The Disconnect

Here is my comment to Vanishing American's question about the disconnect he sees:
Many are aware but silent. They see problems all around them but don't associate them with immigration. Or don't want to be called racist for noticing. Or consider the danger of speaking out to outweigh the value (for themselves).I also use my blog to gather important links. I recently added several links to smaller blogs focused on the threat of immigration. Among these are Vanishing American, Western Survival, Katie's Dad 2.0, Saber Point, and Old Atlantic Lighthouse.
The disconnect is in the media. Not only do they not report the many ill consequences of immigration, they're constantly telling the public how wonderful it is, and that if you disagree you must be deranged (xenophobic/racist/conspiracist).
I'm a well-educated political independent who pays attention to current events. Yet until 2005 they had me snowed. I just focused on my work and figured if there was a really serious threat the media and govt would discuss and deal with it.
What I didn't account for was the absolute control the leftist-liberal worldview has on our education, media, and politics. They don't think erasing our borders and replacing our population with one from the 3rd world is a "threat". Hell, they're actively planning and implementing it.
That's the disconnect. They're are plenty of people who see the threat. And there are plenty of people who will profit from it. The media tells the former "you're crazy and alone", and tells the latter "you are the new majority".
You might consider some of these nativist or bigoted or racist. At this point I couldn't care less what mindless slurs people throw. More and more I find those derided by our media as "haters" are the ones speaking the truth. Meanwhile they elevate the true haters to saintly status for their religion's "peace" or their ethno-centric "family values" they brought with them when they jumped our border to demand their rights.
Many of the links above came directly or indirectly from reading Lawrence Auster. Unlike our supposedly brave all-knowing watchdog media and our supposedly fair and intelligent politicians Auster actually comes out day after day with truly insightful, brave, logical, independent analysis. His view makes much more sense than the leftist-liberal mindset that currently permeates our popular culture and political thought. He (and the small blogs linked above) regularly point out things that expose our leaders as, at best, ideological hacks lost in muddled thoughts and false pretenses.
Labels: immigration, old atlantic lighthouse, vanishing american
You’re very much right. I think everyone who comes over to the traditionalist Right ends up having somewhat the same experience. Many of my family members won’t even have a rational discussion with me on these issues. They aren’t far left, they just buy into the media portrayal of traditionalists as conspiracy theorists who have fallen under the spell of someone strange. What’s amazing is that the “conspiracies” are quite open, if you just know where to look for information about the leading politicians. But I suppose many people don’t think there’s anything weird when candidates are addressing the likes of La Raza. They just think of it like pandering to any other lobby. It doesn’t occur to them that they ought to oppose it.
I hope you will keep sharing your ideas at Vanishing American’s website. By the way, Vanishing American is a “she” – as all her readers found out to our great surprise last month!
What is amazing to me is so many people do not study the history of immigration in our country before they make their judgement.
Study the Immigration laws of 1924. You see these exclustionary laws were put in place to keep out and limit the number of Southern and Eastern European immigrants. Yet, at the same time, the northern Europeans wanted the Hispanic Immigrants from South of the border because they were accomodating and easy to control. They could send them back when the work was done.
Why don´t you know this? Why do you pass judgement on people when you don´t study history? Xenophobes are such dolts!!
john savage: I enjoy your writing. You're right. The brazen disregard for law and logic by the open borders "conspiracy" has opened my eyes and shattered my illusions.
dee: The precedent you cite supports the case for the US being able to set whatever immigration policies it wants. What's good for our country is up to us to decide. It's not up to invaders or their ethnocentric sympathizers. And despite your powers to read long dead minds the invaders apparently aren't so accommodating or easy to control.
ff: The corporatists influence mostly the politicians. I blame them both in other writings making other points. The Disconnect here is the public being misled by our media's bias - their whitewashing of the Noble Savage invasion. Are you disputing that MSM journalists are overwhelmingly left-liberal? I don't even find it surprising that their worship of Noble Savages trumps their usual need to report on the sins of "corporatists". On this issue they're on the same side: wide open borders.
Here's something else the MSM (including limbaugh, hannity, o'reilly, levin, prager, etc.) never talk about:
According to the Census Bureau, minorities under five years old make up 45% of the population. This means that, with current immigration and birth rates, Whites will be a minority in their own country in about 20 years. Even if immigration is stopped now, dead cold, Whites will still be a minority within 40 years -- in your children's lifetimes. What a legacy you liberals have left. You will have given away our, our children's, and our forefathers' country. The invaders are still going to have our country, plus still retain their own. The inevitable group squabbling here and the increased power there can only lead to one thing: the disintegration of the republic (what's left of it) and the rise of a "strong man."
These are the facts. Look at the the US Census site, and at, run the numbers and see for yourself.
A contender for the understatement of the year might be, "Our politicians and media have been lying to us!"
No argument here. I feel like an idiot.
I was just turned on to your site by a friend of mine. It's very good, thank you for taking the time to write. It is nice to find one more reasonable man out there.
I'm posting because I saw this:
"Here's something else the MSM (including limbaugh, hannity, o'reilly, levin, prager, etc.) never talk about:
According to the Census Bureau, minorities under five years old make up 45% of the population. This means that, with current immigration and birth rates, Whites will be a minority in their own country in about 20 years. Even if immigration is stopped now, dead cold, Whites will still be a minority within 40 years -- in your children's lifetimes. What a legacy you liberals have left. You will have given away our, our children's, and our forefathers' country. The invaders are still going to have our country, plus still retain their own. The inevitable group squabbling here and the increased power there can only lead to one thing: the disintegration of the republic (what's left of it) and the rise of a "strong man."
This is a copy and paste of one of my posts at a few months ago! Although it would have been nice to receive the credit, I'll be satisfied with the knowledge that my comments were impressive. Now, if our fellow Whites were willing to admit and discuss this frightening fact, we'd be able to make some progress toward preventing our dispossession.
Robert ap Richard
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