "bad" Gentiles, such examples always exist. The "good" Jews still can go to their own ethno-state, while the "bad" Gentiles can be taken care of by their own people.
An honest mistake regarding Tan; I only recently learned that Maurice was part Jewish (but does that then make him Aryan?). You and others seem desperate to ignore that I fight for the same thing as you in order to fit me into your stereotype of ALL jews. I must admit, though, I am more centered on the history and traditions of the White, European experience in AMERICA--as opposed to Germany (which I greatly admire) than you. But, if it all upsets your stereotype than just think of me as your enemy
And if you'll forgive just one more post, you state Carolyn, "Most of those "1000s of German Jews" were more German than Jew." Yet, previously, "I'll also add that people with "Jewish blood" cannot be German. They have to have German blood to be German". Biologically Jewish, nonetheless. You seem to be contradicting yourself.
"I favor Whites excluding jews based on genetics alone because that seems best for Whites."
I wonder if all nations should have genetic citizenship based on fst distance. Anyone with an fst distance equivalent to 7/8 great-grand-parents would be a prime citizen, anyone 50% and above could be a citizen and anyone below 50% could a guest citizen.
Senior positions in government, media, finance, academia, police, military etc would be reserved for prime citizens.
Going back to the slave-descent idea it makes me wonder if people like Maduro* claiming Converso descent may be a bit like white people in the US past with some black ancestry claiming it was native american?
*Assuming slave-descent is correct. His version of the story might be correct of course.
From: Kevin
That's right, Franklin. We egomorphize; we presume Jews are individualistic like us. That's a recipe for failure.
O/T :
Tan (and others here who might enjoy the task), there are men on this thread trying their best to defend the "suicide meme". It's crying out for a good dose of Age of Treason style butt kicking ;)
Biden spills the beans about da jews in Amerikwa
"You and others seem desperate to ignore that I fight for the same thing as you"
The burden of proof is not upon us to disprove you are on our side.
The burden is upon *you* to prove that you have, in fact, done any damn thing at all to fight for White Americans. What have you done? And coming here and arguing that we pro-Whites ought to fall all over ourselves fretting and worrying about what's good for jews, doesn't count.
"all Jews were not traitors to the Reich"
Taken literally, the above is a lie. It is FALSE to say that all jews weren't traitors -- because some jews WERE in fact traitors.
Of course, jew, you'll lie and say that you just mistated what you meant, and honest White folks will believe you.
But it is an exceedingly jewish trait to deliberately lie, with the lie carefully worded so as to provide plausible deniability when called on it, saying that that's not what you meant.
And I'm not buying it. jews are a verbally facile people and certainly "get" the distinction in meaning between, "Not all jews were traitors"
and, "All jews were not traitors.
You chose the latter phrasing. You lied, and you meant to, jew, as a jew-di mindtrick. Too bad for you, some of us Whites are finally catching on.
Well, I hadn't really intended to comment any more, but since people are still attacking me, well, I always loved a good fight, especially when I'm alone (a trait from my old Communist days, years ago-- I'm "jewish", remember, so pre-disposed to that, you understand).
Barb said, "The burden is upon *you* to prove that you have, in fact, done any damn thing at all to fight for White Americans. What have you done? And coming here and arguing that we pro-Whites ought to fall all over ourselves fretting and worrying about what's good for jews, doesn't count."
I have been a supporter of folks like William Pierce and Rockwell for 20 years and have spoken up about the Jewish threat to any who I thought would listen. In fact, I use to put up the great stickers from the National Alliance, "The world's most endangered species.." up at the college I was at in, of all places, NYC. Seems to have gotten people mad, judging from the attempts to rip them off and scribbling, "racist, heraus".
As for, "arguing that we pro-whites ought to fall all over ourselves fretting...", I never said you should; and, frankly, I don't really give a damn. I will still try to convince people of the Jewish threat to the West; still point to their destruction of White America; and still expose the Holocaust fraud to all who will listen. All I'm saying here is that your wrong if you think all non-Aryans are your enemies. As I stated earlier, the Jews are genetically predisposed to be as they are--but not 100% (probably 99%, from my observations). The proof? Brother Nathaniel is hardly anything but an enemy of World Jewry; as was Benjamin Freedman, years earlier. I remember Duke speaking of Jewish supporters of his campaign, though to what degree they embraced his whole outlook is unclear. And, of course there's myself, who may even be more "radical" than Bro Nathaniel. Could you just imagine the two of us taking up residence in Israel? The question would be, would we still be alive at the end of the week. I am more of an asset to this movement than an Aryan like George Bush (and many millions of de-racinated Whites who will fight against you).
Barb says, "It is FALSE to say that all jews weren't traitors--because some jews WERE in fact traitors". Well, I guess all those 1000s of Jews that fought in the Wehrmacht were, in fact, traitors--according to your logic.
In conclusion, I suppose to answer these criticisms will be called "whining", but, as I said, I comment not for your acceptance of me, but to point to what I see as errors in your thinking. I must also say, despite disagreements with Tan, that he at least leaves his blog comments open to debate ideas that contribute to the restoration of a White, Christian America-- unlike some others.
Onwatch says that maybe 1% of the Jews are "good Jews" and he says he's one of them. Then he offers his services to us and wants to be accepted. But we know that many of such "good Jews" are in fact infiltrators trying to enter a movement and then destroy it from within. So why should we take the risk?
I remember in the days that comments on the Occidental Observer were still allowed, a Jew presented himself who said that he "also hated Blacks" and that he, though Jewish, "had blond hair and blue eyes" and insisted to be accepted. I'm very suspicious of such cases. Infiltration is an age-old Jewish tactic. Besides, we don't need "Jewish intellect", we can think for ourselves.
I comment not for your acceptance of me, but to point to what I see as errors in your thinking.
"Let me in, you stupid goyim!"
The entire thrust of your comments here has been to argue the supposed error in excluding jews, citing yourself as an example. You are deluded about your purpose and who is in error about it.
Allowing you to comment has allowed you to out yourself. It demonstrates the value of even simply discussing the exclusion of jews. It lends support to the argument in favor of exclusion. To prevent infiltration and subversion by jews Whites must learn how to recognize jews, and online especially, a large portion of this requires familiarization with their methods, to always be "on watch".
The lesson is over. Get out.
"In the end, if you are really so much pro-White what you have to do is outbreed."
With an African, of course :)
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