Nothing to do with Race, Nope, No Way

Later I was able to find the original full-color version. According to the source the photo was taken on 6 July 2008. Since then it has apparently bounced around the internets via secret brotha chain email. Sorta like the Obama-is-a-muslim meme and worse have been bouncing around the jewish internets.
Oddly enough I'm not in either social circle, so I didn't see this picture until just now. After searching for it. Doesn't the media usually monitor and report on popular phenomena like this? The full-color image sure does make a dramatic impression. It's Pulitzer material. Why should Whites be shielded from the graphic reality this race is revealing about race? Oh, that's right. We're not supposed to think about race.
Until you read the next headline. And the next. And the next...
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Also from Drudge Wednesday: Shame on McCain and Palin for using an old code word for black:
The "socialist" label that Sen. John McCain and his GOP presidential running mate Sarah Palin are trying to attach to Sen. Barack Obama actually has long and very ugly historical roots.Drudge's headline, "PAPER: 'Socialist' label called 'old code word for black'...", made the any-criticism-of-Obama-is-racism meme transparent enough. The hilarious thing about the article's actual argument is that in the "old days", before reality-twisting honesty-smothering political correctness came to power, nobody used code words for blacks. People spoke plainly and simply said "negro" or "colored" when they meant negro or colored. "Socialist" might be a new code word for blacks, but it isn't an old one.
J. Edgar Hoover, director of the FBI from 1924 to 1972, used the term liberally to describe African Americans who spent their lives fighting for equality.
. . .
McCain and Palin have simply reached back in history to use an old code word for black. It set whites apart from those deemed unAmerican and those who could not be trusted during the communism scare.
On the other hand "socialist", or more precisely "communist", was indeed an old code word for jews. Even as early as 1917 many Whites were afraid of the stigma attached to being called "anti-semite". Many of these Whites, even the ones in government whose job it was to defend us from enemies foreign and domestic, couldn't bring themselves to actually say out loud what they could plainly see with their eyes. That's because their brains knew what would happen to their wallets if they didn't bite their tongues. Just as it works today, only the "social pricing" was not as expensive.
There were men who spoke out anyway. Henry Ford. William Dudley Pelley. Charles Lindbergh. They all paid a price.
By 1972 even presidents dared to express anti-jewish thoughts only in private. Today we're told by our enlightened elite that Nixon was an anti-semite, because he must have been imagining the jewish influence that only an anti-semite can imagine has since become ever more pervasive and obvious. And it's just in our wild imaginations that the country seems to be going down the drain, just as Billy Graham and Nixon feared. But that's just more raving. Here's what's really important:
There's no way to settle whether Nixon was an anti-Semite—not just because you can't peer into someone's soul, but also because there's no litmus test for anti-Semitism. No, Nixon didn't hate all Jews personally, nor did he use unreconstructed Henry Ford-style anti-Jewish appeals—though, of course, virtually no major public figure in the last 50 years has. Yet clearly he thought and spoke of Jews as a group, more or less united in their opposition to him, possessing certain base and malign characteristics, and worthy of his scorn and hatred. You don't have to call that anti-Semitism if you don't want to. But there's no denying it represents a worldview deserving of the strongest reproach.Never mind that you can find in the media virtually every day - without looking hard - opinions expressed about Whites as a group (sometimes coded), as more or less racist and possessing certain other base and malign characteristics, and worthy of scorn and hatred. Never mind that Ford's warning is almost 90 years past, not 50. In jewish minds Ford inspired Hitler to almost exterminate their race just yesterday, and today's rising crescendo of White-bashing from on high isn't a crime at all. It's not even happening. La la la la la. And if it is happening, so what? It's justice. And if you notice any jews bashing away it isn't because they're "deserving of the strongest reproach". No. It's because you're an anti-semite throwback - like Ford, Nixon, Graham, Pelley, Lindbergh, ... Knuckledragging jackbooted ignoramuses one and all.
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Among the things Lindbergh mentioned in Des Moines was how smears and slurs are used to manipulate us. Here's a contemporary example. It concerns Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota who "appeared on Hardball and pounded away at Barack Obama’s associations with his long-time minister, Reverend Jeremiah Wright and bomber Bill Ayers, suggesting that the media should be investigating these associations with very anti-American voices". This prompted Mike Malloy, the former CNN news writer, to say:
She represents a district in Minnesota, she's a Republican of course, and she’s a hatemonger. She’s the type of person that would have gladly rounded up the Jews in Germany and shipped them off to death camps. She’s the type of person who would have had no problem sending typhoid smeared blankets to Native American families awaiting deportation to reservations. She’s the type of person that I’m sure believes that the use of Agent Orange in Vietnam was good and the use of depleted uranium in Iraq served a purpose. This is an evil bitch from hell. I mean, just an absolute evil woman.Note that Malloy implies that Whites who oppose Obama are not just guilty of being "racist", and we're not just guilty of genociding jews and indians. No. Now we're also guilty of genociding the poor vietnamese and iraqis.
Imagine what Whites will be accused of after four years of Change. I bet genociding somalis and latinos will be on the list. Read that link and see how those jews and socialists "fighting for equality" really get around. Somehow racist Whites will get the blame. You can bank on it. In fact you can build a Rube Goldberg-style business based on loaning somebody else's money to other somebodies you know will never repay while collecting a fat fee and selling the loans to other somebodies who will get screwed later. When that plays out you can get your distant relative in the government to "rescue" you with more money from some other people, so you can get out of that old used-up business and into another. Cha-ching.
If that "getting" and "making" stuff of Ford's is starting to make sense it's either because you're a loser who needs a non-White scapegoat to blame, or because it makes sense.
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Such is the fruit of 60+ years of pretending race doesn't matter. Tastes a bit fecal, doesn't it?
Labels: barack obama, black, charles lindbergh, henry ford, juan mccain, politics, race, richard nixon, sarah palin, william dudley pelley
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She’s the type of person who would have had no problem sending typhoid smeared blankets to Native American families awaiting deportation to reservations.
Sort of blurring the narrative and distorting facts.
Wasn't it smallpox?
Wasn't the germ theory of disease discovered a few hundred years after the alleged act of biological warfare was perpetrated?
Weren't Indian reservations also a couple hundred years after the "invasion?"
DJ - biological warfare has been used for centuries without the science. (ie, Poisoning drinking water with dead carcasses). More on smallpox:
But, facts are meaningless in politics. All that matters is saying something to fire up the troops. So now Obama's teflon shield grows stronger and farther reaching to include phraseology that can be "interpreted" as racist or divisive. And as usual, nothing sticks to teflon - it wasn't the Obama camp outraged by the "socialist" moniker - but the micro media.
And of course labeling people as racist, black-booted nazis does not bear any scorn or punishment. I guess they deserve a medal from the thought police regardless of whether the moniker was deserved.
Some one pass another blanket with smallpox.
Why are blankets with smallpox from 150+ years ago more significant than the melamine and other toxic crap in our imported goods right now?
How is importing alien refugee diversity from the other side of the globe and plopping them down in the most "hideously white" portions of middle America not genocide?
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